Best 25 Tips On How To Cheer Up A Girl Over Text
Is your girlfriend having a bad day? Is work getting her down? Here are the top twenty-five tips you can use to cheer your girl up over text!
Jul 24, 2018

So, your girlfriend is having a bad day
We all go through rough patches, right? It's always tough when someone you love — your girlfriend — is having a difficult time. Maybe she's having a tough time at work, or maybe she's having problems with her friends or family. Whatever the reason, being a good boyfriend, you want to cheer her up, right? Here are the best 25 tips on how to you can cheer up your girl!
1. Reach out
Maybe you work in different parts of town, or maybe even in a different part of the country. If you know your girl is having a bad time and you want to cheer her up, you need to make sure you reach out to her. It may not be easy for her to talk, but you want to make sure she knows you're there for her. Shoot her a text.
2. Listen to her
Your girl's going to have a lot on her mind. You're not going to be able to cheer her up without knowing what's going on. When she feels like opening up, make sure you take time to listen to what she has to say over text. This'll help you understand more about what's going on and how you can help cheer your girl up.
3. Ask open questions
When you text your girl to find out about what's on her mind and to figure out ways you can cheer her up, make sure you ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions usually begin with words like "what," "how" or "why" and invite her to tell you more about what's going on. Closed questions are questions which require a "yes" or "no" answer; these won't help you figure out what's going on.
4. Empathize, don't sympathize
When you sympathize with someone, you're basically feeling sorry for them. That's ok, but what you want is to empathize with your girl. Empathy is about getting inside her head and feeling what she's feeling. How can you help cheer her up if you don't understand how she's feeling?
5. Be there for your girl
Make sure you're there when she needs you. If she texts you, reply as quickly as you can. There's no better way to show her that you love her and how much you care for her than just by being there. The more confident she is in your relationship, the more comfortable she'll be sharing her feelings over text with you. You can't cheer your girl up unless you're there for her when she needs you.
6. Be patient
I don't know about you, but I'm a problem-solver. If I find out my girl is having a hard time, I want to do whatever I can to fix the problem and cheer her up. The thing is, maybe right now she just needs to talk over text. Maybe, all you need to do is listen and empathize at the moment. The best way to help cheer her up is to go at the pace she needs you to. Maybe now isn't the best time. You'll be able to cheer her up when she's ready.
7. Give her space
So, she doesn't reply to your message, or perhaps, she doesn't say very much. That's ok. Maybe she isn't able to talk right now. Perhaps she has a lot going on around her, or maybe she's just not in the right emotional place to talk. Give her all the space she needs.
8. When she's talking, don't cut her off or mansplain
When your girl has time, she'll reply to you by text. Make sure you don't interrupt her when she texts or reply and tell her how she is feeling. Doing that is something called "mansplaining," which is when a man talks over a woman or explains something to her in a patronizing way. This is something that'll do the opposite of cheer her up. Offer your thoughts and advice, but don't tell her she's wrong or what to think. You can't cheer your girl up if she feels patronized or like she won't be heard.
9. Remember: this is about her, not you
Now she's opening up over text, and she feels she can trust you. You're well on the way to cheering her up. Make sure you stay focused on her. If she's having a terrible day, don't start telling her about yours. Let her tell you everything about hers. The more she knows you're on her side, the more you'll be able to help her and cheer her up!
10. Be Positive (but don't be a jerk)
Even though what's going on in your girl's life may be bad, try to stay positive. I don't mean you should tell her that everything's going to be great because it may not feel like that to her right now (remember: empathize!). Gently remind her over text that you'll get through this and that things will get better. She may not believe you, but that's okay. She just needs to know that you believe it and that you'll be there for her.
11. Cheer her up with a joke
Now you've laid the groundwork, and you're almost ready to cheer her up. You've taken time to listen to her, ask questions, empathize and give her all the space she needs. Things may not be good for her yet, but you've shown her she can trust you and that you've got her back. You've shown her the power of your relationship, and you've also seen how great texting to can be to help someone when they're not right there with you! Now it's time to start thinking about ways you can actively cheer her up. A great way to start is by telling her a joke. I can be goofy, silly or whatever you want. Maybe it's your favorite groan-worthy masterpiece. The key thing is to make her laugh. Give her a good giggle.
12. Do something together
Now it's time to get creative. A great way to cheer your girl up is to do something together. You can even do something as simple as watching a movie or show together. But if you're apart and the only way you can communicate is over text, it can be pretty hard to do that, right? What about making a date together and watching the movie at the same time? While you watch it, you can text each other. This is a cute way of building that connection when you can't physically be together.
13. Play a game to cheer her up
There have been great leaps and advances in texting in recent years. Did you know you can even play games right inside the messaging app? What better way to distract her and cheer her up by challenging her to a game? There are all sorts of games you can play over text. I've tried darts, trivia games, and even pool! Help her take her mind off things and cheer her up!
14. Send her an inspirational quote
It's the middle of the day. You know your girl is having a rough time. She's in a meeting and doesn't have time to reply. Why not send her an inspirational image you found online? It'll show her you're thinking of her and is sure to cheer her up!
15. Or what about an animated GIF?
Alternatively, you could send her a cute animated GIF. Another possibility is sending her a picture of a cute animal. Cute cats and puppy dogs are everywhere online, and they are sure to brighten anyone's day!
16. Cheer her up with a surprise
There's more to texting than words. Why not shoot a video telling your girl how much you love her? Send it to her and see what her reaction is! This is bound to cheer her up even on the worst of days. You can even record audio in messaging apps. Why not sing her a song? Even if you have a terrible voice (like me!), her heart is going to melt. If you have friends around, maybe ask them to be your backing singers.
17. Dinner at my place?
Invite her over to dinner, say you'll cook her favorite meal. You can make an invite on your phone by putting some pictures you find online into a collage and then adding text to them. Text her the invite; you'll not only cheer her up, you'll also make her day!
18. Invite her on a date
So, dinner went well, and you helped cheer your girl up. What about sending her another invite over text, but this time asking your girl what sort of a date she'd like to go on? Make sure you do something she loves to do. Perhaps you could go see a chick flick with her? If it's something she enjoys, she'll know you're going out of your way to help cheer her up!
19. Be affectionate
Being affectionate with your girl can be tricky over text, but if you can do it, you're definitely going to help cheer her up. Tell your girl how important she is to you and how you feel about her. Just by her knowing you're there for her and that you care, you're sure to cheer her up.
20. Do something thoughtful
Think of something you promised your girl that you'd do for her but never actually did. The surprise will cheer her up. It doesn't have to be a dramatic, romantic expression of love (although, that works too). Did you promise to fix the drip in her kitchen sink, or figure out why her computer was running so slow? Do it while she's at work and send her a text, you'll definitely cheer her up. Obviously, you've got to be a bit careful here; you want to be thoughtful and caring and not come across as creepy!
21. An Emoji/GIF conversation
For a bit of fun, challenge your girl to a text conversation using only animated GIFs or emojis. If your girlfriend's having a tough time, this can be a humorous way of getting her out of her head. You'll give her a good laugh as well as cheer her up.
22. Tell your girl how beautiful she is
You love your girl, right? What better way to cheer her up than to let her know just how beautiful you think she is? Send her a random text when she's least expecting it; she'll love you all the more for it.
23. Be a person she can turn to
Remember, nothing will cheer your girl up more than being that person she can always turn to. Whatever is happening in her life, you'll always be there. Let her know you'll be there for her.
24. Thank her
Your girl is a special person. Think of all the things she does for you. Think of all the times she's been there for you and when she's been there to cheer you up. Make sure she knows how grateful you are for everything she does. There is no better way to cheer her up than to show her how important she is to you.
25. Tell your girl you love her
In conclusion, every other tip is summed up in this one. Tell your girl you love her. If you want to help her and cheer her up, this is the bottom line. Everything else I've talked about will help lay the foundation to make her feel better, but you can't achieve anything without her knowing that you love her. With your love, you can both truly overcome anything. Want to learn more about tips for cheering a girl up over text? Check out: