25 Effective Ways To Remove Negative Energy From Your Home
Here are some effective ways to remove negative energy from your home without much effort and inviting positive energy around.
Jul 24, 2018

25 Ways To Remove Negative Energy From Your Home
World is dual; the good and the bad, the yin and the yang, they all exist simultaneously. The negative energies also exist with the positive energies. You may start feeling depressed all of a sudden, you feel tired, and you start feeling ill and worry for no reason. There are many signs like these that keep telling you about the presence of negative energy around you. However, most of the times, you never really figure out what is the reason and no one really relate it to the presence of negative energy. It takes a little study and concentration to know why, when and how it is happening. Once you figure it out, you will also know how to get rid of these negative energies. You feel most safe and secure at your home. It is the place where you spend time relaxing and rejuvenating after a hectic day. But have you ever thought there can be negative energies hidden in your home? If your home has negative energies loaded in it, it can have tangible impact on your health and emotions, your body and mind as well. You can’t see it but you can certainly feel it. These negative energies often reflect in your inner emotional status. There must be some instances where you must have entered the room and it must have felt a bit off or wrong. Something you couldn’t put a finger on. You just feel some negative vibes. Something small, but hard not to notice! This indicates that there is some negative energy residing in your house that needs to be removed. It means you need to do something to increase positivity. These energies can derail your dreams, demean your values, lower your imagination, reduce your confidence and dampens your abilities. It can also adversely affect your body and mind, making you ill or making you feel anxious, upset or angry. Thus will in turn increase the negative energy around you! They can also lead to disturbances in your relationships and families and even causes conflicts among the members of your family, thus hiking up the level of stress and anxiety. We all know that positive and negative exists in parallel, but it is important that you restrict the level of negative energy in your home for a happier life, healthy mind and body. Positive energy is abundant in nature and mostly because it is isolated from people’s thoughts. Thoughts are energy. The energy of these thoughts attaches themselves to the objects near the origin of the thoughts. Hence, it is often said to think positive. Energy from the negative thoughts like anger, fear, pain etc are stronger and remains longer than the energy from positive thoughts like love, peace, happiness etc. There are many ways through which you can remove and keep these negative energies away from your home. You will find many articles on how to know if negative energy is present in your home and how to get rid of them. Here we are discussing the 25 most effective ways to remove negative energy from your home.
Fresh Air And Sunlight Reduce Negative Energy
The wonderful and strong energy of nature will make you feel comfortable and good. Also, you can stand near the open window in the morning, soaking the sunlight in your body. It will relieve you of depression and anxiety and providing Vitamin D. And don’t forget to shake your pillows and sheets while your windows and doors are open so that all the negative energies in them also go out of your windows. And always dry your wet clothes in sunlight. Sunlight is a source of positive energy. It washes away all the negativity and energies related to it from the space. It is more like someone has poured a cold pure mountain stream onto the sponge. It rinses the sponge of anything that the sponge has ever collected. You never feel depressed after a long day at beach, do you?
Burn Some Incense To Remove Negative Energy
Burning fragrant incense has been a spiritual and meditation practice for a long time. So, try it at home as well. The key lies in How to do it though, which is very essential! It will not only make your home smell good but will also elevate the level of energy and positivity. You can pick any fragrant like Sandal, Parijat, rose etc. However, nag Champa is the best if used in a clean home, especially for meditation. Its properties create calm and serene atmosphere and drives negative energies away. This is one of the easiest ways how to get rid of the negative energy in the home and inviting positivity with little effort.
Remove Broken Furniture To Get Rid Of Negative Energy
In every house, there are one or two pieces of furniture that are broken and needed to be replaced or repaired. You might have been thinking of getting it repaired, but you shouldn’t delay that. They are not worth holding on to. This broken furniture is the best example for how to invite negative energy around you and in your home, and we don’t want that, do we? Either repair them quickly or remove them from your house. They shelter negative energy in them, thus holding this energy in your home. This has been confirmed by Anjie Cho, the expert and founder of Feng Shui and holistic living.
The Orange Essential Oils Remove Negative Energy
Have you ever thought of smiles and sunshine after smelling the orange? If yes, then you are not the only one. The orange essential oil not only uplifts your mood but also clears the negative energy from your house and around you. You can either use the spray of orange essential oil or use it in a diffuser. This is an effective and wonderfully fragrant way of how to get rid of the negative energy from your home and keep your mind and body feeling fresh and healthy without much effort.
Declutter Your Space To Remove Negative Energy
Many of us have been through this experience of feeling good after cleaning up the space and feeling tired after looking at the clutter. There is a reason behind it. Objects retain a lot of energy in them and have the capacity of blocking our path forward physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Hence, never allow any corner or space in your house be cluttered. Clear them up immediately. This way you will drive the negative energy away from your house.
Remove Negative Energy With Sage
This has been a very old practice of getting rid of negative energy from the house, especially among the Native Americans. Sage is the most popular herb used for smudging the house and removing the negative energy. When the sage is burned, it releases negatively charged ions, spreading them in the air. This neutralizes the negativity in your house. These ions also improve the clarity of mind, your happy sense and your body feeling rejuvenated by the increasing positivity around you. Sage, additionally, possesses the relaxing and soothing aroma that is good for the emotions. Sage sticks are easily available in the market or you could make your own sage bundle. Dry a bunch of sage springs in the sun and then tie them together with a string or twine. They are ready to be used. To use this herb, first make sure you have a clean house with all the doors and windows open. Now, burn the rolled sage stick in a fireproof box for collecting the embers and ashes. Delicately fan it with your hands or feathers. Now, start cleansing yourself. Fan the smoke lightly from top to bottom into your body. Then swirl it into the circular motion and walk around your house. Concentrate on the corners, walls, floors and ceilings. Always stand on the left of your room while smudging it. While you are doing this, say positive things and positive affirmations for promoting positivity. When you are done, keep the sage in the open space outside your house and let it burn. You can also use pine, lavender, cedar, sweet grass and other aromatic herbs for smudging.
Remove Negative Energy By Intentional Loud Clapping
It is the simplest and by far the easiest way how to remove negative energy from your home. Clapping loudly releases vibrations along with the sound that assists in breaking up the patterns and dispersing of negative energy. Clear and loud sounds are the powerful cleansing procedures for removing the negative energy from your home. The noise of thunderstorms, the sounds of bells and fireworks also does the task. So, walk around your home, clapping loudly for getting rid of the negative energy. Focus on the shelves, corners, stairs and space under it and remember, your clapping should be crisp and loud. Don’t clap sluggishly and heavily as it indicates negativity. You can also use Tibetan bowls, chimes, bells or drums for removing the negative energy from your home.
Remove Negative Energy With Plants
This is another easy way of removing the negative energy from your home. Living plants can do wonders. Nature has provided us with many herbs that not only livens up our house and keeps the air fresh but also drives negative energy away. It also creates balance between your inner connection and the world and benefitting your mind and body. There are several plants that you can put inside different rooms for enhancing positive vibes and to remove the negative energy from around. You can use money plant, sage, lucky bamboo, peace lily, orchid, basil, aloe vera, jasmine and rosemary. And, you have to religiously take care of these plants once you have placed them. Always get rid of the dried, drying and dead parts of the plants for protecting them from damage. If the plant dies, remove it as soon as you can. Else, they will carry the negative energy back in your home. Plants offer positive energy as they are alive and since they can’t think like worrying about jobs or relationships or bills etc, so they don’t put out any negative thoughts as well. House plants just need a little looking after them. They also add to the beauty of your interior along with providing fresh air. So, use plants to remove negative energy from your home.
How To Use Saffron To Get Rid Of Negative Energy
Saffron is another very effective way to remove the negative energy from your home. According to the Tibetan tradition, the smell of saffron is powerful and has the ability to remove the negative energy. For this process, spread out the smooth smell of saffron around your home for driving the evil energies out of your house. Sprinkle a little amount of saffron at the entrance of your house when the sun sets. It is more like an invitation to the positive energy in this moment of transfer of day to night. The bright and fresh color of the spice helps in improving the spiritual purity of your home. Also, you can mix some saffron strings in clean water and sprinkle the water in every corner of your house, or in the areas where you want purity. The purer your house is, the lesser gets the chances of this negative energy invading your home again.
Use Crystals
Some crystals and precious stones are very effective in removing the negative energy from your body and home. They are capable of emitting strong vibrations that breaks down and removes bad energies from your home and around you and fill it with positive energies. It can also fight against negative thoughts and emotions in you. Crystals are more powerful than we actually know of them. Black tourmaline is a popularly used crystal and you should put in your house as well. If you put it near entrance, it will prevent the negative energy from entering the house. When pout in the center of the house, it repels and drives these bad energies out from your house. You can also use smoky quartz, hematite, rose quartz, amethyst, jet, apache tear, black obsidian and black onyx. Don’t forget to clean the crystal at least once a week. Place then in the small bowl of clean and filtered water and let them dry under the sun for three to four hours. And then they are ready to be used again. You don’t even have to do anything and these crystals will take care of keeping your house protected from the negative energy.
Remove Negative Energy With A Mirror
Mirrors are a great option and a wonderful way of removing negative energy from your home. They are capable of sprucing up your space as they make the light bounce around your house and making the darker corners filled with light, brighter and spacious. Beautifully framed mirror contributes to an amazing flair to your wall and makes your room look more open and bigger.
Essential Oils
These are another useful way of removing negative energy from your house. They carry a powerful aroma that has the capability of to disperse bad energy, refreshing your home naturally and inviting positive energy in your house and life. Essential oils have many medicinal benefits as they contain antibacterial and antiviral that make your house healthy and fresh naturally. You can use different types of essential oil like sweet orange, lavender, lemon, rose, sage and peppermint. You can make a spray by adding spring water or normal clean water into a spray bottle and adding 20 to 35 drops of essential oil to it. Now spray it in the air in the corners, doors and windows of the house. You should use it once a week or whenever you feel like.
Sea Salt
It is another widely used wonderful way of removing negative energy from your house. Sea salts release negative ions in the air thus creating the positive vibes. Mix several spoons of the sea salt in a glass of warm water and stir until the salt is dissolved completely. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray it around in your house. Alternatively, you can also sprinkle small amounts of these salts around your house, especially in the southwest and northeast facing corners. Keep it overnight and then discard the salt outside your house. You can also add the sea salt in your bathtub filled with warm water for purifying your body and soak in it for 15 to 25 minutes.
Rearrange Your Furniture
Negative energies look for objects that help it in remaining around. Hence, it is an easy and wonderful way of rearranging your furniture and decorations of the room. It will get rid of the bad energies in your house. Be sure to rearrange your furniture and change the decorations of the house at least once a month. Put them in an open space while rearranging them and till you find the most rational decoration. Don’t keep the damaged or broken furniture of decoration items and give away the ones you are no longer using. These are the things that give the negative energy place to stay in your house.
Cleaning removes negative energies
Always keep your house clean for keeping the negative energies away. Keep your floor clean and your corners clutter free. Make sure your furniture is dust free and your ceilings are free of webs. The dirt and the clutter attract negative energy in the house. So, keep this way on the top of your list. Regularly vacuum each room, including bathroom and kitchen. Remember to clean the doors, windows, their handles and knobs as well. Make sure your kitchen has no dirty dishes in the night and everything's in its designated place. Throw out what you are no longer using and keep the toxic products away from your area.
Bell Is A Must
Like sage, bells are also an effective way of removing the negative energy from your home. The sound of the bell fills the area removing the negative energy and filling it with positivity, thus cleansing your house. Take the bell and roam around your house while ringing it. Cover all your doors, windows, cabinets, corners, and hidden spaces. At the same time imagine the smooth ripple created by the lively sound of the bell. It will push all the stagnant and negative energy out of your house.
Candles Liven It Up
Fire is a strong purification tool and hence, candles make in the top few effective ways of removing the negative energy from your house. The flame of a candle absorbs and melts away the low and negative energies. Always keep the white candles handy. However, you can also use colored and fragrant aroma candles. Sometimes you can light the candle and show it in every corner of your house and then blow it off or sometimes you can let it burn out and then throw the remains outside.
Protect Your Entrances
Energies enter into your house mainly through the windows and the doors. So, keep these areas purified as these are essential for maintaining energetic and healthy environment. For this, fill a bucket of water and add to it the juice of five lemons, a cup of salt and a quarter cup of ammonia or white vinegar. Wear your gloves and clean all your doors, windows and the knobs as well. This is a powerful way especially when people have come to your house or when there is a lot of chaos outside your house, in the world. Then, under the doormats, put some sea salt for preventing the negative energies from entering the house.
Burn Palo Santo
Palo santo, in Spanish means ‘holy wood’ and is a South American tree. The bark of this tree is a natural item that is used for smudging and removing the negative energy from house. When this wood burns, it creates a smoky and pleasant smell which is believed to provide an uplifting benefit. It raises vibrations in a room and clears the energy. You can even buy the palo santo spray that is available for purchase. It offers the same benefits of smudging without the fire.
Use Flowers
Keeping flowers in the house is one of the easy and best ways of removing negative energy from your house. It is a source of natural good energy. You can grow African violets, Anthurium, Moth Orchid, Silver Vase Plant, Kalanchoe, Peace Lily etc. Or you can opt for cut flowers if you have some growing in the garden. And although all the flowers contains a beautiful vibration and are effective in removing the negative energy from your house, red roses are still considered best.
Create A Meditation Space
Find a way of incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your everyday routine can be very beneficial. There have been evidences in many studies that meditation helps in lowering the inflammation and blood pressure. It also helps in anxiety, depression and insomnia as well. Try creating a small meditation zone or a corner in the room you want for incorporating the meditation in your life. For a basic setup, put a yoga mat, essential oil diffusers and incense near a window.
A Vision Board
Visualisation, hands down, is one of the most effective and greatest mind exercises that you can do. According to the survey of a psychological magazine, when a weight lifter imagines lifting weights or actually lifts it, the activity of the brain in both the cases were similar to a great extent. So, the point is, even thinking about something can affect your life and change it for better and worse. It’s your choice. Hence, it is suggested that you make your own vision board. On it put the pictures of your loved ones, put quotes, places you want to go and people you aspire to be. Put on that board everything that makes you happy. It will not only inspire you but will also remove negative energy from your house. Your positivity will fill your house with positive energy.
Play Some Music
You have read about bells and clapping being an effective way of removing negative energy from your house. Another of the similar sound aid that does the job is music. Play some nice music in your house everyday or you can sing as well. Every sound creates vibrations that affect the space and the inhabitants. Doing this little thing can make your house free of negative energy and will invite positive vibes. Along with that it will keep your mood cheerful and will lift your spirits. Music refreshes the mind and hence you can always find a reason of playing music.
How To Remove Sharp Corners
Feng shui has one very important rule that says we must remove as many sharp edges and angles around our home as possible for us. It isn’t easy but it’s worth the effort. Use round lamp shades, decorate with round decorative objects like round vases, have round jewellery boxes and round dining table. These things will go a long way in removing the negative energy from your house and inviting positive energy in there.
Pray Everyday
Last but not the least, pray in your home everyday for removing negative energy from your house! We all know that praying is good for our mental soundness. It gives us peace and strength. Similarly, operating also creates positive vibrations in the house. It neutralizes the negative energy and disperses them. Hence praying can be used as one of the tools for effectively and easily removing negative energy from your house.
Additional Ways To Remove Negative Energy
Just walk around your house chanting mantras; this can help a lot in getting rid of all negative energies from your living space and make it pure. These mantras attract positivity in the house and drives negative energy away, which is very essential for a peaceful living inside your cozy love nest. You can also burn the peels of lemon or orange. It will not only fill your house with a pleasant smell, but will also drive the negative energy away from your home. It is quite a simple solution to ensure that negative energies stay away from your home. Even Vastu has a few effective ways to remove negative energy from home. Vastu shastra is an Indian Vedic system that is now followed worldwide. It ensures psychological, spiritual and physical order of the environment where the house or any structure is built. The word Vastu means ‘dwelling’ and its laws are now followed in the field of architecture and design. It is believed that one should follow the rules of vastu for ensuring peace, prosperity, happiness and health. According to Vastu shastra, you must keep your doorway and the path outside your house clean for attracting the positive energy and driving the negative energy away from your home. You can also put wind chimes in your house. The music of wind chimes destroys the pattern of the negative energy and promotes the flow of positive energy. You can also put the religious pictures, symbols and idols in your house for keeping the negativity away from your house. Another effective way of removing negative energy from your home is to keep cut lemon in water. But make sure you change the water every Saturday. You can also try painting the walls yellow. Colors play a vital role in any home. Yellow neutralizes bad energy in addition to making your space seeming bigger and warmer. Dark colors have personality. But when you are overwhelmed with something or troubled, you need light neutral colors for relaxing your mind. Dark colors also feel negative and make any space look smaller. If you have purchased a new home, clean and wipe down each and every surface before moving in, it will remove all the negative energy from your home. Also clean all your furniture and other stuff after moving them in the new house with the same purpose. Many of these ways are not very scientific, as you must have been feeling while reading through the list. But, whatever the reason, when something works, it works. You can start experimenting with things. You can find out what works for you and what doesn’t. You can also ask your friends about what has worked for them and try them. You can also try using salt lamps as they are also quite effective. The evidence of salt lamps being effective is not really scientific and feels more like a medicine for mental benefits rather than psychological effects. But does it matter if that works for you? I guess not. Himalayan salt lamps are beautiful and can be a good addition to any room as they cast a relaxing and calm affect. This can go a long way in removing negative energies from your home once and for all!