15 Ways To Physically Attract And Seduce A Woman With Grace

You might need a lot of effort to attract a girl with grace. Here are 15 ways to physically attract and seduce a woman with grace.

By Amanda Palmer
15 Ways To Physically Attract And Seduce A Woman With Grace

The art of seduction

There is no particular book that teaches you to seduce a woman with cent percent results. Every woman is different and every woman's preferences in men differ. A cheesy pickup line 'I think I know you', might intrigue one woman whereas it might enrage the other. Seduction is an art which has not been mastered by anyone perfectly. Every situation is different and every man's perception of a particular way also differs. A woman might get angry if you paid her a compliment but might get attracted to another guy who paid her a compliment too. While trying to seduce a woman one needs to be a bit practical too. You have to know your chances of getting into a relationship with a woman you fancy. If your chances are slim, then probably you would be just wasting your time. So after you have taken a fancy to a particular woman and calculated your chances of seducing her as pretty good then perhaps you could make do with some amazing ways of hitting it off with her. Here are some 15 ways to physically attract and seduce a woman with grace.

1. Be mysterious

Women get intrigued by men who appear mysterious. Leave a lot about you to her imagination and reveal as little information about yourself as possible. Ask more questions than telling her more about you. This will attract her more. If she resides in your neighborhood, perhaps you could cross her paths more often but keep more to yourself. She will die to talk to you. You could even send her flowers and cards anonymously and when she gets restless about your identity, you could set up a date or time to meet her.

2. Pay compliments to your girl

Every woman loves to get compliments. You could either send her a heartfelt text message with compliments or you could tell her directly. Do not overdo it as it may appear obvious. When going on a date with her, compliment her on her looks, her intellect, her choice of clothes and anything that you genuinely like. Also compliments on her personality will attract her more. You could tell her how impressed you are by the way she carries herself or how elegant you feel she is.

3. Dress up well

As they say, the first impression is the last impression, so you must keep this in mind while trying to seduce your girl. Dress up well in the latest fashion and keep 'classy' in mind when you dress up. Have a cool attitude and be generous to the people around you. Girls notice all these small details before they decide to like somebody. Never smell of sweat in front of her as this may put her off. Clean-shaven, casually but smartly dressed and confident men are every woman's type of men.

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4. If going on a date, pamper her

Women love to be pampered by their men. If going on a date with your girl, shower her with lots of gifts. They need not be costly but a bunch of flowers, chocolates, and cards would do the trick. Take care of little etiquettes like opening the door for her, pulling the chair for her or helping her with her coat. Show her what an amazingly well-bred man you are and she will swoon over you. If you don't know her but are trying to hit it off with her then be generous with the people around you. Show your concern for kids and pets. Women like kind-hearted men.

5. Make eye contact when you talk to you girl

Maintain an eye-contact with your girl when you make conversation with her. This will show how confident you are, how important she is to you and how interested you are in her. This will raise her attraction quotient for you and also unnerve her especially if she also has the hots for you. Eyes speak volumes. Make your eyes tell her how pretty and adorable she is. You will seduce her immensely with your eyes and you don't even need to touch her.

6. Try pheromones to physically seduce your girl

Heard of pheromones? No harm in wearing one when you are off on a date with your girl. You can see for yourself if they do the trick. And even if they don't you will be smelling real good. They say some pheromones have the power to seduce women. Try it for yourself!

7. Be confident

You might get a little nervous when you meet your crush in person. But remember, clumsy behavior might put her off. Girls like men with confidence. Walk with a light gait and spring in your step but do not overdo it. Wave a hello to passersby. Talk to her with confidence. You could be doing something really small for a living but if you are confident about yourself, nothing else matters. Make sure you touch her only when necessary else it will show that you are desperate.

8. Take care of her small details

Girls are very clever and leave small hints in their conversations. Try to read between the lines and see if you can find out about her likes and dislikes. Suppose if you notice her wearing pink always perhaps, you could gift her with something in pink assuming its her favorite color. Suppose if you see her molly cuddling a cat then you can know that she is fond of pets. Observe the smallest detail about her when she is talking and mention it to next time you both are talking. She will like the fact that you notice so much about her.

9. Be slow if you want to seduce your girl

Your girl will immediately back off if she finds you too desperate to move on to the next step in your relationship. Have patience and take it very slowly. Try to know each other better in the initial dates and get physically close to her only is she gives you obvious hints. Guys who appear to have only one interest in a relationship, will never be able to sustain a relationship for long. Don't jump in the relationship. Move step by step. Try to win her heart first; you can always touch her later. Make intelligent conversations and do some fun things together.

10. Ask her about her taste in music

Music really helps two people connect better to each other. Ask your girl about her taste in music and if yours also happens to be same then perhaps you could play all those numbers and take her for a long romantic drive. You could even gift her a CD of her favorite band. These thoughtful gestures will make her attracted to you and she will like you easily. Good and soulful music helps seduce women when they are with their partners. Even if your taste in music differs, you can always play her favorite numbers while together. Good music will seduce your girl even if you don't touch her.

11. Try to make an emotional connection

Some women like to establish an emotional connection with their men. Start by revealing some emotional information about yourself. This will intrigue her and also impress her that you chose her to share your deepest feelings with. This will also make her open up to you in more ways that you had expected. Show deepest concern and interest in her especially when she talks to you about her emotions. These could be something related to her past, her parents or an unpleasant incident in her life. It could also be something that she aspires to do one day.

12. A sensuous massage is a good way to seduce

If you want to seduce your girlfriend for a great sexual intimacy then a sensuous massage is a very good idea. Tickle her erogenous zones and make her vulnerable with your artful strokes on her body. Set the perfect mood and ambience before you begin. Soon, you will have your girlfriend seductively waiting for you for passionate sex. Let her dominate you while making love. You can even watch some porn before you have sex as it also seduces girls. Teach her some tricks on love making and learn some from her. Make your sexual experience intense.

13. Make sure you kiss her passionately

Make your kisses very meaningful. Deep, passionate and long kisses always seem to seduce girls and have them panting for more. Kiss your girlfriend only when she is ready. Make sure your goodbye kiss is meaningful and not a watery peck.

14. Develop a sense of humor

If you ask girls about the kind of guys they would like to date, the first thing they say is that he should be funny. Girls like funny men, men who can laugh on themselves; make light jokes and see the humor in small happenings in life. Serious men are very few women's cup of tea. Witty humor is often a smart way to attract a girl and hit it off immediately with her.

15. Perfect ambience

While going for a date, be fussy about these small details like the kind of restaurant you would want to take your date to. Make sure the ambience is perfect every time you are out with your girl. You don't have to flamboyant with your choices, but if you prefer clean, quiet and hygienic places, perhaps she will get impressed with you. While preparing your girl for a great sexual encounter, put on clean sheets, light music, candles or dim lights. This will create the perfect romantic ambience which is perfect to seduce your girl. A romantic ambience will automatically seduce your girl.

There are many ways to seduce a girl but the above-mentioned ones almost always do the trick. Soft, kind-hearted, generous, caring, concerned, loving, passionate, intelligent, good-looking, clean, well-dressed, considerate, humorous and charming men are hard to find and girls would swoon over anyone who has all these qualities. To text your girl with meaningful messages is also a great way to keep the attraction on. You can text her with messages lik' I like the way you wore your hair today' or 'Your perfume was really nice’. By text, you make sure that the attraction does not get over with the date and your girl thinks about you even after you are long gone. You can also start talking to her daily over the phone late in the night. At night, when everyone else is asleep, you both can connect with each other deeply by talking for longer.