The Real Proven Way to Make a Man Fall and Commit

What's next after making him interested? Getting him to commit!

By Bella
The Real Proven Way to Make a Man Fall and Commit

What do men think about commitment?

Society calls women who flirt and sleep around whores and sluts, but men who sleep around are called playboys and Don Juans. With the endless stream of fuckbois on Tinder flashing their six pecs abs, you may end up thinking that all men are commitment phobic. Indeed, there are some men out there who just like the chase, and the excitement of a one night stand, but there are genuine guys out there as well. Some men are actually very devoted and loyal to their lovers when they find Miss/Mrs Right. 

What do men want in a relationship?

Ultimately, sincere and serious men are looking for a partner to spend the rest of his life with, to share his ambitions, his fears and his goals with him. They want women who can connect to them on an intimate and soul-deep level. Men are no different from us after all.

As they are visual creatures, they would expect their partners to be well-groomed and look presentable. Despite this, caking on lots of foundation and heavy eyeliner is a big NO-NO. You will end up looking like a raccoon. The au naturel makeup is the best-a light dusting of eyeshadow, some foundation, and lipstick, and you are good to go. 

Intelligent men prefer women who are able to express their opinions in a logical and coherent level. Most of them prefer women who are well-read and excellent conversationalists, as opposed to those who are airheaded and superficial.

Unless you are looking for a sugar daddy, you should aim to become as financially independent as possible. Men hate gold diggers and leeches. 

Also, do not to rush into relationships just for the sake of being one-it reeks of desperation. 

Signs He Will Eventually Commit

1. He wants to know you better

He is trying to suss out whether you and him would make a compatible couple. Hence, he doesn’t want to waste his time on an unsuitable girlfriend. Both of you have laid down some expectations and ground rules-a framework to assess each other's eligbility.

2. He spends more time with you

This is a sign that he is taking things seriously, and it shows that you are not just a summer fling to him.

3. No more “One night stands/Friends with benefits/No strings attached”

He does not date you solely for the purpose of sexual gratification. He does not demand sex from you all the time, and he is willing to go slow when it comes to the sexual aspects of the relationship. Sex is never used as a tool of coercion, dominance or control.

4. He is enamored with you

Everything about you makes him smile-the way you twirl your hair, the way your mouths hangs open when you sleep, the way you twirl around the room like a little kid when you are happy.

5. He thinks that the relationship will work out

Perhaps, he has verbalised his optimism about the relationship working out. Maybe he has told you that he thinks that you are the one. He buys couple rings to commemorate your first year anniversary with him. 

How long does it take for a man to commit?

It may take anywhere from a few months to a few years, and it is a slow and gradual process, as trust takes time to build up. If he commits within a few days or weeks, he may be an extremely needy and clingy boyfriend. On the other hand, if you guys have been dating for 3 years, and he hasn't shown any sign of commitment, something is wrong.

How do you make a person miss you?

Ironically, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You need to develop a social life outside of your relationship with him, and sometimes, spending time away from each other will be beneficial in the long run. Enmeshment is not healthy and it might end up making him feel suffocated and trapped. On the other hand, trying to play hard to get will turn him off. Don't flirt with his friends or other men, as it will give him the excuse to stray as well.

Signs He's Committed

1.He talks about the future

He may be saving up for a wedding ring, or a home for both of you to live together. Where does he see the relationship going 5 years down the road?


2. He does not flake off on date nights

Unless he has a serious emergency at work or in his personal life, he is not a flaky man at all. He will show up for date nights, and not provide excuses.

3. He never ghosts you

No matter how angry or upset he is with you, he will always make an effort to communicate with you and talk it out, and not leave things hanging or give you the cold shoulder.

4. Except for his mother/sister/boss, he does not have any other women in his life.

Of course, it is normal for him to have some female friends. What is not normal, though, is for him to make them the center of his life. If he has an exceptionally disproportionate ratio of female to male friends, that should set a few alarm bells ringing, unless he is working in a female-dominated industry. 

Is he best friend with his ex-girlfriend? His old flame may end up creating drama on your anniversary, stealing his attention away from you. Perhaps I watch too many TV shows, but I can totally foresee his ex-girlfriend feigning illness or getting into an "accident" on your anniversary, causing him to "rescue" her. 

5. He opens up to you

You have deep and intimate conversations with him. He is not afraid open up, no holds barred and he lets his guard down around you. He is not afraid to talk about his skeletons in his closet, the good, bad and ugly, warts and all. He exposes all his personal failings and shortcomings. Basically, he does not put on a mask around you and you have witnessed him at his most vulnerable moments.

Related Article: 15 Relationship Commitment Quotes that speak of True Love
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Do you think that serious and committed guys have become an endangered species? If we keep chasing after bad boys and we reject nice guys, we will end up coming to that conclusion. Finding someone who is in it for the long haul might be akin to searching for a diamond in the rough-its tough, but not impossible. The dating pool is full of eligible women looking for Mr Right, hence, it is advisable to work on your personal qualities as well as your attractiveness level towards the opposite sex.