She Loves You: 20 Signs She's Just That Into You
Ever wonder if a girl loves you? She’s probably given you some signs she thinks are obvious, but to make things easier, here’s 20 signs to watch for!
Jul 24, 2018

1. Lingering hugs
Prolonging a hug is a sure sign that a girl likes you. Holding on for as long as possible indicates that she likes the feeling of your arms around her and she wants to feel close to you. It also shows that she is comfortable with you and and that being held by you could make her feel safe. If she does this, make sure to not pull away too quickly because she might think that you aren’t into her.
2. She finds little ways to touch you
Aside from prolonging hugs, if a girl frequently finds reasons to touch you, she probably likes you. Examples include touching your arm to emphasize a point, bumping against you when you are walking next to one another, and playfully punching you. She will also give you clues that she wants you to touch her. If a girl rubs her arms and shivers, or says she is cold, she is hoping that you will pull her closer. Pay attention to this sign because it is a clear indication that she likes you and possibly loves you.
3. Laughing at your jokes is one of the signs that she loves you
If a girl likes you, she will probably show it by giggling at your jokes - even if they are terrible. You'll end up feeling like you're the funniest guy in the world but in all honesty, she probably doesn't think that joke you've told five or six times now is all that funny anymore. After all, there is only so many times a girl can laugh at that joke you got off the candy wrapper.

4. She texts you often and tries to keep the conversation going
If a girl likes you, she will give you a sign by going out of her way to talk to you. Continually expressing her desire to talk to you by texting you, even when it feels like the conversation is going nowhere, outweighs her fear of coming across as annoying, clingy or needy. She will also keep trying to find the ways to keep the conversation going, rather than letting it die. She'll do this by asking questions that require an in depth response instead of a one word answer like yes or no. If you like her, help her out and try to hold up your end of the conversation.

5. Letting you into her personal space is one of the signs that she might love you
A girl's body language is one the biggest indicator of whether or not a girl is into you. If she feels uncomfortable around you or doesn't have feelings for you, she will let you know by keeping her distance. On the other hand, if she has a crush on you, she will stand close to you and more than likely angle her body towards yours. This shows that she is comfortable around you and she is open to getting closer to you.
6. She plays with her hair
A girl who plays with her hair, a means to catch the attention of a guy she likes. If the girl you like constantly plays with her hair when she is around you such as twirling it around her fingers of flipping it over her shoulder, she is probably into you. Doing so also draws attention to her neck, which can be sensual because of how delicate the skin there is. However, this can sometimes mean a girl is bored, so make sure you pay attention to any other signs she is giving you to know for sure.
7. Smiling and looking away when you catch her starting is a sign she loves you
Have you caught her staring at you recently? If she smiles and looks away when she notices you noticing her, that’s a sign that she likes you. Girls often do this when they meet a guy they like for the first time, but it can also happen if your friendship has progressed into having feelings for one another. If it looks like she's zoned out while looking at you, it could be because she is imagining a life together. If she loves you, she might be thinking about what your wedding will look like or what kind of dad you will be.
8. She makes eye contact with you frequently
A girl that loves you wants you to know that she is interested in you. She will make sure to hold eye contact with you when you’re talking, so you know that she is listening intently to what you are saying and that she genuinely cares about what you are talking about. Don't be shy - show her that you share her interest by keeping your eyes on her. It will make her feel noticed and she will probably feel comfortable giving you other signs that she likes you.
9. Fidgeting is one of the signs that she likes you
A girl that is interested in might fidget when she is around you. It might not be obvious such as bouncing her foot or tapping her fingers against the table, though. It may be something subtle such as playing with her necklace or adjusting a piece of her clothing. If she begins fidgeting when the two of you are together, it could be an indication that she is nervous because she likes you. Do your best to make her feel more comfortable - she will appreciate your effort!
10. She leans into you
A girl that doesn’t like a guy will make sure to show it with her body language. She will sit with her arms and legs crossed or lean away from you. If she does the opposite and leans into you while you are sitting or standing next to one another, it’s a sign that she is comfortable with you and possibly has feelings for you.
11. She finds reasons to talk to you
Some girls aren’t as shy as others and might just be the bold type - you know, the kind that isn’t scared of anything and will walk right over to you and strike up a conversation. If a girl does that, you know she’s interested in you. Either way, if a girl likes you, she will find reasons to talk to you such as asking questions about you or asking for your help with something. She might go as far as to ask you to help her do something just to give her an excuse to spend some time with you. Perhaps she is moving and asks you to help her out. While you may not be excited to do manual labor, you should be excited that she wants to hang out with you and you'll earn bonus points for doing it!
12. She asks you to teach her something
If she asks you to teach her something, she has two motives. The first is that she is looking for a reason for the two of you to hang out together but is too scared to ask directly. The second is that she wants you to know that respects your opinion or wants you to know that she thinks you are smart. So, if a girl asks you to teach her about football or to tell her all about a topic you are passionate about, don’t be shy. Show off your knowledge because she is genuinely interested in what you have to offer!
13. She takes an interest in your life and things you are passionate about
A girl that loves you will make an effort to try things that you like, even if it is something that she has never considered trying before, or possibly even knows she doesn’t like. If you live for football and she’s not into sports but still watches the game with you, chances are she’s into you and just wants to be around you.
14. She will appear awkward around you
Girls that have crushes on guys sometimes appear awkward. This can happen for a variety of reasons. If you’ve been friends for awhile, she may feel awkward because she developed feelings for you and isn’t sure what to do about it. If you don’t know each other very well, it’s possible that she is just shy or scared of embarrassing herself. Try making her laugh to help ease her discomfort.
15. Her friends will drop hints that she likes you
Her girlfriends have likely tried to give you signs about the way she feels about you. Dropping hints about her being single and how cute you guys are together is a sure sign that she’s talked to her friends about how much she likes you.

16. She always wants to hang out
A girl that loves you will always make time to hang out with you. A sign that she really cares about you would be canceling any plans she already has so that she can spend time with you. Even if you want to do something that she doesn’t necessarily love, she will still hang out with you because she wants to spend time with you.
17. If she blushes around you, it is a sign that she likes you
While blushing can sometimes be an indication that a girl is embarrassed about something, if she is blushing around you without anything embarrassing happening, it is safe to assume she is blushing because she is excited to be around you or have your attention.
18. She hints at being single
If she constantly makes references to being single she’s trying to tell you that she is available and wants you to ask her out. She might say things like, “Too bad I don’t have a boyfriend to see that horror movie with” or “Hard to believe I don’t have a boyfriend.”
19. Making plans for the future means she might love you
Wanting to make plans for the future with you means that she is into you and hopes you will be together for a long time. It also means that she is probably trying to gauge how you feel about her. Don’t be surprised if she asks you to go with her to a concert in a few months or possibly even asks you to be her date to a relative’s wedding next year.

20. She tells you something that is personal
Girls can be super shy, so if she tells you something that is personal, it’s a sure sign that she has feelings for you. If it is something that she’s never told anyone before, or something that she finds embarrassing she loves you.
Make a move and find out if she loves you back
If you think a girl has given you any of these signs and you reciprocate her feelings, don’t be scared - make a move! If you’re still feeling unsure about whether or not she likes you, get the opinion of your friends. Just don’t wait too long because you’ll never know unless you try!
