25 Subtle Signs That She Really Likes You
Finding it hard to decode the mixed signals your girl has been sending you? Here are 25 subtle signs for you to know if she really likes you...
Jul 24, 2018

Crack the Girl Code
Confused whether your dream girl likes you or not? Girls can be a little confusing at times. It is hard to decide if your girl actually likes you or is just being nice to you. But with these 25 subtle signs, you can easily decode your girl's feelings for you.
1. Her Eyes and Gaze
Her eyes are the doorway to her emotions. To simply find out your girl's feelings for you, you need to observe her eyes. If she often gazes at you intentionally, chances are she likes you. She might be checking out on you but will gaze off when you notice her. Look at her eyes, she might be having eye contact with you, but might not be ready to have a prolonged one. This is a sign of attraction. If the girl looks down after having eye contact then probably she has interests in you but she might be very shy to reveal her feelings for you. This is one subtle sign that she likes you.
2. Being full of smiles is a subtle sign she likes you
Girls do smile a lot. But not all smiles mean that she is interested in you. Observe if she smiles a lot around you or it's just her nature. If you find her smiling an extra lot around you, odds are she is fascinated by you. Notice her smile, her smile might be full of love. She would smile wholeheartedly, which means smiling with her whole face including her eyes. You will notice her eyes smile. This is a notable clue that she is bewitched.
3. Laughing at all your jokes
If you find her laughing at all your jokes, even if at the dumbest ones, it is a huge clue that she likes you. Note her behavior when she is around other guys and how she reacts to them. If you find that she is a little more fun around you, it is a subtle sign she is dazzled by your charm.
4. She is all angled towards you
Be keen and observe her body language when she is around you. If she has a romantic interest in you, she might try to sit in a way that she might be all angled towards you. Her face, her hips, and her feet all will be facing you. You need to make sure that this happens on a regular basis. Otherwise, you might end up having a very weird conversation and end up feeling embarrassed if you read the signs wrongly and ask her out anyway. So, make sure before you make the move.
5. Gets jealous when you talk with other girls
When your girl likes you, she might get a little jealous when you spend some time with other girls. This might happen even if you talk to them. She might be not comfortable with you around other girls. Monitor her behavior, the more jealous she gets, the more attracted to you she is. When your dream girl is playing hard to get, this is a trick that can help you decode her inner emotions. So, the next time your lady love gets all jealous don't be worried, it is a good sign that she likes you.
6. Tries to touch you
One of the most significant subtle signs you'll get is being touched by the girl of your dreams. This is a major gesture that screams she is mesmerized by you. The more she touches, the more of your attention she seeks, and the more sexually attracted she is. Notice if this happens on an everyday basis; chances are she likes you.
7. Preening is another subtle sign she likes you
Your significant other would doll up herself to make a good impression on you. She would adjust her hair, accessories, clothes to make sure she always looks attractive. Supposing that your beloved arranges your tie or fixes your hair, it is an impressive subtle sign that she admires you and that she is sexually interested in you.
8. Notices you
When a girl truly likes you, she will notice you and acknowledge your presence. She would nod or respond to you quickly, making sure that she is all ears around you. Even for a shy girl, noticing you is one of the biggest subtle sign letting you know that she is attracted to you.
9. Texting you is a subtle sign she likes you
Texting is a way of bonding with one another. If you find that you can text each other for long hours without getting tired, it is a favorable assurance that she is crazy about you. You might find yourself in long chats that are never-ending. She might make stories up, just to stay connected with you. This is a major red flag for you to understand her attraction.
10. Compliments you
Whenever you are dressed nicely, or really any time she gets an opportunity, she will try and compliment you. This is one subtle sign of attraction. Notice if she flatters you a lot, and is not the same with others. This is a definite clue that she is sexually attracted to you.
11. Being in your earshot is one of the signs
She might not come up to you to start a conversation with you every time. Rather she might make herself available for you. She might be noticeably in a closer range than you expect. She might be making it easier for you to increase the odds of starting a conversation. Make sure you don't miss this subtle sign of her attraction.
12. Wanting to hang out with you
Girls will hang out with people they only really like. If she finds excuses to hang out with you, it is a subtle sign that she likes you. She will try to take advantage of every opportunity she finds to spend time with you. Be attentive to this, if it happens on a frequent basis, odds are she holds a high regard for you.
13. Notice her friends
When a girl really likes you, she is likely to tell her friends about you. Be keen and observe her friends when she is around you, there might be a lot of indications that she cherishes you.
14. Never brings up another guy
Your girl will want you to know that she is available, by not bringing up another guy in her conversations. If she has emotional interests towards you, she wouldn't go into detail and mention why her past relationship did not work out. She will make sure that you get the picture that she is crazy about you. This is one of the subtle signs taht she likes you.
15. Giving you a nickname is a subtle sign that she likes you
She has a pet name for you and she prefers going by it. Women don't go around giving nicknames for everyone, unless it is the one they like. You are in luck, if you have a special name already.
16. Never forgets your important dates
She is the first one to wish you a happy birthday. Girls don't spend their time with guys they don't like. Congratulating you on your birthday, surprising you with gifts is one giveaway she likes you. She might also never forget the dates that are important to you, such as your one year work anniversary, or dates related to your career, or dates related to those you hold dear.
17. Develops interest towards your interests
Your obsession is her new obsession. You might find her developing a sudden interest that matters to you. It is a notable sign of attraction. She might want to have common interests to have more conversation with you.
18. Interested to know about your relationship status
Your girl might be interested to know about your relationship status. She might sneakingly ask questions to know if you are seeing someone. If she has a number of questions for you about your love life, probably she is sexually attracted to you.
19. Touching her hair is a subtle sign she likes you
You might find your girl doing a lot of hair tossing around. It is one subtle sign to be noted if she likes you. It might be a sedative toss or a brief stroke of the hair. It is a way of letting you know that she is interested in you.
20. She gives you her undivided attention
Being an active listener around you is a major red flag that she enjoys being with you. We are all phone addicts but when we are with that special someone we tend to give our complete focus to them. So, if you are given that special attention, you are in luck, she is bewitched by you.
21. Your opinion matters
If a girl is attracted to you, your opinion is all that matters to her. She might be keen to know your opinions and feedback. She might value your suggestions. Notice her attitude when she is around other guys and see if she still thinks that your opinion is what matters to her. This will prove that she is attracted to you.
22. Caring a lot for you is a subtle sign she likes you
Your girl will act caring towards you when she likes you. When she shows additional care especially for you, reasons are she is dazzled by your charm.
23. Anxious around you
When a girl likes you, she will be nervous around you. She might fear she will make a bad impression upon you and lose your interest. This is one subtle sign she likes you.
24. A social media stalker
She will be friends with you on all your social media accounts. She might be interested to know about your everyday routine. You might see a lot of likes and comments from her. She might be constantly liking your pictures on Facebook, no matter how old they are.
25. Opens Up
Girls never open up to any random guy unless they are comfortable and they feel they are trustworthy. So, if she opens up to you about her personal life, family or friends, it is a good sign. She might also share her problems with you, to make sure you understand her feelings for you.
Girls always expect the guys to make the first move. So, if you have decoded your girl's signals, make sure she knows the truth about how you feel about her. If you are not interested in her, talk to her in a gentle manner and let her know what is going on with you. Make her understand that you are not interested, it will help her move on.
If you have mutual feelings for her, go ahead and try to have the talk and tell her how you feel about her. Go out on dates and try to start a relationship step by step. For every relationship, it is always worth a try, you will never know what is in the store for you. What is more exciting than to know that you are liked by someone? So, when it is time, make a move. Enough with your enjoyment of making her get all over you. Make a move before she moves on. All the best!