25 Creative Ways To Show Your Man You Love Him
The best way to show your husband or boyfriend that you love him is to get creative. Make him feel special, without having to ever say it.
Jul 24, 2018

1. Show him you love him by making his favorite dish
Incorporating your partner’s favorite meal or dessert into your weekly menu is a great way to show him that you love him because you know what he likes. It also shows that you want to make him happy, especially if his favorite meal isn’t something you would normally make.
2. Create a playlist with him in mind
Couples often have songs that remind them of their partner, so creating a playlist of songs that make you think of him is a really fun way to show that you love him. This also works great in a long distance relationship because you can send to him daily to let him know you are thinking of him. Introducing him to new bands and songs that you can enjoy together is always a great way to bond, too.
3. Surprise him with a “throwback” date
Do you remember the first date your husband took you on? Plan the exact same date! Doing so is a creative way to show him that you love him because it will spark the excitement that the two of you felt at the beginning of your relationship. You could also recreate the date where the two of you said “I love you” for the first time, or even the date he took you on when he asked you to be his wife.
4. Take him on a surprise adventure
Plan an adventure for the two of you and don’t give him any details! This doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan, either. Pick a place that the two of you can drive to easily for a long weekend and only give him hints for what to pack, rather than where you are going or what you’re going to do when you get there. Your adventure can have a bunch of fun activities, or you can pick a place the two of you can just relax and spend time together as husband and wife.
5. Take him to do something he’s always wanted to do but hasn’t
A creative way to show your man that you love him is to help him tick items off his bucket list. Maybe he’s talked about going skydiving, or going to see the grand canyon. You can be the one to help him do those things! Experiencing those things together will bring you closer together and show him that you’re willing to try new things with him.

Source: https://images.pexels.com
6. Show him you love him by leaving a love note somewhere he will find it
Writing a short but sweet love note and leaving it somewhere he will find it, a creative way for a wife to show her husband how much she loves and appreciates him. It doesn’t need to be super sappy - a simple “have a great day at work, I love you” will do. Hide it in his briefcase for him to find at work or stick it on the bathroom mirror for him to see when he brushes his teeth.

Source: https://images.pexels.com
7. Give him a card deck that states all the reasons you love him
Anyone that’s perused Pinterest for gift ideas has probably seen the card deck turned into a book filled with 52 reasons you love him and it’s definitely a fun and creative gift to give your partner. Simply punch holes in the upper corner of the card deck and attach them with a binder ring or even a piece of twine and use a Sharpie to write down 52 reasons you love your partner.
8. Get creative with kisses
Another great Pinterest gift to show your love is to fill a jar with Hershey’s kisses and write a note that says, “kisses for when I’m not around” somewhere on the jar. It is a silly and fun way to get your guy to smile and every time he reaches into the jar, he will think of you.

Source: https://i.pinimg.com
9. Plan a weekend trip for him and his friends
Being secure in your relationship means that you can express your love for one another by not actually spending time together. Coordinate a weekend trip for him and a few friends to go see a band they love or get him tickets to go visit his friend who lives in a different city. Planning a weekend away for him shows you not only love him, but that you trust him.
10. Write him a love letter
Expand on your love note with a full blown love letter. Getting a handwritten letter from you will show that you are willing to put the effort into your relationship so he knows that you care for him. Write about the things that you love about him, you’re favorite memory of him, or even how you appreciate the things that he does for you.
11. Take a task off his list of chores
We all tend to have a honey-do list for our significant others to complete whether it be mowing the lawn or cleaning out the garage. Show your partner you love them by completing a task off his list. It doesn't need to be one of the bigger projects but it will definitely make his life a little easier and free up some time for him to do something he enjoys.
12. Surprise him with something he’s wanted forever but hasn’t bought himself
If there is something he’s talked about wanting for a long time, but hasn’t actually bought for himself because it’s too expensive or impractical, consider buying it and surprising him with it. It can sometimes be difficult to justify spending money on something such as a new expensive watch, when the old one works just fine, but surprising him with it will only make him appreciate it even more.
13. Stock the fridge with his favorite beer
After a long week of work, it can be nice to come home and relax on the couch with a beer or two, so consider stocking the fridge with his favorite beer. It’s such a simple, little thing, but it is an easy way to show you care. Taking the time to track down an elusive craft beer he enjoys or even stocking the fridge with a variety of beers he likes is a nice touch. Pick up some of his favorite snacks to go with the beer and you’re guaranteed to make his whole weekend.

Source: https://www.kegworks.com
14. Do something he loves but you don’t
In any relationship, it can be expected that there are things you don’t both enjoy doing, so you often go your separate ways when one of you wants to do them. Maybe he likes to golf but you’re not the sporty type. Surprise him by scheduling a tee time for the two of you. He will appreciate the effort you’ve made and the interest you are taking in something he likes to do. Just make sure to be a good sport and not complain the whole time!
15. Pamper him
When your significant other is stressed out, you can show your love by pampering him. Put on some soft music, turn down the lights and draw him a hot bath. Soaking in the tub for a while will loosen him up and alleviate some of the stress he’s been feeling. Once he’s out of the tub, offer to give him a massage.
16. Be punny
In a long distance relationship? Send him a care package filled with different types of candy and attach sticky notes with a cheesy pun to it. Need some inspiration? Buy a bag of gummy bears and write, “life would be unBEARable without you.” If he’s more of a chocolate lover, get a Reese's and write, “I can’t REESE-ist you.” Get creative!
17. Wear his favorite dress or style your hair the way he loves on your next date
If the two of you are going on a date, consider wearing a dress or outfit you know he loves. Complete the look by styling your hair in a way that he’s said he likes. This shows that you listen when he compliments you.
18. Plan a scavenger hunt
Have an anniversary coming up? Plan a scavenger hunt! It’s a fun way to visit memory lane as you celebrate new milestones. Create clues that bring him back to places and moments from your dating journey, such as where you had your first kiss or where he said he loved you for the first time. Meet him at the location of the prize wearing a bow, because you’re his grand prize!
19. Get creative and make an “I love you because…” photo frame
This an incredibly easy thing to do and you can get as creative you’d like. Buy a cute picture frame, put some scrapbook paper on the inside with the phrase, “I love you because” written on it. When you put the frame back together, you can use it like a dry erase board and write new reasons every day. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can even decorate the frame with flowers or mementos he’s given you.
20. Keep a photo of the two next to your bed
Simple, yet effective, especially when you are in a long distance relationship. Keeping your favorite photo of the two of you on your nightstand shows him that you love him because you will see it every night before you go to bed and every morning when you wake up. Take it one step further and let him pick out his favorite picture of the two of you.
21. Give him a token of your affection
Another creative way for a wife to show her husband how much she loves him is to create tokens of affection for him. Find some coins or round objects that you can keep in a drawstring bag. On each of the tokens, write some sort of personal favor on them such as giving him a back rub or make dinner. He can pick which one he wants to use and he will appreciate the effort you made.
22. Give him your undivided attention
How many times have you gone out somewhere and have seen a couple staring at their phones rather than talking to each other? Shut out the distractions and show your boyfriend you love him by keeping your focus on him. Really listen to what he is saying to you and you will both end up feeling connected and fulfilled.

Source: https://images.pexels.com
23. Ask him for advice
Asking your partner for his advice shows that his opinion matters to you. Even if you aren’t sure he will know what to do, ask him what he thinks anyways. He’ll appreciate that you want to work through the problem with him and if he is the one the ends up helping you solve it, he will feel like your hero.
24. Show him you love him with a compliment
Sometimes we can take our partners for granted and not tell them when we like something about them. Make an effort to compliment your man every once in awhile. If you like the way the shirt he is wearing brings out the blue in his eyes, tell him. He’ll feel special and as a bonus, he will probably make an effort to compliment you back more often.
25. Just say it
The best way to tell your partner that you love him is just to say it! This is especially effective if you are in a long distance relationship, when it is harder to show how much you love him without saying it. If the two of you aren’t the type to talk about your feelings a lot, and as a result don’t say those three words on a daily basis, just saying it will surprise him.
It doesn’t matter how you do it as long as you mean it
As long as you put the time and effort into your relationship, your significant other will never have to wonder whether or not you love him. Have fun with because there are always new and creative ways to show you love!