30 Inspirational Quotes All Women Should Hear To Build Self Confidence
Sometimes we need some strong words of encouragement to help us sail through our hardships. Here are 30 Inspirational quotes for women.
Jul 25, 2018

The Power of Powerful Words
Confidence is the prettiest ornament a woman can wear. A woman oozing of confidence has almost half of her battle won. The right attitude, words, and approach can help anyone cross mountains. But sometimes, circumstances, people, and destiny become very challenging. In such tough times, it is challenging to sail through smoothly and to keep the fire of hope burning in our hearts. We, as women, need to be strong for our families. It is easy to give in and back down from challenging situations. But a strong woman is one who keeps her head straight, and confidence soaring high and manages to sail through the toughest of storms.
Experienced men and women from the past have considered women the stronger gender and have come up with some powerful and inspirational quotes that empower women all over. Years of experience and a hard life have taught them some wonderful facts about women and life. These inspirational quotes encourage women to continue ahead with strength. These powerful quotes not only lift your spirits but teach you that life is a struggle. These quotes teach us that persistence is the key to achieving your goals in life.
Setbacks in life are normal and routine. Sometimes, your plans do not work out, or you face heavy losses in business, while some other times, you may be upset over being rejected by someone you care about. Life is never a bed of roses, and such things happen all the time. During such hard times, you need the power of some strong words to give you the push you need.
No matter what you go through, there will be a powerful and time-tested life quote that you can take inspiration from. Such quotes give you a boost in your struggles. All these quotes have been penned by people who have been in similar circumstances and yet managed to achieve success.
These 30 quotes below have been written to encourage women in hard times.
Quotes of Encouragement for Her
There are some quotes which encourage a woman to continue life's journey with a smile on her face as you never know what destiny has in store for you.
"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein
A beautiful quote by Albert Einstein, this one gives one immense encouragement. Women need to know that opportunity knocks at the craziest of times and at times when it is tough to even consider it as a good opportunity. Clever is one who manages to see the opportunity at the right time and use it productively. Difficult situations, at times, can turn profitable in an instant, if you keep your mind clear and heart hopeful. It is natural to feel dejected and heart-broken in difficult times, but you have to remember that a greater opportunity might be lurking around the corner and that this difficult period is just a signal for a change in life.
“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.” - Unknown
A very impactful quote, this one is meant for all the women who have families and friends. A woman is capable of immense love, comfort, and tenderness. This care and tenderness when rendered to a heart-broken person, can completely heal the heart. A woman must remember that everyone faces failures at some point in their lives. A real woman would not only approach this person with words of encouragement but will leave his or her side with the person feeling hopeful and happy about the future. A comforting and hopeful word of encouragement during the failure is more impactful than hours and hours of praise after a person has got success.
“Press on – nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge
A powerful message for those who feel that they can achieve anything in their world with their talent or genius mindset. Your talent will become weak one day, and your mind will stop thinking some day creatively if you are not persistent in your practice or are not determined for your goals. These two qualities alone can help you cross mountains. Self-confident men and women are numerous in this world but those who also keep on practicing their skills on a regular basis will surely see success one day. There are many unrewarded genius women in this world. They did not rise high and shine through because somewhere in the middle they gave up and were not determined enough.
“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.” – Donald Trump
Donald Trump may not be everyone's favorite, but he sure has given us some golden words to help us keep going in life. You need to plan your life well. You need to move forward with an aim in life, live for your goal, plan the way you are going to reach your goal and be constantly on the run. Someday, surely, your efforts will pay off. God helps those who help themselves. Just by sitting and waiting for an opportunity to knock at your door will get you nowhere. You need to change your attitude in life and think about higher achievements. Once you reach the top, all your efforts will pay off beautifully, and it is then that you can proudly say that yours was a life well lived.
Encouragement Quotes Which Give Her Hope
The good times and bad times are part and parcel of life. That which is today will no longer be there tomorrow. Sometimes when life throws us lemons, we need to make lemon juice out of it and enjoy the lemons. There are some wonderful quotes which teach a strong woman to be hopeful in life. Always remember that 'Change is the only thing permanent in life.'
“It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever – the one who recognizes the challenges and does something about it.” – Vince Lombardi
A profound quote, this one is a message for all of us to learn to appreciate those who work hard. We need to acknowledge the efforts of others and give credit to their achievements. This will not only make us more human and more emphatic towards others but will also instill the appreciation for similar virtues in our own-self. We automatically get wired to work hard ourselves to achieve our goals. Jealousy and criticizing will get us nowhere in life and will make us very shallow in life. It takes a considerable amount of patience and hard work to reach one's goals in life, and we need to appreciate and applaud those who are successful.
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Hellen Keller
A powerful quote for a struggling woman, this one teaches her to go on in life. The quote preaches that only through immense struggle, pain, rejection, trial, and suffering, one can reach one's goal in life. The route to success was never easy, and those whose ambitions were stronger can only make it to their goals. They will experience a lot of hardships in the way and will find themselves more mature, stronger and successful in the end.
“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” ~ Melissa Etheridge
For a woman who is feeling helpless and rejected in life, you need to remember that 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.' You need to make your soul beautiful. The real man will have the power to look beyond your looks right into your beautiful soul. You do not need the camouflage of a beautiful skin or face to appear appealing to the world. You are beautiful just the way you are and even more powerful than you can ever assume yourself to be.
“Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams!” ~ Gabby Douglas
Quotes for Her on Power
If a woman feels powerful from the inside, she can achieve powerful things in the world. Circumstances and events in life, at times, make us feel helpless and weak. But it is during such phases; a woman needs to be strong. She needs to be strong to hold her family together and give strength and support to her family members. Below are some inspirational quotes on power which a woman should read to make her feel strong and hopeful.
“The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be, so you can create a better world.” ~ Ashley Rickards
In today's world of makeup and false facades, this quote comes as a breath of fresh air. It focuses on letting the real you come face to face with the world. You do not need to be sugary sweet to impress anyone nor do you need to cover yourself in layers of makeup to look beautiful. Be proud and confident of your looks and personality, and a real man will appreciate you for what you are. Do not let people or circumstances intimidate you. Show the world your real and beautiful self. You have the power to let go of your negative qualities. You have the potential to be a good human being. If every woman practices this every day, the world would be a better place.
“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
This quote is for those who underestimate the power of a woman and even for those women who are not too sure of their capabilities. A woman is a very powerful creation of God. She may not be more powerful than a man physically, but her mental strength is much more than that of a man's. A woman will know of her capabilities only when circumstances arise. Just as a tea bag shocks us with its bright hue and aromatic flavor the moment it gets into hot water; a woman shows her real capabilities and strengths when the need arises.
Encouragement Quotes for Her in Challenging Times
Challenging times in a woman's life are enough to break her and depress her forever. It is at such moments when she needs to read some powerful and inspirational quotes which help her deal with her struggles with a better mind set. Although these quotes do not solve her problems, they help her look at her troubles in a new light.
“This too shall pass.” – Persian Sufi Poets
A woman who is aware of this knows that nothing is permanent in life. All your struggles and problems will come to an end someday in life. Nothing is forever. As your good days did not last long, in the same way, your bad days will end too. Life is a circle. If a woman is hopeful of her happy future and brighter days, she knows that these troubled times will pass. A woman with such wisdom becomes the only guiding light for her family during such struggles.
“Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it by use.” ~ Ruth Gordo
Courage only becomes stronger with use. The more you face life's problems with courage, the more courageous you become in life. In years to come, you become stronger and more mature at handling things and various situations. Beautifully put in the quote, as your muscles become stronger with use, so does courage. You become more confident of yourselves and can face the tough times with ease and better wisdom.
Encouraging Quotes for a Fearless Woman
A fearless woman is one who is not scared of the challenges life throws in front of her. She handles them with strength and great wisdom. A woman who is not fearful of the problems lying ahead in life and who is only dependent on her hard work in life will not get afraid of any unpleasant situation cropping up in life. These wonderful quotes teach a woman to be fearless and bold in the face of any crisis.
“You have what it takes to be a victorious, independent, fearless woman.” ~ Tyra Banks
Any woman can be victorious, independent and fearless. A woman has extensive capabilities to thrive in any circumstances in life and come out victorious. Never let yourself feel down or less confident of your virtues. You are no less than anyone in this world. If you are confident of yourself, nothing in the world can make you feel low or let you down. These three virtues of being victorious, independent and fearless suit you to perfection because you have all that it takes to get them.
“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.” ~ Louisa May Alcott
A beautiful quote by Louisa May Alcott, this one oozes of encouragement and power for those women whom life have not treated too kindly. Such women need to remember that no storms can weaken you or defeat you if you learn to sail your ship with expertise. In life, do not be afraid of the shortcomings, criticism, failure or rejection. Such things are bound to come. What you need to learn is to get your way quickly across such negativity and shine out bright. Storms come and go in everyone's life. Those who sail through smoothly can achieve anything in life. In life, be prepared for anything as you never know what destiny has in store for you.
Encouragement Quotes that Tell Her to Celebrate Her Womanhood
Women are often let down by men or not considered equal to them. All around the world and especially in backward communities, women are looked down upon, not given equal rights and even ill-treated by men and women superior to them. Women today need to know that times are changing. They need to fight for their rights, walk shoulder to shoulder with men and most importantly, be proud of their feminism.
Feminism is to be celebrated. Feel happy that you are a woman; you have the capability of giving birth. You are far more superior to men. These encouragement quotes below will inspire you to appreciate yourself and be thankful that you are born as a woman.
“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” ~ Byron Katie
A very ironic statement, this one focuses on the importance of self-love. How do you expect someone to love you when you do not love you. Loving yourself the most is going to make you happy. Stop sacrificing your happiness and life for the sake of others. Be your own lover as no one can love you the way you can. Loving yourself is not being selfish. There is a thin line between being selfish and having self-respect. Choose the latter, and you will be a happy woman.
“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.” ~ Margaret Thatcher
We might have all at some point in our lives, marveled at the perfectionism and reliability of a woman, be it your mother, sister or wife. Women are God-gifted. The Creator has created them in such a way that they can get things done. Their brains are wired that they can get any task done. While a man can provide money for food, it is a woman who converts this money into food. In the traditional sense of this proverb, you might argue that times are changing and that both the spouses share equal responsibilities now, but the basic impact of the proverb remains. It is a woman who can get a task done.
“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” ~ Madeleine Albright
For all those women who have always hidden behind the four walls of their houses and for all the women who have been dominated by others in their life, this encouraging quote will help you rise and shine. Get up, speak up and demand your rights. Do not let anyone dominate you or dictate your life. Your life is only yours to live, and none has a right to say what you should wear, how you should live or where you should speak up. It is your life, and you can live the way you want to. You, go girl!!
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” ~ Diane Mariechild
Women have been regarded as superior to men in many ancient tribes of the world. Some people did understand that these soft beings have more mental and physical strength than men. They are meant to be treated with equal rights and utmost appreciation. The Creator chose a woman's body to be able to give birth because she can nurture and transform people. Right from giving birth to nurturing the baby into a fully grown-up man or woman to ensuring that he or she becomes a competent individual, a woman can do all. She is a full circle. As it is said, 'God cannot be everywhere, and so he created mothers.'
Encouragement Quotes That Make Her Feel Confident
There are some quotes which give you the immediate boost and supplement when you are feeling low and less energetic in your life journey towards your goal. Such quotes serve as essential vitamins which boost your enthusiasm and help you fight harder and with more passion.
“Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey, the woman who has enchanted millions with her passion, persona, perseverance, and philosophy, had a very abusive childhood. Today, she is considered one of the most successful American Talk show host, CEO of her own company and an author. In one of her inspiring speeches, she said that you have to forget about the shorter lane or, the faster lane to success. There is no shortcut to success. She said that if one really wants to fly high and achieve the skies, you will have to cling to your own talent and make it your passion. Success comes to those who are passionate about themselves. Focus on your own talent as each one has a separate talent and area of interest. Success is inevitable.
Encouragement Quotes For Her If She Feels She Is Not Beautiful
The world is a sucker for good looks, and there is no denying this. But there are examples of innumerable women who have managed to gain popularity with their hard work and knowledge. If a woman feels that she is not very beautiful or has been made fun of because of her looks, these quotes below will help her give her life a new meaning. There is more to life than good looks. These looks do not last long, but your knowledge, attitude, and virtues last forever.
“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” ~ Melissa Etheridge
A lovely quote for a woman who feels that she is not gifted with good looks, this quote forces the woman to look deep within herself for better qualities. Qualities, talent, and virtues which are much more worthy than good looks. A woman need not transform her looks to try and appear beautiful to the society. Be as you are and be confident about yourself. Seek knowledge as knowledge is power.
“I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” ~ Emma Stone
A woman oozing with confidence and wearing a happy smile is much more beautiful than a woman who is beautiful but unsure of her looks or egoistic. Be yourself and be sure of your actions. If you ooze of confidence, your inner charisma reflects on the outside covering up all your flaws and making you look beautiful. Appreciate yourself for whatever looks you have been gifted with. If you love yourself, the world will love you too. You can look glamorous and elegant without any fashionable wear if you are confident in yourself. Have the correct body language and speak your mind. You will appear beautiful to the world.
Encouragement Quotes Which Motivate Her to Go On
Sometimes, in life, you come across incidents and situations when you need a boost, a motivation, and a push to go on. Tough times come in everyone's life, and it is easy to give up midway. Inspirational quotes during such situations, give us the much-needed supplement to go on in our journey as success is waiting at the other end of the road.
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” ~ Ayn Rand
This bold quote speaks of a great attitude in life. Do not be afraid of anything. If you feel what you are doing is right, then nothing can ever stop you. Ayn Rand came up with this powerful and inspirational quote in one of her powerful speeches. She also said that a creative man is motivated by a desire to achieve and not by his desire to defeat others. A proper mindset and a focus on your goals will definitely give you success in life. A daring attitude as this one will not stop you from getting what you desire.
“Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” ~ Ingrid Bergman
The thin line of difference between both these statements is the very reason why many successful people become a victim of depression today. If you measure success and happiness on a beam balance, happiness definitely has a more significant advantage than success. Be happy and content with what you get. While there is no harm in dreaming big and working hard for it, one should go ahead step by step and be practical in their desires. Be content with what you have in life, set targets for a little more and work hard towards it. Success, when achieved step by step, gives happiness all along the way.
Encouragement Quotes for Her to get a Carefree Attitude
A successful woman may have a lot of jealous people trailing behind her. These people are continually speaking ill about you, your success and are always on the lookout for some mistakes that you might commit. Read these encouragement quotes below to get a carefree attitude in life.
“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” ~ Coco Chanel
A very bold statement made by the fashionista of Hollywood, Coco Chanel, this one is sure to take in and make it a way of our lives. This attitude needs to be embedded deep into our minds so that we stop getting affected by what the world is thinking or speaking about us. Half of the steps in the world today are not taken, and half of the thoughts are not formed into actions only because of the fear that what would the world say. Develop a carefree attitude in life and do not care about what the world will think about you.
“No matter what you look like or think you look like you’re special and loved and perfect just the way you are.” ~ Ariel Winter
A woman who is not happy with her looks and always looks upon other better-looking women should remember that she is the world and the best looking woman for her children and husband. She needs to appreciate herself the way she is and make the best of what has been given to her. Looks is something that none can change and one who boasts of their good looks or belittles someone for their bad looks is the greatest fool on earth. Every woman is perfect and special for her family, and she should in return give the highest priorities to them.
Encouragement Quotes on Taking Risks
Inspirational quotes on taking risks teach you that there is no success without taking risks.
“And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk more.” ~ Erica Jong
There is no such game as safe-playing. Without taking any sort of risks, you cannot achieve anything, You can reduce the level of taking risks, but you have to move. Without taking risks, you risk the chance of your winning completely. You risk all the victory, love, support and respect you could have had if you had taken the first risk. Do not be afraid of taking risks. Do your homework well but at the same time, be prepared for the worst.
Quotes That Teach Her All About Success
Below are some inspirational quotes which teach a woman all about success. A short-lived success is not achieved by hard work but only by deceit or a sheer stroke of fate. Such success does not last long and makes you fall with a bigger bang. These inspirational quotes teach you that you need to put in considerable efforts to get success.
“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” ~ Estée Lauder
Success achieved with oodles of hard work and perspiration stays by your side for quite some time. If you keep dreaming about being successful, without putting in the required efforts, that success will be limited to your dreams only. You need to get up, get there and toil and put in hours of hard work, take in rejection, rise from failure and only then will you see success.
“Not knowing you can’t do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it.” ~ Ally Carter
Never feel that you cannot do something. If you are confident about yourself, then you will definitely figure out a way to do that something and get your thing done. Feeling or knowing that you cannot do something is enough to put your morale down. Appreciate yourself for your talents and hard work and do whatever you think is right. Somewhere along the lane, either you will know that you need to change your ways or you will finally have that long-awaited success.
Encouragement Quotes for a Strong Woman
Read these below-mentioned inspirational quotes if you feel you are a strong woman and need that little boost to continue with what you are doing.
“Don’t be the girl who fell. Be the girl who got back up.” ~ Jenette Stanley
Do not try and crave sympathy for your losses, instead, let the world know you by your failure and success afterward. This will bring a more significant impact on your success and hard-earned progress.
“Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.” – Margaret Thatcher
Do not think that a soft-hearted woman cannot run a country. If a woman is capable of running her household so well, she definitely has greater skills in the running the whole country efficiently. Never underestimate a woman, instead, appreciate her and educate her, for tomorrow, she is the future of the world.
A man needs to appreciate his woman, his daughter, and his mother. A woman also needs to admire other women. Everyone needs to appreciate the talents of a strong and confident woman. A strong and confident woman is capable of changing the face of the nation. A confident woman can transform a life and can transform the whole world. Believe in the power of women. These inspirational quotes mentioned-above give us a greater insight into the amazing capabilities of a woman.
As women, we all need a little encouragement and inspirational insights from time to time. Find a quote that speaks volumes to the situations in your life - so that you can always hold your head up high, walk away proud, and see all the good you offer!