20 Unmistakable Signs You're Crazily Falling In Love
Love can be an amazing thing. But how do you find out if you are in love with him? Here are 20 signs that you are crazily falling in love.
Jul 24, 2018

Love is a beautiful feeling
There is no better feeling than being in love. You will feel refreshed even though you may not be sure whether you are really in love. The good thing is that there are some 20 unmistakable physical signs that can show that you are really in love.
1. You keep thinking about him
Probably you have heard the saying that says: "You know if you are in love when you cannot fall asleep, as the reality is literally better than the dreams." In case you are constantly falling asleep with the phone in your hand, or you spend the whole night chatting, there are chances that you have fallen in love with him. In a world that has gotten really busy, if you cannot find quality sleep, this is a sign that he has made you fall in love.
2. Talking about him with others
When you start talking with others about the times that you spend together with him, this is a physical sign that you are taking the relationship with the seriousness it deserves. New evidence suggests that when people fall in love, they will try to marshal their friends and family members to like this person.
3. Deleting dating apps once you fall in love
In this technological era, the majority of singles are on the dating apps. When you get to a point where you feel that you don’t need these apps any longer and delete them completely from your phone, it is among the physical signs of falling in love. You delete these apps as you don't need to search any longer.
4. Talking about your future together once you fall in love
If you find yourself talking about the things you want to do in future, it could be a sign that you have fallen in love with him. There may not be anything weird with the two of you talking about that upcoming concern in two months, or a trip to the beach during summer. However, if you cannot imagine a future without them, this could be among the clear physical signs that the two of you have feelings for one another.
5. Missing him once you fall in love
If you can’t go for a day without missing him, and you really mean it because it is painful without him, this is among the signs that he is now part of you. How you miss the person shows how interdependent you have become with one another. One research showed that how much people miss one another can be an indicator of how much they love another.
6. You completely forgot about your ex
You still can’t remember the last time you thought about your ex because the two of you are too good together, to a point where you are not bothered by the past. If he is the “something good” that you always think of when things are tough, this is a sure physical sign that you have fallen in love with him.
7. You are ready to make small sacrifices for him
Even if you are not ready to put off some responsibilities for him, but the moment he falls sick and need your assistance, you choose to go help him. You prefer helping him instead of working out at the gym. This is among one of the physical signs that you are in love with him. When you are in love with someone, you are usually concerned about their health and safety. If you don’t mind caring for them when they are sick, smelly or vomiting, it is a physical sign that you truly love them. You have no problem putting their needs before yours. If they need something you also need, you have no problem letting them have it. This shows that you are in love with him.
8. You are totally comfortable with him when you fall in love
The fact that you are comfortable when you're around him, enough to make some bad jokes without a care, or show your weird self can be a sign that you are already crazy about him. Before, you may have been trying to put your best foot forward to impress him, but this is no longer the case and you are now ready to wear your pants tucked in the socks, even when he is around. If you no longer fear crying before him, as you know well that he won't judge you over it, is a sign that you are in love with him.
9. You enjoy his company when you fall in love
When doing some little tasks like visiting the shopping mall feels greater with him, or a walk to the grocery store feels better in his presence, it is a sign that you think he is the right person. You also love hanging out with them and speaking with them just to ensure that they are near to you. There is something which is more than physical, and all you desire is to connect with him. If things look better when they are close to you before they even say anything, this is a sign of being in love. Not that you have to finish off every sentence he says, but you will have a keen awareness that you need them. By giving them just one look, you will be aware that they are all you need to be happy.
10. You care about their feelings when you fall in love
Interesting yourself in the Feelings of another is a clear indication that you are in love with them. Rather than being empathetic as your partner is sad, hurt or frustrated, you get to a point where you feel as if this is happening to you. At times, feeling their feelings will be worse as there is nothing you can do to make them work.
11. Their happiness is your happiness
When you fall in love with someone, you will want nothing more than to see them happy. The way you feel is greatly affected by how they feel. You try your best not to disappoint them. This is a clear sign that you are crazy about them.
12. You care what they say about you
When you fall in love with someone, you start caring a lot about what they think of you. You want them to think highly of you and show respect to you. You do your best to disappoint him or have him think less of you. If you feel disappointed by the least of their criticism, in case they show displeasure or disrespect, this is a clear physical sign that you are in love with them. In other words, it is the people we love who have the power to wound us most. We care so much about them that they have the ability to cause extreme highs and lows in our lives.
13. You can feel great and intense emotions
A chosen person has the ability to cause you intense emotions that you were not even aware of. It is a sign that you are crazy about them. Not only do you think he is the best thing that ever happened to you, but you feel like you are in a dream when you think about him.
14. You start feeling jealousy when you fall in love with him
You may be known to those around you as not being a jealous person, but suddenly you start noticing this green monster coming up whenever you see him with another woman. It is a clear indication that you are afraid of losing him. A certain amount of jealousy is actually healthy and not toxic. This is because there are studies that show that people who are jealous tend to be more committed to a relationship. Now that you are already crazily in love with him and you don’t want any other woman to have a piece of him.
15. You are ready to meet his family
You get to a point where you are not afraid of meeting his family. And you are also ready to put up with the scrutiny, criticism or huge idiosyncrasies; this is a clear indication that you are ready to commit to him and you are truly in love with him.
16. You feel proud of him
If you feel proud of what he has accomplished, just as you are proud of your own accomplishment, then it means that you are truly in love with him. You try to support him in his goals and you are genuinely happy when you see him smiling and genuinely happy. Because you have become connected to one another, you will feel joy to see him excel in something. This is the case even where he succeeds in something that you yourself can't do.
17. You want to engage in your favorite activity with them
Are there things that you engaged yourself in and really enjoyed and now want to do those things again in his company? It could be a return to a hiking trip or a show by your favorite band. This is an indication that you are truly in love.
18. You picture yourself having children with him
When you start to realize that you are thinking of the number of children you would like to have with him, or the type of car you would love to drive in with them, this a major step in the journey to commitment. You will agree that you don’t always picture yourself procreating with every Tom, Dick and Harry. This means that the fact that you are picturing yourself procreating with him is a major sign that you are really in love with them.
19. You think about how to make their day better
If you find yourself day dreaming on how you would make the person happier, this is a good physical sign that you are crazy about them. You find that you have shifted your goals to ensure that they are always smiling and have genuine happiness.
20. You can give up something you love if necessary
You will be ready to give up a hobby or anything else for the person to stay with you. This is definitely a major physical sign that you are in love. If he has asked you to stop smoking and you are ready to give it up for the sake of the relationship, it means that you are crazy about him.
How to fall and stay in love
Falling in love is a great basis for a healthy relationship. However, in order to stay in love, you will need to feel good in the presence of the other person. There will be need for commitment if love is to flourish. If you have noted these signs in your relationship, it means that you are already in love with him.