Pregnancy Test With Salt: How It Works And Is It Accurate?
Can using salt test for pregnancy? We explain how does it work
May 29, 2019

DIY Tests For Pregnancy

Pregnancy tests have been with us for a long time even before the advancement of modern technology which has led to the invention of easy and reliable modern pregnancy test kits. Before these modern pregnancy kits were made a reality, people used to rely on natural DIY pregnancy tests. One benefit of using a DIY pregnancy test is that it makes it possible for you to keep the pregnancy a secret as you can do it at the comfort of your home without having to buy anything that would give you up.
Natural pregnancy tests also cheap unlike the modern test kits and you don’t have to worry about their shelf-life as the materials required do not expire. The modern test kits are never ideal for emergency situations as they cannot be able to detect very early pregnancies, something that natural test kits are able to do and this makes them ideal especially in case of unplanned pregnancies.
The following are some of the DIY pregnancy tests you can try:
1. Toothpaste pregnancy test

This is one of the easiest natural pregnancy tests you can do as the primary ingredient is readily available in all households and it’s cheap. This is, however, not an ancient pregnancy test method as it started not so long ago. One thing you have to keep in mind if you decide to use this method is that for the best results, only white toothpaste is supposed to be used. This is important as toothpaste nowadays come in very many shades and using a colored toothpaste interferes with the results.
For this test, you will need to have a clean bowl, about two tablespoons of white toothpaste, and a sample of your urine - preferably the first urine after you wake up. When it comes to conducting the pregnancy test, you will need to place the toothpaste in the bowl and add a small amount of your urine - a tablespoon full would be enough and observe. If the test is negative, you will not see any kind of reaction but if the test is positive, you will witness a reaction as the toothpaste will turn frothy and change its color.

2. Sugar pregnancy test

This is a good example of an ancient pregnancy test as it has been in use for a very long time which is a testament of its effectiveness. This test is easy as just like toothpaste, sugar is cheap and it’s readily available in most homes. Some of the things you will need for you to be able to conduct this test successfully include a sample of your morning urine, a clean bowl, and a small amount of sugar - a tablespoon full would be enough.
The testing method used is easy as all you have to do is to put the sugar in the bowl and add a tablespoon of your morning urine. If the test is negative you will observe the sugar dissolving in the urine easily. If the test is positive, the sugar will not dissolve as the urine will have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which is a hormone that is brought about by the pregnancy that will be preventing it from dissolving; instead, you will see the sugar forming crumps.
3. Mustard powder pregnancy test

This is a very interesting DIY pregnancy test! The mustard test is a natural pregnancy test that is effective but is slower than many DIY tests as it does not give results immediately and cannot be used for unplanned pregnancies. This test is for those who are patient and those who have not had their periods for a while and suspect that they might be pregnant. The reason why mustard is used is that it’s amazing at inducing periods and this is the bottom line of the whole test.
Some of the things you will need for this test include a bathtub full of warm water and the mustard powder. Take about ½ a cup of mustard powder and mix it with the warm water in your bathtub and get inside and relax for about 20-30 minutes. Take a shower afterward and wait for about 3 days. If the results are negative, you will notice the presence of your periods within the three days but if the test is positive, you will not have any periods.
4. Wheat & barley pregnancy test

This is another easy, effective, and ancient natural pregnancy test you can do at the comfort of your home. The ingredients for this test include a sample of your morning urine, a bowl or a container, and some barley and wheat seeds. The method simple and straightforward as all you have to do is to place the barley and wheat seeds in the bowl and add your morning urine and wait for a few days. If the test is negative, the barley and wheat seeds will not germinate but if the test is positive, the seeds will germinate after a few days.
5. Baking soda pregnancy test

Baking soda has very many uses and this is why it’s not a surprise that it can be used to test for pregnancies. Things you will need include a small amount of baking soda, a clean bowl, and a sample of your morning urine. The testing method is simple as you only need to put some baking soda in the bowl and add the urine sample. If the test is negative, you will observe almost no reaction between the baking soda and the urine and there will be very few bubbles. However, if the results are positive, there will be a lot of fizz and bubbles as a result of the animated reaction between your urine and the baking soda.
How Does Salt Tests Work And Why Is It Used For Pregnancy?

The salt pregnancy test is one of the most effective natural pregnancy tests available, it’s easy to perform, it’s cheap, and it can be found in every home. You will need to have common salt, a sample of your morning urine, and a bowl that should preferably be transparent as it will be easier to watch the test results. The test procedure is simple as you will only be required to put your morning urine sample to the bowl and add a small amount of salt. Then sit back and wait for the results. The whole test should take about two to three hours which is not much time compared to other natural pregnancy tests such as the mustard pregnancy test and wheat & barley pregnancy test.
What Is The Positive Or Negative Sign?

Negative pregnancy results usually indicate that you are not expectant while positive results show that you are expecting a child. If the salt pregnancy test is negative, you will not see any reaction and the salt-urine mixture will have no changes but if the test is positive, you will see the mixture slowly turning into a cheesy and milky solution, indicating that you are pregnant.
Picture and Video Of The Pregnancy Salt Test
Here are some pictures and videos of the before and after of the salt test, with and without pregnancy.

How Accurate Is This Test?

The salt pregnancy test just like many other natural DIY pregnancy tests available has some level of accuracy but they are never a hundred percent. Even the modern pregnancy test kits are never a hundred percent as their accuracy is usually about 97 percent. The accuracy of a pregnancy test is affected by several factors and one of them is time.
Taking a pregnancy test either natural DIY tests or even the modern tests before 5 days after your egg is fertilized is over can produce a false negative result as the body starts the secretion of the hormone hCG 5 days after the egg is fertilized. The salt pregnancy test is, therefore, accurate only to some extent as it does not have any scientific basis. To be on the safe side, you should ensure you use other modern tests to confirm the results of your salt pregnancy test.

Things to note in the early stages of your pregnancy journey

Pregnancy tests are very essential as they enable us to take the steps available to us in case of an unplanned pregnancy and to plan ahead in case you were looking for a baby. Knowing how to test for pregnancy at the comfort of your home in a natural way is not only cool but necessary. Some of the things you need to do to increase the accuracy of the above natural DIY pregnancy tests include; only using your morning urine, using clean utensils, and doing the test several times to ensure that the results are consistent.