15 Love Hacks To Make Your Husband Feel Happy
When was the last time you did something special for your husband? If you can't remember, then it is time to make him happy with these 15 love hacks.
Jul 24, 2018

Marriage – grow as you learn!
Every marriage is different and so is every couple. But, there is one thing that is common in every marriage and that is love. If it wasn’t for love, then no relationship would have survived the test of time. Husband and wife are the two strong pillars of this institution called marriage. Both of you are responsible for each other’s well being. If your husband is trying his best to keep you happy, then it is your responsibility to appreciate him for that.
Supporting each other is key
It is easy to complain, but very tough to accept the effort that is being put in by your significant other. Marriage is like a journey where you don’t know what to expect from the next turn. Sometimes, the journey is smooth and at times it is bumpy, but if you have your husband’s back, then there is no need to worry. If your husband is supporting you through thick and thin, then you should return the favor by making your husband feel happy.
How does a wife make her husband happy?
Some wives have a preconceived notion that they can only make their husband happy sexually. But that is not the only thing they can do. Your husband will feel happy if you take note of his efforts. You can also make him feel special by surprising him with gifts. You know what, husband and wife are like the two wheels of a bike. Here, the bike is like marriage. Flat tires won’t take you too far, so if you want your marriage rolling smoothly, then take care of the tires.
Expectations in marriage
It really doesn’t matter whether you are a newlywed or an old couple, marriage can hit rough patches any time. It is important to curb down the expectation from sky high to something that is attainable. Nowadays, the marriages come packed with huge expectations. The girls think of a husband who will be supportive of her, charming in personality, a terrific lover, ambitious, a great companion and knowledgeable co-parent. So, you see, guys are already under pressure to carry out so many roles perfectly as a husband. As a wife, if you do not support him emotionally, then it will be tough for him to perform his duty successfully.
Ways to make your husband happy
It is a good idea to keep problems at bay by keeping your husband happy. Don't wait for your relationship to hit rock bottom before taking action. After all, it is best to act early. He would simply love the idea of spicing things up in the bed, but there are other ways to make him happy as well. No, your husband doesn’t always think about getting intimate in bed, he has other expectations as well. Why do you think that only you have the right to expect things from your husband? Why not the other way around? Next time, when there is a big fight between you and your husband, don’t wait for his apology. For a change, send him a bouquet of flower with a sorry card. This one small step will bring in a huge difference and you will see how happy your husband is due to this gesture. Here are 15 different love hacks to spice up things and make your husband really happy and content with his life.
1. Make your husband enjoy things on his own
This is one golden rule that you should follow to keep your husband happy regardless of the length of your marriage. Plan a surprise trip for your husband with his close friends and see him grin from ear to ear. Everybody needs some space and some ‘me’ time where they can do whatever they feel like and whatever makes them happy. If you let your husband enjoy that time without making him feel guilty, then he will greatly appreciate it. This could be your way of letting your love know that you care for him and that you want to see him happy.
2. Join him in his activities if he asks you
You know there are couples who have fallen for each other all over again by taking part in each other’s activities. If he loves paragliding and he wants you to join, then give in to his idea even if you are scared to death. You will see him taking care of you just like the way he did when you started dating each other. His touch and care are going to win you over. In case, you are petrified to jump off the cliff, then you can at least stand in there when he takes the plunge and support him. Motivate him and support him when he is trying out different venture. It is easy to complain, but hard to value what you have. So this time around, tread the hard path and ditch the easy one to make your husband happy.
3. Make your foodie husband happy
If your husband is a big foodie, then why not try to make his favorite restaurant dishes at home? It will be the best surprise of his life. Prepare a complete meal, including starters and dessert. His eyes will be wide open when he sees the spread on the dining table. Don’t expect him to shower you with compliments right away. It would take some time to soak in the fact that you have put in so much effort to cook him all his favorite dishes. Believe me, even if he doesn’t say it in words, his expression will make you understand how touched he is by your gesture. His friends will be jealous that he has an amazing wife like you.
4. PDA with your husband is allowed
Is there any rule that PDA is only for unmarried couples? Why can’t you indulge in some PDA with your husband? Though he would love it, he might not be the first one to initiate because he is scared of offending you. Just forget that you have been married to him for a decade. Imagine this is your first or second date and you are totally into him. Do whatever you feel like! At first, he might feel embarrassed, but slowly he will also start to give in.
5. Appreciate your husband’s little efforts
Appreciate his efforts and acknowledge it by saying ‘Thank you’. You can either thank him in person or you can send a small note with a gift to his workplace in order to surprise him. Another way to thank him and letting him know how you feel is through text. Just pick up your cellphone and type in a heartfelt message and send it to him. You must be thinking that you are no teenager to do all these silly things. You are wrong my dear. No matter how old you grow, it is these kinds of small yet significant things that make a huge difference in life.
6. Compliments make him happy
He must have heard thousands of compliments, but the one that you said will be the most special and cherished one for your husband. If he is good in bed, then appreciate him for that. It will give him a huge boost that he is able to satisfy you sexually. If you can blame him for something wrong, then why not compliment him for something he is good at? There should be a harmony between a complaint and an appreciation. It should go hand in hand to make your husband happy all the time. Make him feel the love that you have for him, both sexually and emotionally.
7. Express your love for him
Love is the most beautiful emotion that one can have for the other. So, why not share it with that special person? Why should you hide it in your closet? Yes, it is an expensive gift that you can give to someone special only. Let your husband know how much you love him and care for him. Do you remember how you expressed your feelings for the first time? Recreate the same magic by baring your heart all over again.
8. Don’t drag the conflict
If you are having a conflict, then it is not easy to understand your love’s point of view. In the heat of the moment don’t blurt out something wrong that you will regret later. If you witness that the conflict is getting murkier then step back and take some time to think before you speak again. At that point of time, you won’t be able to see the other side of the coin, but that doesn’t mean the other side doesn’t exist. Couples who have been able to control their emotions or hold back their anger are the ones enjoying a blissful marital life. You will have to train yourselves to do that to avoid getting into serious conflicts. Anger destroys everything because when you are angry you shut your brain and open your mouth. You don’t realize how venomous your words are until the damage has been done. So, the next time you see a conflict cropping up, try resolving it right away with communication and understanding.
9. Touch can rekindle the love
Hold his hand, stroke him gently or gently rub his shoulders. You should often indulge in these kinds of things. It will make you feel closer to your husband and your husband will also feel good about it. As times passes by, we tend to forget how a simple holding of hands used to create magic. Be spontaneous in whatever you do. If you feel like holding his hands, then go ahead and do it without thinking much. He is your husband, after all, then why are you shying away from holding his hands? Even if you and your husband are sexually active, these innocent and harmless touches will still make him very happy. Sometimes, it is so much fun to make other couples jealous by showing off the bond that you and your partner share.
10. Accept each other's differences
You both are quite different from each other, so it is just normal that both of you will have different views on the same topic. Whenever he is explaining his point of view and justifying his thoughts, do you find yourself cutting him short to impose your thoughts? This is how you can get into conflicts. But not all conflicts are destructive. Having different opinions is not bad. You just need to respect each other's point of view. If you and your husband are always conflicting because of incompatibility, then it is a sign that your relationship is hitting the rough patches. It can be destructive to your relationship. But, on the other hand, if it is due to the difference of personality, then it will help you learn new things about each other. Are you jealous of your husband's cool nature? Try to incorporate that in your personality as well. Appreciate each other's qualities rather than concentrating on the differences. Conflicts will help you discover an unknown side of your love. It will actually help you grow in your relationship.
11. Be a little naughty in bed
Trying out new things in bed can be fun. Why should young couples have all the fun? Do something naughty sexually to turn him on. He would love to join in the fun. If you think that your husband should always make the first move, then think again. For a change, take the lead and turn on the heat by putting on sexy lingerie. Getting intimate in the bed can help you connect emotionally as well with your husband. A little action between the sheets might rejuvenate both of you and give a fresh breath of life to your marriage. Sex is not just about satisfying the physical need, it is also about connecting with your partner.
12. Tickling the funny bones
You know what; don’t be ashamed to goof up in front of your love. He would actually love this goofy side of yours. You never know he might actually enjoy watching you do something really funny. Who doesn’t love to have a hearty laugh? If you are making your husband laugh his heart out, then why would he not enjoy your company?
13. Acknowledge his vulnerable side
You must have noticed that at times your husband seems to feel jealous when you are appreciating some quality about another guy. It is nothing like he is insecure about the relationship, but the fact is that he is being vulnerable. Being all vulnerable and soft is something that we generally attach to the girls in our society. Boys grow up hearing the phrase that “boys don’t cry”, so they feel that if they cry then they might be shamed for that. Make your husband realize that it is okay to have a breakdown at times and cry like a baby. Forget the stereotype that a girl can cry at the drop of a hat and a guy has to hold back his tears always. Make him embrace his vulnerability gracefully.
14. Don’t be bossy
Admit it, women are prone to be bossy in a relationship. We tend to think that we are always right and our husband should always listen to us and act as per our decisions. You have set some rules for your family and want everybody to follow it. But in the end, you must remember that you are not running a company. You are keeping a relationship. If you are too bossy, then frustration will slowly creep into your relationship and ruin everything even before you realize what is wrong. Communicate properly with your husband and make sure that you and your husband are on the same page. Your sincerity will be appreciated and welcomed by your husband.
15. Plan a date night
It’s been ages since you and our husband went out on a date, right? So, why not plan a date tonight? You might feel jealous of all the younger couples who are going on frequent dates. You should have some fun, too! Why should marriage become the hindrance to the date night? If you are expecting him to make all the arrangements like a true gentleman, then don’t you think he might have also pinned his hopes on you? Don't make an issue about who is planning the date as long as both of you enjoy the date night and each other’s company. This is a sure-shot way of rekindling the romance between old couples. Reminiscing old dating days would be fun. Remind him of the time when he used to get jealous if any of his friends would shower you with compliments. You will see your man blushing.
Final words
These are some of the hacks that you can try if you want you can put on the thinking cap and come up with something innovative to impress your husband and make him happy sexually and emotionally. Every couple has something unique about their relationship, but with time, romance can fade away into oblivion. A marriage should not end up like that. Both partners should give a lot of effort in order to make married life a happy one. If one of them is letting things slip away, then the other partner should act fast and take a grip. This where these 15 love hacks will come to your rescue. You know your husband better, so you know how to make him happy.