Constipated? 15 Natural Constipation Home Remedies To Poop Fast
Use these fast home remedies to relieve yourself of being constipated. These are tried and tested ways of finally being able to poop again!
Jul 25, 2018

What does it mean to be constipated?
Many of us have had that horrible pain that is possibly severe, the tightness and fullness in your abdomen that just will not let up. Then you realize you do not remember the last time you went for poop! Or you remember the last time you went poop and it was painful, and not your usual bowel movement. To be constipated, you actually may not realize how constipated you are until it is more disruptive to your daily life. Being constipated can completely take over your day, especially if you have severe symptoms added to the gas and bloat in your abdominal region. Constipation, simply put, is when there either the person goes poop less frequently than normal or when it is painful or difficult to poop. Usually this is caused by compacted poop that have a difficult time passing through the intestines. In other instances it can be caused by inflammation of the bowels, nutrient deficiencies, medication changes or in more severe cases an obstruction or abnormality in the bowels leading to poop build up.
Acute constipation
Acute constipation is when you don't poop and occurs more suddenly, which can last up to a few days. This usually is caused by dehydration, medication, nutrient deficiencies, and lack of time to have a proper bowel movement; undergoing surgery, use of general anesthesia and even due to pregnancy. Pain medication may relieve these symptoms, but these tips below can help relieve them fast before needing to use medication.
Chronic constipation
Chronic constipation lasts longer than acute constipation and can be caused by more severe reasons. To be classified as being chronically constipated you have disruptions in your bowel movements 2 or more times in an 8 week long time frame. A few of the symptoms you should watch out for of chronic constipation that happen multiple times in a short time frame are three or less bowel movements in a week, incontinence, excessively large poop and painful bowel movements. Continue reading if you would like to learn what symptoms to watch out for that your constipation is more severe and you may need to consult with a doctor.
What are the symptoms of being constipated?
You may not notice right away that you are constipated, but over time you may experience some or all of these symptoms. To actually be constipated you may only notice one or a couple of these symptoms. Either way it is not too late to start relieving your pain without the use of traditional medicine now! - less frequent bowel movements - difficulty when you are trying to poop - bloating and pain in the abdomen - passing large poop - heaviness in your rectum region - feeling as though you need to push on your stomach to be able to poop - feeling full during or after meals more easily - loss of appetite - headaches - fatigue - irritation It is important to remember that everyone is different. If you have any of these symptoms or multiple you may be experiencing constipation and should make diet and lifestyle adjustments using the 15 tips below to get fast relief so you can go poop!
How do you know if you are severely constipated?
Normal constipation is not usually something to stress out about. Usually it lets up on its own or with the aid of the tips below, but that is not always the case. There are certain signs and symptoms you should observe to make sure your constipation is not becoming a more serious problem. - extreme abdominal pain - vomiting - excessive stomach bloating (this could indicate a bowel obstruction) - longer than a week without going poop - sudden and unexplained weight loss - you find blood in your stool - development of hemorrhoids caused from straining (this can be an indicator you are causing damage to your intestines from straining too hard ) Use your best judgment and watch for the symptoms above. It is important not to pass of these symptoms as the usual symptoms, ultimately putting your health at risk. It is also crucial to seek medical help if you experience the above symptoms and nothing you try to induce a bowel movement causes any help or relief.
15 ways to get relief from being constipated and poop!
These tips are meant to be quick relief remedies without medicine, but it is important to note that not everybody reacts the same way. Some people may experience fast relief from one remedy and the other not experience fast relieve or any relief at all. That is why it is important to try out one, and then if that does not work move on to the next one. Since these are more natural remedies to help you poop fast you can even try out a couple of the tips in combination with each other before needing to tryout the medicine approach. Be sure to also stay close to a bathroom in case you suddenly have to poop because these tips may work that fast! Choose a time where you will be close to home or in a relaxing space so that stress of needing to rush at any minute to the bathroom does not hinder your ability to poop when you finally are able to.
1. Increase your fiber intake for relief and to poop fast
Fiber is key to relieving constipation and maintaining healthy bowel movements without having to take medicine for mild and severe constipation. It is important to get a good amount of soluble and insoluble fiber fast in your daily intake of fiber. For fast constipation relief soluble fiber adds water to your stools, making them softer and easier to pass. Insoluble fiber adds more bulk to your stools, making it pass more quickly through your intestines. Since insoluble fiber adds bulk it is important to make sure you are getting soluble fiber as well so it does not make your constipation worse and to hydrate.
Examples of soluble and insoluble fiber to help you poop
Daily need: 25-30 grams a day Fiber rich foods: Black beans Split peas Broccoli Peas Lentils Oat bran Nuts Seeds Psyllium Barley Apples Pears All of these foods can help you poop fast without having to use medicine. When you are able to poop fast you can resume your life and start feeling more comfortable again!
2. Abdomen massage for relief from being constipated
Massaging your abdomen can be incredibly helpful in instant relief of pain, bloating and constipation without needing to use medicine. You are essentially loosening stool and relaxing your colon. It is best to do this as needed and gently. There will be little benefit if you use too much pressure, causing more pain to your already uncomfortable feeling form being constipated. The best and fast way to massage your abdomen to stimulate movement and allow you to poop fast is to use your two index fingers 1. Massage around your belly button area with your two index fingers in a small circular motion. 2. Next you want to use medium circular motion massaging, starting down by your hips and move upwards towards your rib cage. This will loosen up the harder poop. Use this massage technique now for fast results, or reference the link below for more detailed instructions on how to achieve an effective abdomen massage for quick constipation relief without the use of medicine. If you have more severe pain and cannot poop, you can always alternate between massaging and adding a heat pack to your abdomen over clothing to help you poop fast.
3. Taking magnesium when you are constipated for relief
Magnesium is an important mineral the body needs to function properly. Magnesium is naturally occurring in foods, but often times we do not eat enough of the mineral in food form so we need to supplement extra with it. Lack of magnesium can cause poop consistency to be irregular. Magnesium is great for - fast release of tension - fast activating of important enzymes - fast aiding in organ functions - regulating zinc, copper, vit D, potassium and calcium - fast improvement bowel movement regularity - aiding in the movement of poop as a laxative Not all forms of magnesium have laxative properties, so it important to be mindful of the one you are planning on taking so you can poop fast. Continue reading for the best forms for constipation. While it is noted that magnesium can work fast, take into consideration that you may not notice the results as fast as you like either depending on how depleted your body is of the mineral. If you are not deficient in magnesium you will poop fast. If you are more deficient you may not poop fast because your body needs to build it up more in its system.
Learn how to take best laxative to poop fast
For laxative properties, the form you want to look for is magnesium citrate. This has more benefits to aiding in bowel movement than some of the other forms because it is more easily absorbed by the body, leading to possibly instant poop results. * Make sure to note if you have any of the following symptoms associated with your constipation. If you do, you should limit your magnesium intake or be monitored by a doctor.
How to use it: For fast results
There are oral solutions and capsules of magnesium citrate, but for constipation the best form to help you poop and get instant relief would be the oral solutions. This is the best way to get fast results. For adults, ages 12 and up, take an oral citrate of a dose 195-300 ml either at once or split up with a full glass of water.
4. Right position on toilet for relief when constipated
There is a right way to sit on the toilet for the ideal bowel movement. This is usually not how we naturally sit on the toilet at all! I am sure many of us get in the habit of hunching over reading or staring at our phone or leaning backwards doing the same. This does not open up the intestines in the correct way to allow bowel movements to be easier on our bodies. Position is especially important when you are experiencing constipation. You need to provide extra aid to your intestines to increase the likelihood you can expel the hardened stool the easiest. The ideal way to position yourself on the toilet would be to lean forward slightly with erect posture. The next step would be to establish a squatting position by using props, such as the Squatty Potty. This opens up the intestines more to allow full excretion of stool without excessive straining. It is also important to note that if you do not have a prop you should try to have your fee sit flat on the floor instead. Other helpful tips when positioning yourself on the toilet is to... * breathe deeply from your abdomen while engaging your pelvic floor muscles. * relax your anal muscles for easier bowel movements * engaging your abdominal muscles to push the stool down instead of clenching
Props that you might have on hand to help you poop
You can use different props to accomplish the ideal poop position. One brand that is known for helping achieve the squatting position is the Squatty Potty, but what do you do if you do not have time or access to one when you need it to help you poop fast? All you need to do is search around your house fast for a raised box of some sort to help you get in the right position to poop better. Some examples of what you can look for are * baskets * bins * books stacked (this is not the ideal prop but can work in a pinch. You can lay down a towel so it is more sanitary) * Two bowls flipped upside down on either side of the toilet for your feet to rest on You can get creative by using what you find around your house fast to save money and get fast relief from being constipated.
5. Use Miralax for fast relief from being constipated
MiraLax can be used for fast constipation relief, although it can take up to a few days to see relief. It is primarily used as a laxative to stimulate bowel movements fast when you are suffering from IBS occasionally or other non-severe constipation. *Similar to milk of magnesia, be aware that MiraLax does contain sodium phosphate. Sodium phosphate is not recommended for everyone and can lead to further complications. Make sure to check with a medical professional before taking MiraLax or any other product with sodium phosphate in it.
6. Hydrate in order to poop fast; learn how to do it
Water is essential in preventing and relieving constipation fast. Ultimately constipation is caused by dehydration of poop in the colon, meaning it needs to have water to loosen and soften up the stool in your intestines. I am sure it is difficult to remember to drink water, especially with busy lives and the habit many of us have of drinking coffee first thin in the morning instead. Try to remember to drink water before your morning cup of coffee or tea to set your colon up for fast success! If you do not like the flavor, or lack of flavor, in water tryout some of the water flavoring tips next that will help you hydrate fast!
How to change it up if you struggle with drinking water
Not everyone likes the taste of water, but we all still need to stay hydrated. In order to stay hydrated you can enjoy drinking water and find relief from constipation with these different add in's to your water. * Chop up and add different fruits or vegetables to your water bottle or glass. The steps to flavoring your water are incredibly fast! -strawberries -cucumbers -oranges -lemon -lime -watermelon -pomegranate juice Wonderful combinations of these can be - Pomegranate and lime juice - Lemon and cucumber - Lime and mint leaves The possibilities are endless when you get creative adding different natural flavors to your water. Your colon will remain hydrated or loosen stools fast as you hydrate yourself more, ultimately accomplishing quick relief from your constipation.
7. Give yourself an enema for constipation
You can give yourself an enema and get results in an instant, or at least near instantly! The purpose of an enema is to use the fluid to soften the stool fast and the nozzle to loosen up the rectum area. The enema kit will instruct you to combine the fluid with some other sort of substance that will prevent your intestines from absorbing the extra fluid, in order to loosen up the poop fast.
How to: Items to give yourself an enema to poop fast
- Enema kit or - enema bag - enema nozzle - enema tubing - enema clamps - distilled or purified water - towels - lubricant
How to give yourself an enema for fast relief?
1. Assemble your sterilized enema kit if needed. 2. Place an organic lubricant on the nozzle of the enema (coconut oil, olive oil, etc...) 3. Fill your enema bucket up with luke warm distilled water and add the extra substance or lubricant to the water. 4. Release any bubbles from your enema tubing 5. Lay down on a soft surface on your side or facing down with your butt up where you are most comfortable. Make sure you lay towels down below you to prevent excessive clean up afterwards. 6. Take your enema bucket and put it somewhere close by that it can reach but is also at least 20in higher than your body. 7. Place the nozzle into your rectum and release the tubing valve, thus allowing the water to start to flow. 8. Close the enema valve when you feel pressure at the bottom of your rectum to prevent overfilling. 9. Hold in the water and get in a comfortable position where you can gently massage your lower abdominal area. * Only do this 1x a day until your constipation is relieved. If you overuse enema's it can lead to damage of your anus and can prevent your bowels from functioning properly on their own. Enema's too often create the reliance, where you body feels it needs the enema to effectively poop.
8. Use essential oils for fast relief
How to: Best oils for relieving constipation fast?
- Ginger essential oil: It also improves digestion and aids in relieving nausea - Fennel essential oil: aids in digestion and can be an instant relief if taken orally (make sure you get a quality brand that can be ingested) - Lemon essential oil: reduces the amount of inflammation you have while aiding in digestion - Rosemary essential oil: relaxes muscles and the digestive system, while improving the function of your digestive system - Peppermint essential oil: relaxes muscles and the digestive system
How to use it for fast results?
For all of these oils used topically you want to make sure to apply using a carrier oil.. This can prevent agitation of the skin, which is more likely when applied directly. Carrier oil examples are coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil and avocado oil. There are other oils as well you can use, but look for organic oils. *Before applying any essential oil to your skin first apply a dab with the carrier oil and make sure you do not have any reaction. Observe for 20 minutes for any reaction. If you do not see a reaction after 20 minutes you may continue to apply the oil. To apply the essential oil or essential oils of your choice you can use a couple drops of the essential oil and add it to the carrier oil. Massage the blend onto your entire abdomen, focusing on the lower abdomen and the sides to facilitate extra movement. * If you wish to ingest any of these oils make sure you have bought a quality essential oil without additives. You should also make sure the essential oil you buy is safe to ingest, which should be present on the label.
9. Coconut oil, the secret remedy for constipation
Coconut oil is an amazing way to relieve constipation quick. Coconut oil has laxative properties because of the main property of it being a medium chain fatty acid. This allows the intestines to use it fast, aiding in the softening and movement of hardened poop. To take internally it is best to find a cold-pressed coconut oil, but if you are not able to find a cold-pressed oil make sure it is at least organic. Cold-pressed does not process out as many of the beneficial health properties as other processed forms do so that is why it is ideal for consumption. If you do not like the taste of coconut oil you can always mix in cinnamon and honey or spread the coconut oil on toast for fast ideas. A few other ideas you can get in your coconut oil more easily through is by... - adding it to your sweet potatoes - adding it to your coffee or tea - cooking your meals in it It is best to eat it plain, but if you cannot stand the taste hopefully some of the above ideas will help eat the coconut oil fast! You may not see as instant of results, but it can still lead to relief from your constipation fast and improve your overall health with its many other health properties.
Learn how to use it to help you poop fast
Everyone reacts differently to coconut oil for constipation relief. You can start with using only a tsp. If you do not notice any constipation relief you may up the amount. Another option instead of eating one serving a day is to split it up throughout the day. This can cause continuous consumption of constipation relief, helping for the entire day. Note what method works best and more fast for you -taking a large spoonful or splitting it up throughout the day- for future reference if you experience constipation or pain when going poop again.
10. Drink apple and prune juice to help you poop fast
These amazing and sweet tasting juices can be a nice treat and relieve your constipation fast! All of these fruits contain sorbitol, which pulls fluids into the intestine in order to loosen poop and stimulate a bowel movement. While these juices taste great and can offer pain relief, make sure not to drink too much of the juice because of its high sugar content. Sugar can be inflammatory, leading to worse stomach pain if used in excess. With increased stomach pain it can lead to poop hardening up again form your muscles in your abdomen tightening. This will not help you poop fast, but do the opposite.
How to use these juices to poop fast?
Simply drink 4 oz of the juice, or combine all three to a total of 4 oz. If after a couple of hours you do not notice you have to poop or any let up in your constipation symptoms you can drink another 4oz of water.
11. Move your body to poop fast without medicine
Getting moving is a great way to get your bowels moving in an instant! It may be the last thing you want to do when you are struggling with pain from constipation, not being able to poop, but it can make a huge difference fast. Sometimes we need to stimulate movement to encourage hard stool to loosen up fast. It also moves the food through your intestines fast, leading to poop remaining more loose instead of losing water and causing the poop harden up. When you work out you also tend to breathe faster and more heavily. This heavier breathing causes our muscles to contract in your abdomen, which aid in passing poop fast when you are constipated. It is important to continue being active, but also more essential when you are struggling with constipation issues. You may get instant relief or it may take a bit of movement to stimulate any change in your bowel movements. Start by easing into exercises if you are in pain from not being able to poop. Try jogging to start, or warm up your entire body with squats. Then you can begin to increase your intensity. You may even need to stop mid- exercise to poop because it works so fast!
12. Consume a caffeinated coffee to help you poop fast!
Coffee, specifically caffeinated coffee, can cause you to poop fast! Have you ever had that morning cup of coffee and bam, you suddenly have to run to the bathroom to poop? There are a few reasons as to why coffee stimulates the digestive system so well. It is due in part because of the fact that the coffee is higher in acidity, leading to specific hormones being released. These hormones that are released aid in digestion, thus pushing poop through the colon fast. It does not have the same impact on everyone though, but it is definitely worth a delicious cup when you are stuck, constipated and in pain from not being able to poop!
13. Take a stool softener to loosen poop fast
Stool softeners should only be used once in a while, as they can cause your digestive system to rely on them to digest and eliminate poop properly. The purpose of stool softeners are exactly as it sounds, to soften the poop by helping to loosen up poop. After poop gets compacted stool softener is beneficial because it can soften poop from the outside of the compaction area to loosen up entirely very quick. Stool softener can be used in the form of a liquid or pill and is best taken before bed time. If you are not able to wait that long and need fast poop results (say you are experiencing pain in the morning P) you may take it when you need it as long as you follow the dose amount on your bottle or container. Make sure to also drink at least 8 oz of water with the stool softener as well. This not only will help keep you hydrated, but to loosen up the poop in a quick manner as well.
14. Use a saline laxative to poop fast and get fast relief
An example of a saline laxative would be milk of magnesia. This is meant to add fluids to the small intestine, thus having a near instant affect of loosening hardened or compacted poop not caused by more severe problems or medicine. Other forms of a saline laxative would be magnesium citrate, which we discussed previously. You also need to keep in mind that you should not combine an oral saline laxative with an enema at the same time, even if it seems it will help you poop even more fast. In addition, be careful to not overuse laxatives because it can cause an imbalance in your bodies electrolyte levels, lead to dehydration and kidney or heart problems. This is due to the ingredient sodium phosphate, which is present in milk of magnesia. * Make sure to check with a medical professional if you are going to try a laxative with sodium phosphate as an ingredient. It may not be right for you due to its negative side effects.
15. Bentonite clay with high fiber foods to poop fast
Bentonite clay can work well relieving constipation fast, but only in combination with other things like chia seeds or flax. If bentonite clay is taken alone without the use of the other softening items it will actually absorb water, leading to worsened constipation. If you end up experiencing diarrhea, you can take bentonite clay alone, which will allow your colon to absorb more liquid fast, leading to thicker poop. For constipation purposes, continue reading below for how to use bentonite clay to help you poop fast and what are the best brands to look out for. Bentonite clay is known for assisting the skin with acne, but also for detoxifying the bad bacteria, parasites and viruses from your digestive tract. You may have seen bentonite clay in your favorite facial cleansing mask, but do not simply believe it only has a place in your beauty regime. It has a place in relieving your constipation as well!
Bentonite clay for the constipated; just poop fast
1. Soak 1 tbsp. of chia seed of flax seed in water. 2. Wait for the chia seed has appeared to absorb as much water as it can, or the flax seed has soaked for a few minutes. 3. Add 1/2 tsp. of bentonite clay to the mixture of chia or flax seed water. 4. Add more water if needed 5. Drink the entire glass. You may continue to drink this bentonite clay mixture everyday if you are experiencing prolonged issues with IBS or constipation, but make sure you... - check with a medical doctor if you do not notice any relief after trying out the bentonite drink or any other remedy - do not take within 2 hours of taking a probiotic - your poop becomes too runny, ultimately leading to diarrhea
Symptoms to watch out for
Like with anything you take orally or apply topically it is best to watch out for any side effects or reactions. If you notice any of the below side effects after taking bentonite clay cut the amount you are using in half. If you still notice side effects discontinue using the product. * Muscle pain * Fatigue * Body stiffness ( This combined with the above symptoms may indicate you are storing toxins rather than excreting them properly * Headaches
What are some good brands to help you poop fast?
* Starwest Botanicals Bentonite Clay Powder * Aspen Naturals Bentonite Clay * Mountain Rose Herbs Bentonite Clay Powder These are just a few options for you to help narrow down a reliable source for your bentonite clay. When you are purchasing the bentonite clay be sure to check the label for internal use and/or food grade. You can find bentonite clay in the beauty section, but you want to make sure it is not your standard beauty mask, and is meant for consumption as well.
Find relief from your constipation and poop fast!
It is time to rid yourself of the dreaded constipation stress and pain without having to use medicine. Use any or all of these tips to prevent and relieve severe or mild constipation so you can fully enjoy your day fast! These tips are great to keep on hand for a day you need them or try them out now for constipation. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish when the stress and worry of not being able to poop is gone!