The 10 Best Lottery Spells For A Fast Jackpot Money Win
Try these best lottery spells that really work for you to win the jackpot
Jun 13, 2019

Lottery Spells

Most of us dream of winning the lottery and getting a lot of money fast and easy. Some of us are lucky enough to win some free money here and there, but most of us do not win anything, especially not any big jackpots. A great way to change our own luck and to win that money that we dream of is to perform lottery spells. To be able to successfully cast these kinds of lottery spells, one must connect to the energy of money and believe that these spells will work, or else they will not be effective. These spells will help you do just that, but you have to listen to your intuition and be patient for results. It may even take a few months for your lottery spells to take effect, but some may act immediately.
After you have casted your lottery spells, your intuition may guide you to the place to buy your lottery ticket, the time to buy it, and which one to buy. You may feel very confident and joyous at this time, and more excited than usual to play the lottery. Here are 10 great lottery spells that you can perform at any level of magic.
1. Goddess of Luck Lottery Spell
This lottery spell involves the goddess of luck, "Madal." By invoking this goddess, she will make sure that your luck increases exponentially in every way possible. Luck is how you win the lottery and other money for free.
Cast this lottery spell every day for a week, but no more than that. When it is just getting dark outside, go sit down beneath a tree cross-legged. Say the following chant for exactly one thousand times over about five minutes: "AEH MADAL MERU JEET HUJADO". One way you can keep track of counting is to use rosary beads with exactly 1,000 beads. Not counting to this exact number may make this lottery spell not work. You may also light some good incense to help increase the power of this good luck spell. You will be pleased with the results and will see your luck improve greatly.

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2. Honey Ball Lottery Spell
Here is a lottery spell that will permanently change your luck for the better, helping you win money immediately, including jackpots. The main ingredients that you need for this spell is money and bread. Perform this lottery spell every night for one week straight to make it the most effective.
Before you cast it, take a shower or bath so you are clean and it will help wash any negative energy off of you. Add some incense smell to what you will wear. Take the honey that you have and spread it out on some bread, then make 10 balls with that honey bread. Now take these bread balls outside and feed them to the animals out there. As you give each bread ball to an animal you should say, "DOULAT PEJU HAQHORE". You must believe that this lottery spell will work for it to be effective. This is one of the best spells that you can do to permanently change your luck and win big money fast.
3. Lottery Spell to Dream Winning Numbers
If you want to hit the jackpot by winning the lottery, this is one of the best lottery spells that you can perform. This will enable you to dream of what the winning numbers will be so you can win money fast. Before casting this lottery spell, decide what game you want to play and don't change it. You must have a clear intent for this spell to work and to dream the correct winning numbers. Perform this spell every night for 9 nights in a row.
Start casting this spell on a Thursday night for it to work correctly. When you are ready to go to bed, lie down and breathe deeply to relax. Try and clear your mind as you do when you meditate. When your mind is clear and you feel focused, think about that winning lottery ticket that you are going to buy. Visualize it with everything printed, including the numbers. While you are visualizing your ticket, say "RIGBERAH JOMIN THURBAZEH", for exactly one hundred times. If you do this right before you go to sleep every night you will start to dream about numbers that will be on your lottery ticket. Be patient and wait until after the 9th night to play your numbers to hit the jackpot and win immediately. Make sure that you believe this lottery spell will work or else you may make it ineffective by not believing.

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4. Scratch Off Lottery Spell
This is one of the lottery spells you can perform for scratch-off tickets where you can win free money immediately. This spell will help you choose the correct ticket to buy. You will need 5 kernels of dry corn, 3 acorns, and a little bit of malachite. Take the corn kernels, malachite, and acorns into your hands and rub them together with everything between them. As you are doing this, say "Nuts and seeds, where wealth leads, mix and match, choose a scratch". Rub your hands together for as long as you can and don't stop until everything falls out of your hands. The next day, take the malachite in your hand while you are choosing which ticket you want to buy. This spell should work to help guide you to choosing a winning ticket.

5. Rosewater Lottery Spell
This is one of the easiest lottery spells that you can perform to win free money. Perform this spell at night, right before you go to sleep for it to work. Take a bowl filled with rosewater and put a lot of coins into it. Now, touch the coins in the water while saying, "MORA PONITA PAISIE JOYE". Repeat this for 200 times exactly, and when you have done that, put your hand on your forehead to get the rosewater on your head. Now you should dream about what you need to know to win the lottery jacket.

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6. Ancient Egyptian Lottery Spell
This is one of the ancient Egyptian spells that will work and you will win the lottery that you decide to play. It will work by giving you the winning numbers to choose. First, buy your lottery ticket and write your numbers on it. Now, on the back of the ticket use a green-inked pen and write down your full name, your birthday, and then write "MIKA BINKAN PAISA MILE". Put the ticket under your pillow and go to sleep while visualizing that you will receive the winning numbers to hit the jackpot. For this spell to work, play regularly and completely understand the lottery. You should receive the winning numbers 24 hours before the numbers are drawn.
7. Mega Million Lottery Spell
This is one of the best spells for increasing your luck immediately to win the big lotteries. This lottery spell works on both, paper ticket lotteries and for online lotteries. Right after the sun goes down, go sit outside under a tree and say the following: "CHUK NA HOVE DHAN LAKH HOVE SHODHANAK". Repeat this for exactly 77 times for the next 7 nights in a row. The 8th day, the day after the last evening that you do this spell, is when you should play the major lottery of your choosing and you will win immediately.

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8. Simple Lottery Spell Incantation
One of the most simple lottery spells that will help you win money immediately in the lottery in even in another way is to say the following incantation exactly three times: "By the power of the moon and with positivity, bring me now wealth and prosperity, bring forth to me, harming none, so mote it be". This simple lottery spell will bring you the wealth and money that you want fast and easy.
9. Lottery Jackpot Spell
Here is one of the best spells to win the jackpot, whether it is online or with a physical ticket that gives you numbers. What you need to do is say the following incantation exactly 777 times right before you go buy your lottery ticket: "GAN MEJO PAI KHAJ DO ALJEET". Believe that you will win and this lottery spell will work, visualize yourself winning and having the winning numbers. You only need to perform this once during the month for it to be effective for all types of lotteries.

10. Winning Lottery Ticket Spell
This is one of the easiest lottery spells that only needs to be performed once a month to get the maximum benefit. First, you need to buy your ticket for the lottery. Put it on the floor and sit down in front of it in the sunlight. While looking down at your lottery ticket, say the following incantation for exactly 21 times: "HAL KAR GAN ME DOHLAB". Now get a stick and choose what you feel that the winning numbers will be. The numbers that you choose when doing this spell should be the winning numbers. It may take some practice to get this spell completely correct, to the point where it is effective.

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Lottery Spells to Win Big
Lottery spells can help you increase your luck and help increase your intuition so you can pick the winning numbers. They will enable you to win so you can live the kind of life that you want to live. Nothing is easy in life, but you should be able to win enough money to be happy by using these lottery spells. As with any magic, be careful when casting lottery spells as they can have unintended consequences that you are not ready for. Be prepared to effectively handle the money that you win, or you just may cause more problems and lose it all, or even worse. Be clear in your intentions when performing these spells so you will get exactly what you want and how you want it.