Top 10 Relationship books for couples to read together
Find out the best Relationship Books suitable for couples
Dec 06, 2018

10 Best Relationship Books of all time

Relationships don’t last without effort. If you are starting to feel like your relationship is approaching a dead end, that could be a huge sign that either or both of you have already stopped putting in the effort to make the relationship work.
The good news is you still can save your relationship or at least try. Whether you want to save a devastated relationship or just improve how things work out with your partner, these relationship books can help you restore the happiness in your relationship and make you dearly value each other again.
Let’s bring it on.
For Married Couples to read together

1. Wanting Sex Again: How to Rediscover Your Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage by Laurie J. Watson

Has your relationship come to a point wherein sexual desire and passionate connection are no longer present? Do you miss the times when you both were so into the sensation and bond that made you head over heels in love with each other? This book helps you revive that long-lost exhilaration and restore your dull liaison into a more meaningful and exciting one.
Whether your dwindling desire is caused by deep-seated hurt, boredom, lack of trust, or even biological reasons, this book gives you a lot of tips and helps you rest easy knowing that there’s still hope.
2. Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting by Marcus and Ashley Kusi.

Are you downright hesitant to open up to your spouse? Do you feel like communicating is the hardest thing to do? Are you afraid to speak up and solve things because of past arguments caused by improper communication? Do all your talks almost always end up in fights? Then this is a good read for you.
This book helps you better express your feelings to your spouse and also listen better. Featured here are 7 easy and effective communication steps to sort marriage right. Even if you have a difficult spouse, after reading this book, you can learn how to deal with him/her better and improve one of the most important elements in your marriage: communication.
3. The Relationship Cure: A 5-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships by John Gottman

Dr. John M. Gottman is a clinician and a psychological researcher with extensive studies on marital stability and divorce protection. He’s one of the bestselling authors that focuses on helping married couples have a successful relationship.
This book highlights the significance of emotional connection. If you are one of the many couples who are struggling to make your relationship work, this book features tools to repair broken connections plus exercises and questionnaires to transform the quality of your relationships.
4. Why Marriages Succeed or Fail: And How You Can Make Yours Last by John M. Gottman

Are you wondering if you or the other party is at fault? This book helps you figure out what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong in your marriage. This is a science-backed but easy-to-understand resource that can help you make your marriage survive and thrive.
John Gottman has spent 2 decades studying how to make marriages last. With this book, you can learn the proven and tested ways to strengthen, evaluate, and maintain your long-term relationship
5. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide From the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert by John Gottman, PhD

Here’s another masterpiece of John Gottman filled with practical pieces of advice to make your marriage work. You may have read some other books that focus more on theories. However, this book tackles the topic from a scientific standpoint using actual data and statistics to back up claims.
John Gottman’s studies look at the actual habits of married couples. This book sums up John Gottman’s research, capsulizing it into 7 principles that guide couples towards fostering enduring relationships. There are even tips from this book that are basic and effective advice not just for couples but also for friends, neighbors, co-workers, and so on.
For Couples to read together

6. The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary D. Chapman

This is a must-read for couples, married or not. This helps couples learn how to give and receive love. Indeed, falling in love is easy, but staying in love is the challenging bit. If you want to approach a deeper level of intimacy with your partner, this book is the way to go. It has successfully transformed thousands of marriages, and yours might just be one of them.
People have different ways of expressing and receiving love, and this book helps you understand the languages of love and how they operate in your relationship. Written with clarity and humor, this book features real-life stories and straightforward approach that can change your relationship forever.
7. I Love You But I Don’t Trust You: The Complete Guide to Restoring Trust in Your Relationship by Mira Kirshenbaum

Are you torn between saving the relationship and letting it go? Or is there still a way out to restoring trust in the relationship? Your lack of trust could be due to a huge betrayal, small but frequent lies, or even a history of pain in your past relationship. All these could make a dent in the relationship.
However, there’s no such thing as a hopeless situation and even the most damaged relationship can still have hope if you both commit to repairing the wounds. This book features the stages of building trust. This insightful resource helps you avoid repeating previous slips that hamper healing and rediscover how to connect and reconcile.
If you have just experienced betrayal, this book could be your savior. Should you get stuck in your recovery process, there are also more insights as to how you can boldly carry on.
8. Kiss That Frog!: 12 Great Ways to Turn Negatives Into Positives in Your Life and Work by Brian Tracy

This book is not just for couples but could also bring valuable insights to people from all walks of life. Kiss that Frog mainly helps people take the best shift from being critically negative to being confidently and successfully positive.
This book is a self-development book that couples can find helpful as there’s no better way to go about a relationship than to develop each other’s core. The relationship could be so much better if each party strives to change the mindset of negativity to a plethora of opportunities and blessings brought about by focusing on the positives.
With this book, you also get to understand your partner better as you generally get a glimpse of how human behavior works. Here, the root causes of negative tendencies are addressed, and readers can then realize that their own patterns and habits are actually the greatest barricade to achieving the greatest happiness.
9. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray, Ph.D.

This book highlights how women and men are greatly different in many ways. The author decodes both genders so accurately, and readers get to have a better understanding of how to deal with the opposite sex positively, promoting happier relationships.
It’s a practical guide to successful communication between sexes. After reading this book, you can better understand why the opposite sex behaves the way they do and what makes them tick. This way, you can learn how to better live and love together.
10. The 100 Simple Secrets of Great Relationships by David Niven, Ph.D.

You may have read relationship books that are too academically articulated. This book features scientific findings in plain English and lists all the secrets you should know to make dating, relationships, and marriage work. The research of renowned scientists is capsulized into one comprehensible book that all couples can digest.
These are just some of the many relationship books that can help couples make stronger and happier relationships. You might be thinking that your relationship is starting to get irreparable. Before you decide so, do make an effort to save your cherished bond that is not really shattered—but just neglected. The best time to start paying attention to the important is now.