How To Attract Any Guy You Want
If you surely want to attract a man, you must first learn his ways and use them to your benefit. Find out how you can make a guy desire you.
Jul 24, 2018

How do I get him?
If you are between 18 and 30 years of age, and have a curvaceous body, but not overweight, you can attract any man’s attention. It is not hard to make a guy like you. The hardest part is in knowing how to keep him attracted to you or fall in love with you. But you don’t have to pretend to be someone else just to make him comfortable around you - that’s a desperate move and he might pull away.
1. Man is visual, so dress attractively
Your dressing is one of the first things that attract a man’s attention sexually, even before you speak a word. Perhaps the two of you work in the same office and you have developed a liking towards him, but don’t know how to tell him. You don’t need to worry because you only need one thing for starters: start dressing sexually and make sure that he sees you. Nevertheless, make sure your dress code adheres to the office rules. No man can ignore an elegantly dressed woman. Very soon he will be grinning widely or taking glances at you discreetly and you know that you have definitely hit the nail. The magical thing about an attractive dress is that every other man will also be staring at you and if your guy of interest notices it, he will want you more. The most interesting thing about men is that they are very competitive as far as wooing women is concerned. Every one of them wants to be the winner. If you can win all males’ attention in the office, the guy you like will do just anything to get close to you. He will be feeling a little insecure, and though he may not tell you, he will know he is lucky to be with you.
2. Don't make it obvious that you are attracted to the man
Naturally, men like chasing women. If you start chasing him aggressively, he might ignore you. Give him time to develop feelings for you and when he does, you will know it. Most guys take time before falling in love, and eventually, they fall hard in love. An intelligent guy will know if you like him but you don’t have to try too hard to get close to him. Actually, you shouldn’t tell him. Let your actions do the talking. Letting him know that you are head over heels for him will make things easier and he might take advantage of you. Be mysterious, so that he keeps wondering how serious you can be. If there has to be a longterm relationship between the two of you, he should be the first to make a move. So, a long chase is good as he will desire you more. But be careful not to push him away because he might give up. Even if you have to play hard-to-get, make sure you warm up to him more often.
3. A man cannot resist a beautiful smile, so be pleasant
He will love you for being pleasant and welcoming when you are around him. What could be more welcoming than a cute smile? To attract him instantly, play with your hair as you listen to his jokes, blush a little bit, and laugh even if it is a familiar joke. If he likes you, he will try to impress you with heroic and funny stories, and you must assure him that you are enjoying a flirty moment with him by smiling and laughing. This makes him feel better. As you smile around him, maintain romantic eye contact. Stare into his eyes while he talks; flirt and smile whenever your eyes meet. You can also let your eye contact linger during moments of silence. He will feel warm and his heart will be stirred. A woman who laughs freely is a free-spirited person. She is the kind that any man wants to be with as she creates a good mood. When you are around him, laugh like nothing else in the world matters and he will know that you are having a good time. Lack of smile could translate to an emotionally disturbed woman. So, do not carry yourself too seriously as you might scare him.
4. Guys like intelligent women
Try to connect intellectually with the guy you like. Don’t just joke about life but try to bring in serious topics like his ambitions and goals. Having a meaningful conversation will show him your intellectual side. But do not embarrass him in your conversations by trying to outdo his wisdom.
5. Enhance your body Language
Did you know that body language contributes to 55% of communication between people? There is a body language the men cannot resist in women. For example, loose hips and a straight posture are some of the things men find attractive. A simple smile, on the other hand, communicates receptiveness while a frowning face tells him you are impossible to get, which works against you. Stretching is another great non-verbal communication, which you can do anywhere - at work, in the library, during games, and so on. Nobody will ask you why you are stretching but you already know your motive: to catch his attention. You can spread your feet apart if you notice him gazing at you, but only when you are in pants. Manipulate your body to make attractive moves and you will spark interest from the man of your affection. Men love ladies with long hair because it represents a fertile as well as healthy body. If he has short hair, he would be more attracted to a woman’s long hair. When you are near him, run your fingers through your hair, pull it, or twist it in a flirtatious manner. In essence, teach yourself the most powerful body language and it will be the magic that draws him close to you, sexually.
6. A relaxed and light-hearted mood attracts him
Many times, men will fail to give attention or be mindful of women around. A smart woman takes things easy and stays emotionally composed. If you remain upset and tense every time something goes wrong, no man will want to be associated with you. It is very normal for a guy to do brainless things and you can’t help but feel disappointed or hurt. But if you become overly emotional, he will find it hard to trust you and instead of getting attracted to you, he will stay emotionally distant. So, put to rest the worries, upset looks, and negative feelings when you are around him. A lady who can control her emotions sparks an irresistible desire in a man because he knows he is dealing with a mature person. It doesn’t matter whether he has done something stupid or wrong; just keep your feelings under control. Sometimes he will be unaffectionate; nonetheless, don’t lose the light-heartedness you originally had the first time you met. If there is one thing you must not do is try to force him on you or change his behavior. No way should you manipulate his feelings or become aggressive in a bid to ‘punish him’. You will lose him instead. They sometimes do not understand female emotions and are more likely to pull away if the over-reactive behavior of a woman continues. An emotionally complicated woman is hard to deal with and it is worse when he doesn’t know exactly what is happening. And this is the kind of conflict that leads to most girls concluding that guys are insensitive. Now that you know the secret, stay composed even when everything around is tough. Try humor every time you feel upset or anxious and the guy you like will eventually get attracted to you.
7. Exhibit politeness
Nothing can put him off more than arrogance. Even waiters cannot stand rude customers! It is okay to take a firm stand, but do not depict it with arrogance. Be nice to him even when you disagree and show some compassion. According to men, a polite girlfriend is a wife material. He will appreciate your kindness when you are at work and not just when you are with him. No man wants a woman who is rude to his folks because it would be such an embarrassment. It takes too much effort to control a savage girl and this is not a pleasant job for a man, so he will move on to get an easy person. Remember that if he wants you, he is looking for a girlfriend and not a job. Be polite and he will never ignore you.
8. Tease your man with soft touches
Flirty touches can make him sexually attracted to you. A lingering soft touch is hard to ignore. The next moment you find yourself around him, clasp his palms, hug him, and hold his hands. He will be more excited if your touches linger for longer moments than he expects. This is one of the most effective ways to induce romantic chemistry instantly. If you’d like to take your game to a higher notch, put on soft clothes if you get a chance to go out with him. He will be having a hard trying to keep his hands off your body. But be careful not to touch him while at work as other people might be watching. Do it in a private place.
9. The man you like will appreciate a fit body
When a man looks at you, he makes a quick fitness assessment. Men consciously or sub-consciously search for physically fit women. At the back of their mind, they know a healthy female body is fertile. Many times, they prefer petite waists, bigger hips, but not fatty. The hip to waist ratio depends on a man’s preference. These physical traits are vital in childbearing and when he sees a proportional body, he subconsciously gets attracted to you. A fit body is sexy and it makes him imagine how good you can be in bed. For this matter, you should find time for the gym or exercise at home. Eat well and live a healthy lifestyle to maintain a fit body, and the man you like will find it hard to ignore you.
10. Are you accessible?
Nowadays, men do not chase impossible ladies. They simply don’t have time to beg for love in front of women who seem out of their league. If you note that the guy likes you, please do not give him a hard time because he might find another woman while you keep playing your hard-to-get games. A smart guy cannot give you a chance to reject him if you show him a repelling attitude. He will hit on another woman who fits in his league and ignore you totally. Nevertheless, you don’t have to be easily available. It may sound tricky, but it will keep him attracted to you for long. You definitely want to be with him and have a great time together. It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder and he will be missing you more, whenever you are not available. You don’t have to keep seeing him at work if your offices are in the same building. Give him space more often so that he can miss the special person you are and figure out if he actually needs you.
11. Attract him with your talents
A guy can go crazy about you if you surprise him with your talent. Of course, he likes you for who you are but you can make him stick with you forever if he learns that you are talented. Let him know what you do with your innate gifts and he will admire the woman you are. You can, for instance, play piano in front of him or compose a love song and dedicate it to him. Dance if you can and make him happy.
12. Red color attracts a man
Studies have pointed out a fundamental element of sexual attraction, which is the red color. The rationale for this connection is no mystery. Red depicts eroticism and passion. There are ways you can use the red color: wear a red dress, paint your hand and feet nails red, give him red roses, ask for red wine, or buy him a red present. Red boosts the attraction between a male and a female. The message it carries is sexually related and that’s why some men think that a woman in red shows her readiness to make love. Do not be surprised if you find him asking intimate questions if you are wearing a red gown.
13. Argue once in a while
You don’t need to agree with him always for you to develop a happy relationship. At work, he might do things you cannot accept or like and you have the right to take a stance. Even the most compatible partners in life have their differences because people are not the same. A small conflict will catch him off-guard but he will respect your position if you are reasonable. Don’t forget that he wants a flirty and fun girl. Let your conversations be intellectual and give him your best. If you are a woman who knows how to control herself emotionally, how can he not be attracted to you?
14. Send him suggestive texts and pictures
A carefully composed text message is more powerful than a naked photo of you. The language and the pictures don’t have to be dirty to have him wanting you. Just create an open-ended message like “I think it would be fun if you and I do the project…..” An open-ended statement, which doesn’t sexually hint anything, would leave him imagining things and he will yearn for more. The good side of it is that your innocent statement cannot be used against you if anything turns wrong along the way.
15. Do not be a snob
Physical beauty is attractive but not everything. Guys care more about how you present yourself. So you must find a balance between your looks and your behavior, lest you become a roller-coaster looking for men’s approval. Men don’t find such women irresistible as they seem insecure. This is what you should do: put efforts into your inner beauty. He will be more responsive if you are well-behaved, patient, kind, understanding, emotionally stable, and friendly.
16. Too much make-up will not attract him
If you think that a fake tan will have his eyes fixated on you all day long, you are so wrong. Fake skin tones are awful and they are some of the guys’ biggest bugbears. They are annoying and a man will run away seeing an approaching lady with a fake tan. On the other hand, applying too many beauty products on your face is a complete turn-off. Even though he doesn’t wear makeup, he can tell when you have applied excess foundation or eye-shadow. Be very careful with the type of lipstick you choose. Avoid glossy, glittering, and shouting colors. Going out with him is not a make-up contest so keep it minimal. Also, too much perfume is not healthy: it is not a mosquito spray for the love of God. You might make him sneeze and subsequently turn him off. Even if you have a zeal for a certain scent, it doesn’t mean that he’ll like it.
17. Express love for life
There is no significant word like love. There are two kinds of women on earth: those who live in love and those who live in fear. The latter are express bitterness, worries, disappointments, anxiety, and loneliness. Emotionally negative qualities are the things that kill a man’s attraction for a woman. Naturally, a guy is drawn to a woman who lives for love because she is positive, creative, and happy in every sphere of her life whether she’s at work, school, or going out. You may have negative experiences in life but you don’t have to be submerged in guilt, self-pity, endless fear, or anxiety. Instead, celebrate, dance, and have fun at any chance you get - that is how you express love. Learn how to live a positive love life and men will be dying to date you.
The present world is full of surprises. Dating rules have changed and it is not uncommon for women to become the pursuers. It wouldn’t hurt to hit on a single, handsome guy of any age between 20 and 35. But do not show desperation because he will ignore you instantly. Make sure that you chase a man only for a stable relationship as opposed to a casual friendship. Men love physically attractive women but if you forget to carry yourself elegantly, your chances of having him will be very minimal. Learn how to handle situations like an adult and stay away from crazy stuff. Be a happy and humorous woman and don’t forget to show independence. Note that there is an element of attractiveness in you and it’s a mixture of all the above points.