9 Games To Play With Your Kids When You Are Indoors
List of good indoors games to engage your kids and families
Apr 03, 2019

When to Play Indoor Games
Indoor games are the best way to bond with your kids, keep them occupied and pass time when you’re stuck at home. I remember having to stay at home with my sick daughter for 3 days! Board games were my go-to to take her mind off of the medicine and the weakness she felt. Every time all four of us are home, you’d probably find us inside a room having a best of 5 or 10 or 20 because I swear, once you get into it, it’s so hard to tear yourself away from it. Other reason board games are the best is being a working woman, the convenience of my bed is everything I want on a weekend and board games are an easy way to convince your kid that I don’t have to take them to a park to have a good time.
Type of Indoor Games

There are lots of indoor games that one can play with their kids. There are games that such as hide and seek, cards, puzzles and board games. Board games are one of the types that is played a lot in household and every house hold has at least one favorite game that all members are always willing to play on their day off. Keep on reading to explore more board game options!
List of 9 Best Indoor Games for Kids
Board Games Good For Kids
1. Robot turtle games

Source: http://www.amazon.com
When I’m getting things that my kids are going to play with, my first priority is to find things that will benefit my kids. I don’t know about you but if I have an option of getting a game that will teach my kids something while they play versus a game that’s just for fun so buying the former without putting much thought is a no-brainer for me. Robot Turtles game does exactly that! You want your little geniuses to be cute little programmers; Robot Turtles Game is your answer. The game can be played by kids of 4+ age and it teaches programming functions and basics all while making cute turtle noises that keep the kids amused.
2. Chess

Source: http://www.amazon.com
Chess is a two-player game. It falls into the category of complicated games but I think this is one of the games that you must get for your kids. Apart from being a board game, this teaches your children so much. The benefits that chess can teach your kids will blow your mind. Playing chess will increase the concentration and focus of your kids, help them in decision making, teach them discipline, teach them life lessons such as that their moves should be well thought of and the consequences must be calculated beforehand. The game will also make them sharper with time. My father had set a time and I had to play it every day with him and I cannot forget the day when after years, I finally won my first match. With all the calculations the games require, it will most definitely help your child become smarter in school.
3. Ludo

Source: http://www.amazon.com
I don’t know a single person out there who didn’t have childhood Ludo memories. If your kids haven’t explored the game yet, you’re doing them wrong! Ludo should be your first priority next time you’re out to shop. If in your opinion, the game wouldn’t benefit the kids in any way then let me just shed some light on the numerous gains your child will be exposed to once they start playing. As we know the game is played by 2-4 players and can also be played in a team. The game will help the children understand what teamwork is from a young age. The game requires strategic decisions that will polish your child’s decision-making skills. The game will also help your children bond more with each other. I’m sure that you must be a bit taken aback after reading this because back when I wasn’t a parent, I didn’t think of games anything more than just a way to kill time.
4. Checker

Source: http://www.amazon.com
Checker is another one of those strategy thinking games that will polish strategy and decision-making skills. Also, it helps the player develop forecasting skills because the player needs to predict the opponent’s moves. The game comes in different types of boards. There are two types of boards out there, one where only two players can play and the other one enables more players to play at the same time. Checkers can also be played on Chessboards! The main objective is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board and the player who does it first wins!
Games for Families
5. Sequence
When it comes to family board games, leaving out sequence would undoubtedly negatively impact the creditability of this whole article, wouldn’t it? The sequence is one of those games that almost every family have memories with. Though, the game requires the number of players to be divisible by 2 or 3 so that the players can be divided in to even teams. The runner-up is almost always very close to the winner which is why it is very hard to let go of “re-match” obsession because the runner up is unsatisfied.
6. Scrabble

Source: http://www.amazon.com
Scrabble is a family game that helps a lot in sharing of the vocabulary and having fun while still learning. The younger members can learn a lot from the older member’s vocabulary through this game. Although it is rare for someone to not know about this board game if you’re one of those minorities, let me give you a small description. It is a game where the teams are given a random set of alphabets and words. The first player uses their letters and makes a word starting from the star in the middle of the board game and the others have to make words and place it on the board so that some of the letters on the board are merged with the word the other players are making. Trust me, it 100x more fun than what it's sounding like by reading.

7. Monopoly

Source: http://www.amazon.com
Free on a Sunday and looking for a fun and budget-friendly way to bring all the family members together? Yes, Monopoly is the answer here! Monopoly is a game that does have a huge benefit that people don’t realize. It actually can help a lot in exposing the younger members on how to manage money and the idea of investment. As the game is made of fake money and luck, the dice has a huge part in which property you’re going to get or how much rent you need to pay. The winner of the player is left when everybody else goes bankrupt.
8. Clue

Source: http://www.amazon.com
Are you into suspense and detective stuff? If yes, the clue is the game for you! Even if you’re not into the genre, you’re still going to have a lot of fun playing the game. Maybe after playing the game and experiencing the adrenaline rush, you’ll start loving the thriller/suspense genre too. To give you a short insight into the game, the game starts off with a murder taking place and the person who figures out the murderer and the murder weapon takes the lead.
9. Catan
If you’re that family who is crazy about board games than without a doubt, you’d know about the game of century winner,’Catan’. If you’re not then there is a reason this game is so highly ranked among board games and it should go on the shopping list for the next time you hit the target. The game involves building, trading and settling but the main objective is to conquer the unique hexagonal board and beat your opponents. The usual pack is for 3 to 4 players but you can get expansion pack too if you have more members in your family.

Children are like sponges and they absorb and learn from everything that they are surrounded with. The best we, as parents, can do is to create an environment that helps them learn and grow as much as possible. There are thousands of games that we can select from but the question is, do you want to buy games that just kill time or would you prefer getting games that your children can learn from too! I’m pretty sure that it’s the later for all the parents out there. This list includes all the board games that a household must have! I’m pretty sure that next time you go shopping, you won’t have to put in much thought into the game you’re going to try!