Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst: Causes & Treatment Tips
Ingrown pubic hair cyst can really be disturbing and annoying at the same time. It's good you know its causes and the available treatment for this condition.
Jul 25, 2018

Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst: How It Feels
Of all the places to experience ingrown hairs on your body, the pubic region is definitely the least you want to pray for! Nobody even likes ingrown hairs in the first place, let alone having it in a very sensitive and private body area like the pubic region. Ingrown hair cyst in your groin area may be concealed from the watching eyes of the public, but its effects are by no means completely coverable. If you don't take a proper care of it, you might find yourself scratching your groin area in public, which can be very embarrassing. But what exactly is an ingrown pubic hair cyst? This question is necessary because apart from ingrown hairs, other things can bring about the pimple-like swelling of your pubic area. As such, the record has to be set straight. Ingrown hairs, of course, happens when hairs from the hair follicles that are supposed to grow upward and outward grow sideways into the skin as a result of improper shaving techniques. The result is an inflammation of the skin accompanied by itching, pain, and redness. But it doesn't stop there; the inflammation is not just to the surface of the skin alone, but it goes a bit beneath the skin. So, when you try to feel it with your hand, it gives you an impression of a lump suspended in between your skin. What would, however, clear your suspicion of a cancerous lump is that the surface would be reddish and in some cases, you can see hairs trapped in it. For men, the ingrown pubic hair cyst occurs mainly on the scrotum and penis while for the females, it is most common in the labia lips and vagina regions. Where infection has overtaken the cyst, you would start seeing pus coming out of the lumps. This can be painful to a certain extent. Ingrown pubic hair cysts are usually few in numbers as compared to the traditional ingrown hairs, pimples, razor bumps, and other allied skin conditions. Also, the cyst rarely has a head and that is another feature differentiating it from the rest. Ingrown pubic hair cysts can be treated at home but if the condition appears to be incessant, you may want to consult your doctor. Let's briefly consider the possible causes of this annoying skin condition.
Causes Of Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst
The primary cause of ingrown pubic hair cyst is shaving, waxing, or tweezing in the wrong way. When you shave for instance against the direction of hair growth, you are going to be leaving behind some hairs with sharp ends that are capable of growing back into the skin. And when that happens, the body immune system interprets the hair as a non-self, thereby triggering an autoimmune response. This is what usually results in the inflammations and lumps seen on the skin. Usually, the hairs around the groin area are usually coarse and if you dry-shave, you might be irritating your skin more. Again, if you have curly hairs, your chances of having ingrown pubic hair cyst is high especially if you don't shave or wax the right way. Similarly, if you carry out waxing or shaving in haste, you might end up plucking your hairs rather than shaving it and this can as well cause skin irritation. Another prominent cause of ingrown pubic hair cyst is wearing tight clothing especially underwears. If your undies are extremely tight, that can create a pressure on your hair follicles such that hairs that are supposed to grow upward and outward are now forced to grow sideways because of the pressure mounted by the tight clothes. This is prevalent when you put on those tight undies immediately you finish shaving your groin area. The cyst can become red and start producing pus in the case of a bacterial infection. Definitely, ingrown pubic hair cyst comes with itching and the bacteria could have been introduced during one of those moments you were trying to scratch the thing. Scratching, however, does more harm than good the skin is more irritated in the course leading to pronged healing time and even scarring. But you know what? Ingrown pubic hair cyst can be prevented. You can live without having to worry about cysts in your pubic region and we shall discuss how that can be possible in the next section.
How To Prevent Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst?
As with most skin conditions, prevention is way better than cure. That's because even with the available treatment plans, the possibility of scarring is there if we say the itching and pains are no big issue. To prevent having ingrown pubic hair cyst, take the following precautions. 1. Endeavor to exfoliate at least two times a week. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells which can clog your hair follicles and by so doing preventing the outward and upward growth of pubic hair. Exfoliation can be done using some creams meant for the purpose. It dissolves those dead cells and sebums capable of obstructing hair growth from the skin. 2. Change your hair removal method. The skin in the groin area is generally sensitive and hair removal methods such as shaving and waxing have a great potential of causing ingrown pubic hair cyst. Waxing, though a longterm hair removal method has to do with plucking your hair from its root and that would definitely irritate the skin. Shaving only lasts for a few days and if not done well can also cause irritation. You may want to try out electrolysis means of hair removal or even depilatory creams which simply dissolve the hairs and get rid of them simply. 3. If you insist on shaving, make sure you take your time well. The groin area is not a part of the body that can be shaved in haste; it requires that you take your time and shave gently. Again, you must not shave too close to the skin as this can lead to an accidental cutting of the skin and also, a sharply pointed hair remnant capable of going back to the skin. 4. Keep your pubic area hydrated before attempting to shave. The hair around your groin area is naturally coarse and shave-drying can increase the risk of skin irritation. Therefore, get a lubricant to moisturize your pubic area before shaving to avoid coming down with ingrown pubic hair cyst. 5. As a rule, shaving should not be done in a direction opposite hair growth. Rather, it should be done in a direction the same as your hair growth. This is the approach that reduces the possibility of skin irritation. Your razor should be sharp too so you don't have to shave severally to get your desired result. Repeated shaving increases the risk of ingrown hairs. 6. Shaving shouldn't be done too often. Pubic hairs take a relatively long time to grow compared to hairs in other places. As such, a space of at least one week should be left between one shaving and the other. That would allow healing of a possible inflammation before you run the blade through again. 7. In the event that you keep experiencing ingrown pubic hair cyst, you may have to review the items of clothing you wear. Consider wearing clothes that would allow some space along your groin area and shun extremely tight clothes capable of mounting pressure on your hair follicles.
Symptoms Of Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst
As it can sometimes be confusing differentiating between cyst arising from ingrown pubic hair and boils, razor bumps, and herpes, it is necessary to discuss a few symptoms of this skin condition so you can decipher which is which. Here are the symptoms of an ingrown pubic cyst.
1. Itchy Bumps
One of the prime symptoms of an ingrown pubic hair cyst is itchy bumps on the scrotum and penis (for men) or labia and vagina (for women). These bumps usually don't have heads and they go a bit into the skin. As earlier established, they come up because hairs that are supposed to grow upward and outward have curled back and grown into the skin. The itchiness witnessed with the bumps is usually as a result of irritation that the shaving or waxing has caused the skin or the irritation that comes from the pubic hairs trying to grow back into the skin. The dicey thing here is that ingrown cyst is not the only condition that brings about itchiness around the groin area; certain STD can also result to itchy bumps and as such, it behooves you to rule out this possibility via a proper diagnosis.
2. Headless But Painful Bumps
Bumps arising from ingrown hairs are notable for not having a head and generally painful. At a careful examination, you may see some dark spot at what looks like the center of the reddish ingrown cyst. The growth or existence of these cysts may continue for some periods but ultimately should go away by itself without any treatment except in cases where infection has occurred. What normally aggravate the pain of ingrown pubic hair cyst is the pressure mounted on it by tight undies and sometimes, accumulation of sweat due to the nature of the area. Where the pain has become unbearable, you should consider the treatment tips to be discussed in the next section to address it.
3. Non-Aesthetic Dark Spot On Your Groin Area
Ingrown pubic cysts are reputed for leaving behind dark spots and scars on your genitals or pubic area, even after healing has taken place. This results from the inflammation, bumps, and sores that ingrown pubic hair cysts cause, which have been infected by bacteria. The scars can become more prominent if they aren't allowed to completely get healed before the razor is used on them again. Another reason for the dark spot is you picking at the ingrown cysts or trying to pop them up. If you scratch them too much also, that can lead to more irritation and scarring. One common treatment for the dark spot is to apply skin-lightening creams to the area. However, you need to be sure that the cream is compatible with your skin too.
4. Abscess And Boils In Your Groin Area
This is a clear sign that your ingrown hair cyst has been infected. With an abscess, the cyst becomes very tender and you can feel that it is filled with a mass of pus. When you notice this, it's better to treat with antibiotics so as to curtail the infection from spreading to other parts of the groin area. With time, blisters and lesion may develop on the spots due to bacteria activities. You are likely to experience yellow or green pus coming out of the ingrown cyst. It should be stated that squeezing, popping, or trying to force out the pus, by all means, is not the best. It can lead to the spreading of infection to other areas of the groin. Simple home remedies such as the application of chilled cucumber to the spot or even the application of honey can help subside the itching. Again, you have to mind the type of undies you wear during this period so it doesn't cause more irritation.
5. Hard Lump
Lumps in your genitals should be taken very seriously and attended to swiftly. That's because apart from an ingrown cyst, other serious conditions such as cancer might be responsible. It's rare actually to see ingrown hair causing a hard lump on the skin, but it isn't impossible. Some very stubborn ingrown hairs result to a ball-like lump inside in your pubic area. This lump can be moving or static; it can also be painful or painless. However, the fact that it is painless does not mean that it should be disregarded. If the hard lump is as a result of a stubborn ingrown hair, it would disappear within few days with or without any treatment. But where it isn't, the lump can begin to expand and persist suggesting a cancer cell.
What Not To Do If You Have Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst
In the treatment of ingrown pubic hair cyst, what you do is as important as what you don't do. That's because certain habits can prove counterproductive to your effort at getting your ingrown pubic hair cyst healed. These are. 1. Removing the hair in the area when the existing irritation hasn't been addressed. That is running a razor through the spot or waxing when you still have an irritation to your skin. The ideal thing is to allow the cyst to disappear before making effort at shaving or waxing again. 2. Scratching the area. There is no way the urge to scratch will not come more so that ingrown hairs are known to cause itching. However, granting the urge can only lead to more complications as the skin can become more irritated. In most cases too, scratching leads to bleeding and injury to the skin. That of course, would bring about scarring which no one wants. 3. Popping the cyst. There may be a time when you have to drain the inflamed skin especially when you notice it has been filled with a mass of pus but it is better to allow the process happen naturally. If you attempt to drain it prematurely, apart from a possible further irritation, the infection in the cyst can spread to other parts of your genitals and that can be serious. 4. Applying strong home remedies in haste. You must be ready to be patient in applying whatever treatment you have in mind to combat ingrown pubic hair cyst. That's so because of the nature of the infected area. Most remedies would require that you allow the products to stay for some minutes before rinsing and the best way to go about this is to remain on a spot till the expiration of that time. Moving around unnecessarily can lead to the products entering into your vagina.
Treatment Tips For Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst
In the event that you already have cysts in your groin area as a result of ingrown pubic hairs, you can follow any of the treatment tips below to take care of it appropriately.
1. Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #1: Antibiotics
You need an antibiotic where an infection has set in. And like we've earlier stressed, you can begin to suspect infection when you notice the cyst has become very tender and filled with a yellow or green mass of pus. You may have started experiencing blisters or sores on your groin area too; all of these symptoms suggest that ingrown pubic hair cyst has been taken over by bacteria. The antibiotics used in treating infected pubic hair cyst often come in the form of creams that should be rubbed on the spot but some can be taken orally. Some of the common antibiotics used in this wise include Neosporin, Polysporin, and others. Since this has to do with medications, it would be nice to allow your doctor guide you as to which type of antibiotic would be the best for you. Apart from prescription drugs, there are home remedies to address your infected ingrown pubic hair cyst. If you have the aloe vera plant very close to you, you can get the get and spread it on the cyst and allow it to be there for up to 20 minutes before rinsing off. Honey can perform the same role. That's because both honey and aloe vera are potent anti-bacterial products that also contain healing properties.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #2: Surgery
Ordinarily, ingrown genital lumps or bumps should disappear with time as the hair finally find its way to the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, the ingrown hair may not find its way to the skin's surface and as such, continues to cause irritation to you. That means the cyst would persist and the discomfort also would remain. In such scenarios, your dermatologist may have to cut through the cyst to bring out the ingrown pubic hair. The process can, however, lead to scarring and dark spot but you are surely going to be relieved of the irritation. Surgical removal of ingrown pubic hair can trigger infection and hyperpigmentation and as such, should be carried out by a doctor and not you.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst: Anti-Inflammatory Products
Among the common symptoms of an ingrown pubic hair cyst are itching and inflammation. You would feel the urge to scratch the spot but doing so can introduce infection into the cyst. In fact, it can lead to further irritation. A treatment plan to combat itching would be to use one of the anti-itch creams available over the counter. One common example of such is hydrocortisone cream. But there are proven home remedies to curtail the itching and inflammation that accompany ingrown pubic hair cyst. You can use the hot compress method to reduce itching. That is done by dipping a towel into hot water and placing it on the cyst and applying pressure in the process. Doing that will not only reduce the itching, but would also open up the pores, allowing the ingrown hair to escape. Another home remedy for addressing the itching and inflammation of pubic ingrown hair cyst is the baking soda. Just mix it with water until you get a gel-like or paste-like mixture. Apply it to the spot on your pubic area and leave to stay for 20 minutes before rinsing off. However, as a female, you may not want to apply baking soda on a cyst located on your vag so it doesn't get into you!
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #4: Tea Tree Oil
The Tea tree has proven to be a very potent way of treating ingrown pubic hair cyst. The oil from the leaves is reputed for possessing antibacterial properties which can help to fight infections that can delay the disappearance of the cyst. It must, however, be noted that tea tree oil without proper dilution can burn your skin especially around your pubic area. As such, if you want to make use of it, endeavor to use a small quantity and dilute it well. Applying the tea tree oil to your ingrown pubic hair cyst requires that you first extract the oil from the leaves after which you would dilute it to the required concentration. As a precaution, apply a small quantity to your leg first and feel if there's a burning sensation before applying to your groin area. The oil has to stay on the cyst for at least 20 minutes before you rinse it off. If you do this twice daily for a few days, the ingrown pubic hair cyst would vanish swiftly.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #5: Exfoliation
Exfoliation is a way of removing dead skin cell from the pubic area. This process helps to get rid of any obstruction that may prevent the growth of hairs from the follicles. This process is apt if your ingrown pubic hair cyst is as a result of obstruction from dead skin cells. To exfoliate, you can make use of some exfoliants such as salicylic acid but because the ingrown cyst is in the pubic region, you have to be very careful in using it because of the sensitivity of the skin in that area. Other than this exfoliant, you can also take a warm bath using special sponges such as loofah to scrub your pubic area. This scrubbing would remove the dead cells and allow for the growth of the trapped pubic hair. Ideally, exfoliation should be used as a preventive measure against ingrown pubic hair cyst but it can prove curative even after having it so long it is done carefully and constantly. After shaving your pubic area, a gentle exfoliation can go a long way in putting ingrown pubic hair cyst at bay.
Treat Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst: Apple Cider Vinegar
Apart from the surgical method of treatment which involves cutting through the cyst to release the trapped pubic hair, other methods of treatment relies on relieving the accompanied symptoms such as itching and inflammation. Usually, the ingrown hair would correctly grow with time and the lumps or bumps would disappear. As such, home remedies such as apple cider vinegar comes handy in treating ingrown cyst in pubic region. However, a thorough dilution has to be done before applying to ingrown pubic hair cysts on your vagina, labia, scrotum, or cap region. That's because concentrated apple cider vinegar can be corrosive. Generally speaking, it should not be used on a very sensitive skin. That said, if your skin isn't very sensitive and you have diluted it very well, you can use the apple cider vinegar on your ingrown pubic hair cyst by using cotton ball to apply it on it and allowing it to stay there for up to 25 minutes before rinsing it off. This method sends the itching and inflammation packing and because of its antibacterial properties, also combats infection.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #7: Witch Hazel Plant
The usefulness of the witch hazel plant in treating ingrown pubic hair cyst lies in its anti-stringent and anti-bacterial properties. Extractions either from the leaves or barks of this plant help to fight against inflammation and itchiness. Again, as with some other home remedies for treating ingrown pubic hair cyst, the witch hazel plant is not suitable for skins that are very sensitive. It can irritate such skin type further. However, if you figure out that your skin can accommodate it, apply it in a very diluted form on your pubic area and allow it to stay there for at least 30 minutes before rinsing off.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #8: Sugar & Olive Oil
Sugar is among the natural exfoliator out there. When mixed with either honey or olive oil, it can be used to treat ingrown pubic hair cyst by removing dead skin cells and killing that bacteria can delay healing. To apply this remedy, mix sugar with honey until you get a consistent paste. Apply this mixture in a circular manner on the ingrown cyst and allow it to stay there for up to 20 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #9: Use Baby Powder
Wondering how a baby powder can help treat your ingrown pubic hair cyst? Well, it's simple. It has a cooling and soothing effect that can address the itching that comes with ingrown hairs generally. It is particularly apt for the groin area because it can be used on sensitive skins with little or no side effects. So, when you experience the discomfort that comes with having ingrown hair cyst in your bikini line, scrotum, or vag, you can use a cotton ball to apply a small quantity of baby powder to the troubled area and experience the cooling effect it has to offer.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst Treatment #10: Moisturize
A number of moisturizers are available on sale over-the-counter to keep your pubic area hydrated. The essence of moisturizing your ingrown pubic hair cyst is to get rid of impurities and dead skin cells that may be clogging the hair follicles thereby preventing the upward growth of hair. In selecting a moisturizer for your ingrown hair treatment, ensure to go for a non-greasy type. That's because a greasy moisturizer can further cause clogging of impurities rather than aiding its removal. One home-made moisturizer that is specifically suitable for treating ingrown hair cyst in the pubic region is coconut oil. Coconut oil is not greasy and contains a lot of nutrients that can help to take care of your skin. Apply it to the ingrown pubic hair cyst twice a day for few days for relief from the annoying symptoms such as itching that comes with ingrown hairs generally.
Ingrown Pubic Hair Cyst - Final Word
Ingrown hair cyst on the pubic area can be embarrassing and discomforting at the same time. Its major cause is using an improper method of hair removal for your pubic area. It can also be as a result of accumulated dead skin cells clogging the hair follicles. In this piece, we have examined some treatment tips for your ingrown hair cyst. Naturally, the ingrown hair which brought about the cyst would eventually find its way to the surface causing the symptoms to subside but the process brings to the skin some irritation and discomfort in form of inflammation and itching. To this effect, you have in this article information that can help you address these symptoms. Where it appears they aren't working as stated here, you need to consult your doctor. It's possible that another skin condition other than ingrown pubic hair cyst is what you are experiencing. As a guide, if the inflammation does not subside after a week but you keep witnessing growth, it's time to see a doctor. Similarly, if the cyst appears to be moving, you need to ascertain with your doctor what the nature of the cyst is. Typically, ingrown pubic hair cyst is not movable although it may give you the feeling that it is moving. If you do the necessary check, you can assure yourself that it is not a cancer cell. And if it is, it can quickly be nipped in the bud before it escalates.