8 Things You Learn When You Realize You Deserve Better
Are you moving on from a toxic relationship? Here are the 8 things that you will learn when you realize you deserve someone better.
Jul 24, 2018

Never Settle until you deserve better
Nothing could teach you better life lessons than falling in love with the wrong person. When you realize that you deserve someone better, you will learn to move on, love yourself even more and find your happiness without having any dependencies. Letting go of your past relationship might be a tough one, but the greatest lesson that you would ever learn in life is to NEVER SETTLE for a relationship that you don't deserve. Here are the eight things that you will learn when you realize you deserve better.
1. Importance Of Giving Up
Letting go of your relationship can be very difficult you will never know when to stop trying. Being with someone who never deserved you in the first place will never let you grow as a person. Accept the fact that you deserve someone who values you and appreciates you. You will understand that giving up and moving on with your life is a blessing and that you will be able to appreciate it. You will realize that to move on and settle for what you deserve in life is the actual meaning of being in a relationship.
2. Importance Of Time
The most heartbreaking truth that you will know is that you have wasted your time and energy on someone who never deserved you. The greatest treasure of your life is 'Your Time.' Investing it on someone who doesn't deserve it will make you realize the true value of your time. You will understand that the clock is ticking and there is no point in chasing the wrong person and that you deserve someone better.
3. Apologies doesn't mean it won't Happen Again
When you realize you deserve someone better you will learn that saying 'sorry' doesn't always mean they will never repeat it. You might have been in a relationship where the word 'Sorry' would never have any value to it. It would be just a way of making up for your special someone's bad behavior. You will realize that they will continue to be in their way despite being sorry and never to completely trust on apologies.
4. No one will ever love you as You Love Yourself
If you have realized that you deserve someone better, you will understand that no one will ever love you the way you love yourself. You will also appreciate that it is okay that your partner will never be able to love you as much as you love yourself. This is an important lesson that you will learn when you are trying to move on and that no one will ever value you like the way you do yourself.
5. Stop Hoping that Things Will Get Better
When in a relationship you don't deserve it is normal to keep hoping that things would eventually get better. This is a way of telling yourself that whatever happens will get better and life will become better. When you learn your lesson, you will know that things are going to remain the same forever and they will never get any better. This is a valuable lesson that you will learn about your life and all your future relationships.
6. Realizing Self-Worth
When you realize you deserve someone better you will understand your worth. Your special someone might have made you feel unworthy at all times. You might be able to learn your true worth and look for someone who appreciates you, cherishes you, and adores you. When you truly understand yourself, you will never be able to settle for someone you don't deserve. This is a very important lesson that might make you understand what settling means.
7. Let Go Of Your Insecurities
The fear of being single can make you feel insecure when in a relationship. But the best thing you will learn when you realize you deserve better is to stay single than to be with the wrong person. You might let go of your insecurities, that you had in your experience and learn to enjoy life as it is. Even your partner will not care about your fear or insecurities and that you will have to let go of your fear.
8. Everything Happens for A Reason
The most important life lesson that you will learn when you realize you deserve someone better is that everything in life happens for a reason. Every relationship that you have will teach you a lesson and that you will have to learn from your past experiences. You will be able to upgrade yourself to a better version after every heartbreak. Being able to appreciate a failed relationship is one biggest life lesson you will learn.
Life Is Good
It might have been painful to go through a bad relationship, but the lesson that you learn is precious. You will understand that there is no better relationship in the world than to be in a good relationship with yourself. You will know yourself better, your wants and needs and what to look for and when to settle when the right man walks into you. When you realize that you deserve someone better, you will be able to appreciate every single moment of your life when in a perfect relationship. You will be able to cherish the relationship you have and realize that life is great when spent with the right one.