How To Be The Most Popular And Coolest Person In High School
Everything in high school, so as in life, can be easier when you are cool and famous. Here are some tricks how to become popular.
Jul 24, 2018

It's all about being popular
High school is an entirely new stage in the lives of boys and girls. This is a bit more serious than the elementary; this is a period when they are growing up rapidly and enter the adult world. At this stage, boys and girls slowly begin to realize that there are differences among people and that those differences come to notice when you find your friends, interests, hobbies and more. Being popular in high school is a very important item in the life of every teenager. Keep it in mind that in every teenage movie you can find a nerd, a loser, and a popular kid. This is the way Hollywood shows us that even kids need to be aware of what kind of benefits they have when they are popular, and what they lose if the society declares them a loser. Popularity is acquired over time; it's not something we are born with. So, with a little effort, everyone can be famous in high school. Here are some tips on how to become popular and then grow up as a decent person.
Popularity in high school is not about expencive stuff
First thing first; we live in such a world where differences between people and especially between teens are first observed in clothes, phones, cars...there is an unwritten rule saying that popular kids in high school generally wear expensive and branded clothes, even when school rules require wearing uniforms, they are donning the expensive shoes or jewelry. However, attitude is more important. Some boy or girl can wear average clothes, but will look like it's worth a million dollars on them! Simply, there are people who glow and attract; with whom the others want to hang out anytime, no matter who or what they wear. If their personality simply shines, they could even wear a uniform and still be famous in high school. A similar thing is with the phones and other gadgets used by the kids. It is now a matter of prestige to have a phone with millions of features, with an extremely good camera and memory. Today's pause between classes in high school is about taking like a billion selfies and hanging on social media. Boys and girls compete on who is more popular on Facebook, Instagram etc, and who will have more likes. Regular socializing and hanging with friends is completely overrated!
If you can't beat them, join them
This sounds so conciliatory since everyone would be working on reducing social differences among kids. But that's not the theme now. So, if you think your clothes will help you become more popular, then get them. There are many shops that have excellent clothes at affordable prices. It's up to you to learn how to fit it in. If you can afford a quality piece of clothing, you can always combine it with some cheaper things; it still can look great. Okay, we need to agree that good, quality shoes and sneakers are a must in every sense and it's worth giving money. When it comes to boys, these differences are less noticeable; they pay attention to some other things to gain popularity in high school. This competition is more among girls as compete which one of them will have better makeup, hairstyle, boots or purse. Play smart, you don't have to throw away money on hair-dressers and expensive make-up. Use Youtube. You can find thousands of useful ''how to'' clips about make-up and hairstyle. We believe that there is no need to mention how personal hygiene is important, especially at this age because all those expensive things are futile, if your hair or teeth are dirty, or you have a ton of pimples on your face, it does not matter anyway!
Smile is always popular
No one likes frustrated people. A smile simply attracts and creates the impression that a person is pleasant and desirable in every society. Of course, that smile should not be too aggressive and artificial, like workers in McDonald's. Just laugh from the heart, maybe someone who is not so popular says a good joke. Be accessible to everyone; do not limit your socializing just to the cool guys in your high school. Everyone loves positive and optimistic people, but there are still many kids in high school trying to become popular thinking it is better to be dark and mysterious. Well, that dark and mysterious, viewed from the side, just seems boring! Always create some fun, do not take someone else's jokes on your account seriously; and most importantly, put that smile on your face!
Make some new friends in high school
As we have said above, the point of popularity is not to hang out just with cool guys in high school. Advice for being popular is to expand your crowd and start to hang out with those who may not be accepted as cool, but they are fun and you enjoy their company too.As we have said above, the point of popularity is not to hang out just with cool guys in high school. Advice for being popular is to expand your crowd and start hanging out with those who may not be accepted as cool, but they are fun and you enjoy their company too. Do not reject your friends just because a small group of so-called cool and popular kids dub them as losers. Maybe those losers will do something great in their life, who knows. So, if you want to be popular, learn to act like a superstar, but also learn how to be firmly on the ground. You can't be loved by everyone, it's just not possible. Accept that and make more various friends through high school. Some of those friendships can last a lifetime. Of course, you cannot be great friends with everyone, but you can hang out with a lot of people. Keep real friends close to you, and have some high school buddies for parties, sports and similar things. Do not reject your friends just because a small group of so-called cool and popular kids characterized them as losers. Maybe those losers will do something great in their life, who knows. So, if you want to be popular, learn to act like a superstar, but also learn how to be firmly on the ground, as needed. You can't be loved by everyone, it's just not possible. Accept that and make more various friends through high school. Some of those friendships can be a lifetime. Of course, you can not be a great friend with everyone, but you can hang out with a lot of people. Keep real friends close to you, and have some high school buddies for parties, sports and similar things.
High school strengthens your self-esteem
If you want to be popular, you must first learn to hold on to yourself and appreciate yourself the most. Many students in high school want to hang out with popular boys and girls. Many of the students in high school flatter popular guys and many want to be in their company. So think about it just for a second. Do you really want a lot of fake friends beside you? If you build a clear attitude and raise your level of self-confidence, your popularity in high school will grow. People like a strong personality, not some crying babies. Learn to fight for yourself, but also for those you care about; in this case, your high school friends and classmates. Think about having a function within your class. This way you will show your friends that you are a strong personality, a true leader and that leads to popularity. It's better if your classmates support you like that than to made up gossips about you. What's the point of being famous, if you can't use it in a right way?
Offer help when needed
Let's repeat the sentence; what's the point in being popular and famous, if nothing useful results from it. Okay, this is just high school, but still offer your help to your classmates whenever you can. If you are a good student, you will surely become more popular if you help your friend or random girl or guy in class about homework. Also, when it is a test, do not be selfish. Carefully, let someone copy from you if it's possible! Yes, many will say that cheating in tests is bad, but once in a while it’s okay! It's always good to help someone in trouble. And you will feel better too. But don’t just make it a habit. Be a good listener and advisor. If you really want to help someone in your class or high school, listen to him or her; give some good and useful advice. Also, if you are the side that needs advice, do not be afraid to ask someone else from your class or a friend for help. There is no need to pretend you're untouchable and do not act like you know everything. Popular guys are not always the best students!
Be yourself
All popular guys are cool in high school, and then they go home and become mom's little babies. There is no need for excessive faking. This is the best advice. Simply, there's no need to pretend and let that school uniform turn you into some great super-hero. Be what you are, that’s the key. Even popular people are just people. When they don the high school uniform, they think they can pretend to be anything! It's important to impose yourself on others; that’s the power of leaders and when you become one, the rest will look at you with delight. Do not let your high school ''position'' fool you. Know that there will always be fake friends around you, both at a high school and later in life.
Good aspect of being popular in high shool
Once you get popularity, use it for a completely positive purpose. Just think that people who have "power" need to be aware of the responsibilities they have towards other people. So, help, for example. Help newbies in your high school to make it easier for them in a new environment. Then, if you, choose a popular girl or a boy, start a "new" trend and act like a leader, the rest will follow your way. In other words: you can use that ''power of popularity'' in high school to make socially useful connections, which can last for life. So, leadership is an advantage that you need to use smartly!