25 Captivating Topics To Talk About With The Girl You Fancy
Many guys complain that they lack topics to talk with a girl during their date. Here are 25 captivating topics for you to consider.
Jul 24, 2018

Girls are easy to talk to
How you talk with a girl during the first date will determine whether you win her or not. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult talking to a girl as long as you know the topics that she might be interested in. However, you also need to note that not all girls want to talk about the same thing. This is why you need to take care in the way you talk to your crush since your overall goal should be to impress her. After the pleasantries, you will start taking dinner and this is the right time to initiate the conversation. A common mistake that men make is to try to impress the woman with a lot of talking. We even go to the captivating topics that women like talking about. But it is important to note that women don’t like men who talk so much. In fact, most women agree that it is better for them to be with a guy who reveals information about himself in pieces while at the same time maintaining an air of mystery. Another reason why women don’t like the guy who is always doing the talking is that they themselves like to talk. So, how do you make her open up and start talking? The first thing to do to make a girl talk is to ask about her day. From, there, you can now go to a wide range of topics that are related to the answers she has given you. Here are 25 captivating topics that you can talk with your woman during your date.
1. Let the girl talk about her passions, dreams and goals
If you are searching for a topic to talk with a girl on the first date, there is no better topic than her passions, dreams and goals. We all have dreams, passions and a goal. Dreams and goals are different form our passions. While a passion is something that you would like to do regularly, a dream is a key moment in our lives that we want to achieve; one that helps us to have a meaning of live whenever we talk or think about it. A goal is something that we are aiming to accomplish either in the near future or in the long-term. You can ask the girl to talk about her dreams. After she has shared hers, ensure that you also talk about your own dreams. Dreams can be quite intimate and can help you to connect with the girl quickly. When it comes to passion, there are some great lessons to draw from. While people nowadays talk about passion right, left and center, this is definitely a great choice of topic to speak with a girl. A girl who tells you that her passion is clubbing may not be the right choice for a lifelong partner. On the other hand, if the woman tells you that her passion is volunteering in children’s homes, this may be the right choice for a wife. The reason why these dreams, goals and passion are a great choice of topic is that it is one that makes humans very excited. When talking about the things we love, we get excited, energetic and we end up releasing a lot of the endorphins hormones. When you bring up this topic, you can rest assured that the girl will associate you with these emotions. This means that it will not be difficult for you to get a second date from her. If you can remember tine last time someone showed genuine interest in your goals and dreams, you will agree that it was such a great feeling. The moment you create a good rapport and trust with a girl, she will be happy to share about these things. This will prove to be an interesting topic especially if the woman is the kind who is passionate about her dreams and goals.
2. Let the girl talk about her hobbies
Another great choice of topic that you need to talk with the girl is on her hobbies. When you know about the girl’s hobbies, this will reveal the kind of girl she is and how interesting her life is. This will also make both of you to understand whether the two of you match. If you are the kind of guys who loves sports and workout thrice a week, you may not want to date a woman who can barely complete 3 sit-ups. You will need to find out what the girl does for her hobbies and figure out whether it is something that you would gladly join her in.
3. Let the girl talk about her career
Showing interest in a girl’s career is a must-do during a date or even on phone. This is a topic that will attract the interest of the woman as girls loves talking about themselves and loves dudes who show genuine interest in their career. You can follow us this question by asking about how their careers or job started, the challenges they face in it and whether they like the job. Therefore, this will be a good opportunity for you gain insight into the ambitions of the woman, character and personality. This should give you an opportunity to talk about the girl’s emotional side rather than the logical side. For instance, don’t ask her about her tax issues as this will only serve to depress the girl and will bring down the conversation. To dig deeper into the conversation, you can ask her why she chose that field or how it feels working in that industry.
4. Ask the girl about craziest thing she has ever done
This is a nice topic to bring up with a girl during a date or on phone. if you want to know whether you are dating a party girl or a church girl, or somewhere in between. You should however, tell the woman in advance that you will not judge her harshly. She might just tell you that she doesn’t remember one. This may be as a result of shyness. In case you note that she is not ready to share with you any of her crazy experiences, you can start by sharing with her yours. If she shares about her crazy experience, you can laugh about it before sharing yours with her. Avoid being judgmental about that. You can then ask her if she remembers of another one. You can even play a game where the person with the craziest experience becomes the winner. The winner may get another drink or even a kiss.
5. Let the girl talk about love
This is a hot topic that you should only talk about with a woman if you are interested in a serious relationship. It is very cruel to talk about love in your house only to end up throwing her out after you have made love to her. But if you are aiming to make her yours, talking about love can go a long way in winning her heart. We all love to be loved. In fact this is one of the most beautiful feelings that you will ever experience whether you are a petite girl of an alpha male. When she begins talking about love, she will feel the positive emotions as the subconscious mind tries connecting with you.
6. Travel adventures
This is among the topics that will ever remain evergreen for you to talk with a girl on phone or during a date. You will rarely come across a girl who doesn’t like traveling. This is because majority of women associate traveling with adventure, excitement, and freedom. Having a girl with such feelings on your first date will mean that you will start well with your date. Nearly all girls will have a kind of dream vacation. These are vacations that fill her with warm emotions as she yearns for adventure. It could be that you have been to that destination or you also share the same dream travel destination. Whatever the case, this is a topic that will give you an opportunity to connect with one another. You can take the conversation to another level by asking her what makes her to desire to travel to that particular destination or even what she would like to do there. You can ask the girl about the best place that she has ever traveled to. What is it that she loved about that travel destination? You can even ask her where she would go if she had an entire month to travel without having to think about her work or other responsibilities. It is this kind of conversation that will cause her imagination to go on an overdrive and uplift her emotional state. She will always associate those feelings with you. There are studies that show that a couple that talk about traveling are more likely to be more attracted to one another. You can discuss with her the trips that you have ever taken too. If you are lucky, you might find yourself planning a vacation with her in the near future.
7. Talk about your own experiences with the girl
In case the two of you share the same passions and interests, you can always talk about your own experience. If she likes hiking, you can talk about the last place where you went for a hike. Even if hiking isn’t your kind of things, you can always talk about things related to hiking. You can talk about the things that you like to do in a natural environment. You can even talk about the tallest mountains in the world. You will have endless possibilities on your experiences. Remember the goal here is to talk about the things she loves and come out as a person who understands her feelings. When a woman feels that you understand her and are both on a similar level, she will begin trusting you more.
8. Let the girl talk about her greatest secret
We all have that one thing that we would not like other people to find out about. What if you were to ask about your secret during your first date? This is one of the topics that can make your girl open up in a short period. The girl may not feel free to reveal about this secret. However, incase, she does, this will go a long way in making her feel connected to you. There are studies that suggest that couple who share their secrets are more likely to get attracted to one another. This is because this is one form of showing intimacy, though not in a big way. It is also worth noting that you do not have to pull all your skeletons from your closet. But when you just share a little information that no one else knows, this will prove to be entertaining rather than shocking.
9. Movies and music
Movies and music can also be a fun topic to talk with a girl during a date or on phone. The kind of movies she watches can be an indicator of how emotionally stable she is. If she is the kind who talks about her love for horror movies, you may be seeing a girl who is emotionally unhealthy. You cannot imagine a situation where she talks of how she enjoyed seeing the main character cut off the head of the villains. You can use her taste of movies to understand how you should seduce the girl or even the speed at which you should do that. In case the girl talks about her love for Nymphomaniacs; you can push the relationship faster as compared to when she talks of her love for the romantic comedy movies that have some illusionary love stories. Music has also the same emotional impact as movies. If the girl likes listening to death metal, this is a sign that she could have psychological issues. This is unlike another girl who tells you that she likes listening to gospel music. This is a girl who would be a good choice for a marriage partner. The key thing is to find out about the kind of music that she listens to. This will help you determine whether the two of you enjoy the same kind of music. You will also understand whether she is a good woman for you. Ensure that you don’t ask too little. For instance, once she tells you her favorite musician, you can go ahead and ask her about her favorite songs in his album. You can also ask her to recommend for you a nice movie that you can watch with her at your place over the weekend.
10. Let the girl talk about her favorite celeb
This may not be a topic that will add a lot of value to either of you whether you talk about it during a date or even on phone. Otherwise, Kim Kardashian losing a few kilos will not help any of you at all. However, trending topics are always evergreen. When you ask the girl to talk about her favorite celeb, you can also learn a few things about her kind of personality. If the girl talks about Miley Cyrus being her favorite celeb, she may be open to sex as compared to another girl who regards a gospel musician to be her celeb. This is particularly the case if the musician promotes celibacy. You will need to be very careful when speaking to such a girl or you may do something that you may end up regretting.
11. Childhood memories
This is another topic that can help to ignite positive emotions in a woman. This will also create that feeling of connection and trust between the two of you. If the girl had a bad childhood and was abused by her dad, ensure that you switch off this topic the fastest possible. However, you will not ignore the fact that many of the women you will meet will have a fairly good childhood. When a girl is ready to talk with you about her childhood, this is a sign that will make her feel secure and safe.
12. Ask the girl questions that inspire curiosity
A topic that inspires curiosity will make the girl to wonder what your intentions are. She will be a bit confused when trying to answer that. For instance, you can ask her whether she would ever date a pop musician .When she answers “yes” you can then tell her that you were just curious about that. You can also ask her whether she has ever thought of relocating to another country.
13. Let the girl talk about her hometown
You can ask the girl about her upbringing. Was she raised in the city or in a small village? Where she was raised can help you know the kind of girl she is. In case she just relocated from the village, it could be an indication that not only is she inexperienced but she may be available for some new adventures. On the other hand, if she has been brought up in the city, she might not only try to test you but she might try to control how things go. You can take this topic to another level by asking her how it was growing up in that place. If she wasn’t brought up in the city, you can ask her how the city compared to her hometown.
14. Let the girl talk girl about her friends and school
This is another question that you can use to understand the girl better. You can ask her who she hangs out with. You can even be more direct by asking her who is her best friend. You can dig deeper into the conversation by asking her how she ended up meeting that friend. You can also ask her what she does with her friends. Find out if the girl went to a huge party school or she was in a conservative religious school. Where she went to school can be a good indication of the kind of girl she is likely to be. This may also go a long way in bringing some fond memories to her mind. If by chance you happened to have gone to the same school with her, it can bring some elements of trust. Ask her what she majored in school. You can follow up on the question by asking her what it was like attending that school. Was there a reason why she chose that school?
15. Let the girl talk about her pets
In case the girl has pets, there are high chances that she loves talking about them. This is a nice topic if you are a fan of pets too. On top of asking her about pets, you can ask her whether she is a cat or dog person. In case you have a pet, you can briefly mention it in your story. While this isn’t something that all can relate to, it can be a good topic for pushing your conversation with the girl further. If she doesn’t like pets, you can ask her whether she would mind if her boyfriend gets a pet.
16. Talk about something you observe in the girl
Some men think that it is wrong to complement or even show their interest in a girl. But if you would like to truly attract and even seduce her, you will need to make sure that you show genuine interest in her. In order to achieve this, you will need to figure out the things about her that are not only unique but you appreciate them. Check out for things like her sense of fashion that you rarely notice on the other women. Does the girl circle words that she finds cute when reading? You should bring to the attention of the girl that you notice these things. Once she shares her stories about them, you should let her know the things that you find attractive in her.
17. Ask the girl about cooking/favorite food
This is always a fun topic for girls. We all love food and each of us have our own favorite foods. When she gets an opportunity to speak about her favorite food, you will know whether you like the same kind of food. Asking about cooking will give you an opportunity to screen her. You will know whether your date is passionate about cooking a nice meal or whether you will be limited to a restaurant for the rest of your life. The best time that you should bring up this kind of topic is when you have just finished ordering. This will help you to discover what she likes eating and what she doesn’t like eating. When you keep this information for future dates, it can go a long way in earning you some extra points.
18. Talk about relationships and what she loves or find sexy in men
Relationships are always a good topic to talk about with a girl. The reason for this is that this is a topic that stirs a girl’s interest. You can ask her what she finds sexy in a guy. This can help you to run away from the friend-zone. This will also work well as it will help the girl to look at you from a sexual lens. It will create that sexual undertone. She might also ask you what you find sexy in a girl. Use this opportunity to show her that she is qualified to be your girlfriend.
19. Let the girl talk about her logistics
Many men assume the woman’s logistics and this only serves to get them into trouble. For instance, they assume that she is available for the entire night or she doesn’t have to wake up early the next day. They try to move things fast but her logistics hinder them. If the guys had taken to know about her logistics, this would have made things easy for both parties. You need to find out what she is up to for the night or even the next day. For instance, if you meet for the date at 9pm and she knows that she will be up by 7am the next day, you should probably take her home by 10pm. This is one way that will help to protect you from getting blocked the next day. You can simply ask her whether she will be working the next morning.
20. What are your plans for the week?
You should never aim to take a girl to your home after the first date. If you are meeting the girl for the first date, you should focus on planning the next one. The goal of this topic is to discuss about the place and time for the next date. This way, you will not need to keep discussing it over phone as you plan for the next date. Ask the girl whether she is doing anything on Wednesday or Friday. Is she says she is available, ask her whether she would avail herself for lunch or dinner.
21. Puzzles, situations or riddles
You may think that is weird to discuss these issues over a date or even on phone. However, this can be a great ice breaker. This is especially so when you are looking for a way to have some fun before speaking about other serious stuff. You can introduce one puzzle that you already know and help your girl to solve it.
22. Talk to the girl about funny stories
When the opportunity arises, talk to your date about a funny thing relating to your recent discussion either in a date or on phone. It will not be a good idea to writing your joke on a paper as this may fail big time. The key thing is to ensure that you remain yourself and share a funny and happy memory with your crush. This will work whether you are meeting your girl for a date or when you are talking on phone.
23. Key life lessons
This is another topic that will help both of you to know one another very well. Talk about the trials that you have faced and how you were able to overcome them. You can use it to show your crush that you are now a more mature decision maker. This is a topic that will help to keep the conversation going either during a date or even when talking to her on phone.
24. Dumbest thing you have ever purchased
Nearly all girls love shopping; and nearly all of them have ever bought an item that made them feel dumb. This is one topic that you can talk about during a date. You can be assured that it will leave the girl excited. It will create a light moment that will help to break the ice.
25. Ask the girl if she had a good time
You should always try to find out if the girl had a good time. After a date, there will be some kind of awkwardness as each party tries to find out if the other enjoyed their company. You can break the ice by telling her hat you enjoyed her company and truly had a good time. This is one thing that the girl will appreciate hearing. You will have saved her from having to dissect everything she said while trying to find out if she messed it up.
Final thoughts on topics to talk with a girl
Once you are able to connect with a girl during the date, you can be assured that she will be ready to meet you on a second date. Remember that she will only consider you to be a skilled talker because you can keep talking with her without that awkward silence. However, it is also worth noting that your ability to talk continuously with her will only be one part of the equation and it is not the most important one. A good communication occurs where the two of you talk on equal measures. Also remember that getting to know a person is like peeling an onion; ensure that you get to one layer at a time. A common mistake that men make is to get eager to know the person and therefore rush to ask all the questions at the same time. They even get to a point where they ask sensitive or personal question that leads their date to go or be on the defensive. You should bear in mind that as the relationship with your date evolves, you will get a lot of room to know them on the weightier matter. If it was your first date, the above questions will help you to determine whether this person is the right choice for you. Even where you find that she is not the right choice for you, it will still be interesting to get to know the person and have an opportunity to peek into their world. In order for the two of you to have a great conversation, you will need to start by being genuinely interested in and listening keenly to what the other person has got to say. The process will start by providing enough space for your date to express herself and asking her some follow-up questions that will keep the conversation going.