20 Flirty Ways To Tastefully Show A Guy You Like Him
If you have found a special guy that you like, try one of these 20 fun and flirty tricks to show him that you're interested and that you like him.
Jul 24, 2018

How to flirt with a guy and show that you like him
Some guys are practically blind and take way too long to figure out that a woman likes them. It can be frustrating to dress up, wear good makeup, and talk nicely to him yet the guy you like still doesn’t take the hint. Letting him know that he has captured your heart is not simple, more so if he is new to you. The situation gets worse if you are a shy girl and can't seem to bring yourself to talk to him normally, much less tell him that you like him. At some point, it feels like getting his attention is as difficult as rocket science. This post features 20 flirty strategies you need to try to show a guy how much you like him and hopefully make him fall for you.
1. Show that you like him with delicious food
As the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If you really want to show him your affection, prepare his favorite meal! If you're not a good cook, get creative and hire a chef. Get advice from your friends about the right dishes for a romantic meal. Try to find out what type of food he loves most and make it for him. Believe it or not, it's food, not love, that makes the world go round.
2. Bring him to places he loves
If there is a certain park or museum that he adores, ask him out so you can have a great time together. Treat him to an exciting date and it will show him that you are attentive to what he adores. It means you are committed to his happiness and soon he will fall for you. But you don’t have to try too hard or rob a bank to take him to an expensive restaurant. Start with simple places like your city’s botanical garden or the nearest public museum.
3. Flowers are the simplest way to show a guy you like him
Who said that flowers can only be given to girls? From your local florist, you can find some romantic bouquets to express love to your new guy. Even if he seems like a tough guy, there's no way can he resist flowers. After a while, he will admit that he loves to smell the roses you send him just like he adores the scent of your skin. If you don’t know what color flowers he likes, avoid mixing pastels, which may clash, and opt for monochromatic bouquet hues which are more masculine. An orchid bouquet would be a great and unique choice if you like him. Note that certain colors have special meanings e.g. red roses symbolize romantic love; daisies represent loyalty; yellow flowers show friendship bond; while bamboo is for good luck. Do your research and choose the right kind of flowers to create a meaningful bouquet. He'll see your effort as a sign that you like him.
4. Staring deeply into his eyes shows that you like him
Loving gazes are different from other types of looks. When you see your guy, look at him with admiration and a hint of sensuality. If he's not blind, he will know for sure that you like him. Whenever your eyes lock, pause and smile at him, or hug him tightly if you can. The eyes are the road to your heart and he will learn you’re interested in him by the way you look at him.
5. Reciprocate the kind of gestures your guy makes
Sometimes men do good things for ladies just because. Maybe he helped you with a big task in the office - take advantage of this opportunity to send him a chocolate bar as thanks! He will feel appreciated and at the same time, think twice about why you chose to give him chocolate. When returning favors, make sure to do it when he least expects them. For instance, buy him a cold drink after a long workout in the gym. There are many small but sweet things that will work to show him that you like him. Get creative.
6. Some jealousy will show that you like him
A man may not understand all your feelings but it is crystal clear to him what your jealousy means. If you have been frequently asking whether he is dating a certain girl, he will instantly get the hint that you like him. While jealousy can be flattering, don’t get obsessive or he'll freak out.
7. Don’t be embarrassed to show that you like him in public
It is easier to give praise to a guy in private if you like him but doing it in front of a crowd requires confidence. So when the guy you are interested in scores a goal for his team, do not be afraid to shout his name and cheer him on for everyone to see. If he did something for you in the course of the semester, brag about it when you are in class. Some girls will become jealous but the good thing is that the guy you are interested in will hear it and be happy that you're so proud of him. Public displays of affection are good for him. Pull out your lovey-dovey tactics such as wrapping your arms around his neck or leaning on his chest in front of people to drive home the fact that you like him.
8. A smile shows how happy you are when he’s around
A guy will be more in tune with your body language than what you say. Sadly, he pays more attention to your body than your words. Therefore, smiling is one way to show that you like him. A smile is a sign of joy and that means a lot to him. If you are interested in him, smiling is an easy and natural way to show that you like him. Don’t forget to use other body language signs such as blushing and touching him subtly. For instance, you can lightly touch his hands whenever the two of you are laughing together.
9. Avoid looking desperate
Many guys can tell when a desperate woman is interested in them. If there's an exhibition or show every Friday in your town, you don’t have to ask him out every week. If you're too clingy, he will lose interest and back off. Unless you are sure he is interested in you too, do not ask him to go out on a date with you. It doesn’t matter if you like him more than anyone else, he will not chase you if you show signs of desperation.
10. Show the guy how much you admire him
Did you know that a guy’s self-esteem is all about being a real man? That is, how he performs at school, in bed, or as a professional. He desires your feminine approval so give it to him more often. However, your praises must be honest and appeal to his masculine nature. If he receives an award in the office, compliment him for his hard work and he will soon see how much you like him.
11. Silence speaks louder than words
The gift of silence from a woman is one way of telling a man that she likes him. Sometimes a guy needs some quiet time to himself, especially after a tough day. Sit by his side when he needs to relieve himself from stress and let his mind clear without any interference. Simply squeezing his hand or rubbing his shoulders will be enough to comfort him.
How to show that you like him through your clothes
No guy will deny that a woman in a sexy dress is a seductress. Brace yourself and stop worrying about other ladies. You should focus on presenting the most attractive version of yourself to him. Remember that he will not only be judging you on your actions but also your physical appearance.
12. Let him see your best assets
Take a chance and make him feel good by dressing sexy and loving yourself at the same time. Show a little skin. While flaunting your body should not mean dressing like you're an adult film star, you don’t have to wear attire that's too modest either. Unless it’s his thing, avoid dressing like a nanny or your mother when meeting up with him. Make him interested in you even before you take off your clothes. Think of a different style from your normal clothes - one that shows your cleavage, legs, or any part of your body you consider an asset. With some exposed skin, his mind will be locked on you. He will be left wondering how you would look like if your entire body was exposed. Note that you are trying to be hot, not a hot mess, so don't overdo it. You may also send him a text with a super hot selfie as you chat at night.
13. Put on your best high heels
Guys adore high heels because they are one of the sexiest accessories a girl can wear. High heels make you look taller and slimmer, a figure that is seen as ideal by most men. If your plan is to get his attention and show that you like him, don’t forget to wear high heels with your figure-hugging dress.
14. Show your sexiness in a mini skirt or dress
Bare legs are among the things that drive men crazy! So the more of your legs you reveal, the better. Consider trying out a tight mini dress or skirt that accentuates your hips and lower back, but don’t go to the extreme. They key when dressing sensually is to play up only one body part at a time. So if you want to show off your legs, keep it covered up top.
15. Put on a short romper to show off your legs
Short rompers will also give you the same sexy effect of mini skirts or dresses while being more playful and casual. Choose comfortable and elegant rompers to showcase your legs around him and in no time he will notice that you like him.
Flirt with your guy over text to let him know that you like him
You can easily and quickly turn on a man you are interested in with a simple text. You don’t need to overthink it at all.
16. Compose short texts
You don't have to give explanations for every statement. Keeping it mysterious will have him wondering what's really going on in your mind, which is a good way to keep the flirty texts going. When he asks for an explanation to a very flirty text, change the subject immediately to make him more curious. If he's confused, he's going to try harder to know you better, which is the whole point of this exercise. Do not make things easier for him. He must earn your approval and the right to pursue and woo you.
17. Refer to him by his name in the text
This is a way to make the conversation more personal and establishing an intimate friendship. Make sure that you mention his name after a few text messages, particularly when giving compliments. He will like you more if you come up with a pet name just for him and use it often. Having a cute or funny pet name for your guy is a clear sign that you like him.
18. Let him know that you are thinking about him
It boosts a guy's ego to know that a girl somewhere is thinking about him. Instantaneously, he will warm up to you and start thinking about you too.Eventually, he will figure out that you like him if you keep doing this.
19. Turn him on via text
If you want him to engage in a naughty conversation with you, do not do it directly. A good idea is to ask suggestive questions and insinuate naughty stuff. For instance, if he asks what you are up to, tell him that you are trying out a new dress or you are heading to the shower! It's possible to make him have dirty thoughts about you without stating them directly. The indiscreet way of turning him on is the best way to flirt with a guy and show that you like him.
20. Include smiley images in the text
Smiley and winking faces are not only fun but flirty when used in a text. Wink every time you say hello and show the tongue out emoji if you text about something delicious. Since smiling is contagious, he will be smiling while texting you back. You will be conveying the message that you like him discreetly.
Flirting is a game. Make it fun and he will appreciate all you do just to make him notice you. There's no need to stress over it. Even if you like him a lot, try not to overthink what you're doing and just go with the flow. As you try to show your feelings for him, be as feminine as you want to be. Don’t forget that men like real women, so don’t pretend to be someone you're not in your efforts to please him. All your flirting will be pointless if he ends up falling for a made-up version of you.