10 Money Spells Chants That Will Attract Wealth Immediately
You can attract money into your life through powerful money chants. All you need to do is believe in the spell and it can even have immediate results.
Jul 24, 2018

Money spells and chants that actually work
Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who are benefiting from casting money spells. To do this, you have to try and believe in the kind of vibrations that you send out in the world. If you do it right and have the right ingredients for your spells, then good things are bound to happen in your life. Some of the money spells show immediate success while others take time. Either way, having the right mindset is the most important thing if you want to cast money spells successfully. Also, remember to carefully follow the directions of each ritual to complete the spell and make it very powerful. It goes without saying that there are a wide variety of money spells that you can use. Pick out the ones that you feel will work out for you perfectly and without any hitches. Some money spells are more powerful than others. So, apart from picking the money spells that you feel will work out for you, try to consider your urgency. Always go for the spells you feel will work within your desired time period, either immediate or long-term. And if you find it a little confusing, don’t be shy about asking for help from a professional spell caster. They are always willing to help beginners and share their spell knowledge.
1. Chanting lottery money spells
As far as chanting money spells goes, the lottery money spell is arguably the most interesting of them all. Naturally, you will be required to have some ingredients with you. These ingredients should include a candle (preferably a green one, symbolizing dollar bills), and 6 coins. You should also have a flat surface on which you can conduct your spell casting, i.e., a table. The chant for the lottery money spell is quite easy. As soon as you have your hands on the right ingredients, arrange the 6 coins in a circular shape with the green candle in the middle. Then go ahead and chant your heart out saying “money flow, money grow, money shine and the money mine!” Do the chanting while the candle is burning and let it burn out. Remember to conjure a mental picture that you are about to win big. And who knows? You just might! Picture yourself winning a lot of money to the point that you can’t pick it all up. Have a positive mind and it will attract nothing but good things for you. You might not win the million-dollar jackpot, but if you do this right, you might end up winning something. Pick up the coins after the candle burns out and carry them everywhere you go. And try feeling good while you are at it to boost your positive, money-attracting vibes!
2. Immediate money spell – chant cash into your pockets!
We all hate two things - overspending and losing money. That said, imagine being so powerful that you can chant money back into your pockets? Wouldn't that be the coolest thing in the whole wide world? Thankfully, there is a spell that can do just that! As long as you have the right mindset, ingredients, and willpower, then you can successfully pull this money spell off. You'll need an ingredient or two for this incredibly powerful money spell to work. These will include a white candle, some salt, and a handful of coins. The first step of this spell will involve arranging the coins in a circular shape over a table or altar (or just a table because we don’t want to look weird and stuff). Place the candle in the middle. Before you even light up the candle, remember to pour out some salt inside the circle of coins. This is meant to appease the spirits and ward off bad mojo. Then light up your candle. Proceed with the chanting, making sure that you mean each and every word you chant. Chant something close to feeling nice and being rich - knowing full well that you are going to feel that way soon enough. Make sure that your feelings and what you are saying are always in line. Fake it till you make it baby!
3. Chanting 101: Act to attract money spell
Apart from sounding catchy, the act to attract money spell has also been known to work as impressively as it rhymes. This is one of the simplest money spells that every person, including the beginners, can successfully pull off without breaking a sweat! It works on the principle of becoming what you believe in. So, if you believe that you’re about to earn some money, then you are most certainly going to, sooner rather than later. The most important ingredient as far as this money spell is concerned is your vibrations. If you believe that you’re already rich, then you’ll definitely attract wealth. This kind of mindset is very powerful because its effects happen to be immediate. This money spell will also help you learn the art of gratitude, which is a very important aspect of life. You can add some “flavor” to your money spell by chanting that you are happy and appreciative about getting money in abundance. Do this when you get paid or when you are gifted with money. Chanting that you are grateful and that money is well on its way to your life will work just fine. Gratitude is powerful because it has a way of realigning the universe with your vibes and in the end, get more money coming your way. You should also be grateful whenever you save money, regardless of how little or how much it might be. At the end of the day, gratitude helps you learn some financial discipline, which is always a good thing.
4. The bay leaf money spell chant
Before kick-starting this money spell, you will need to gather all the necessary ingredients. The bay leaf symbolizes money, you know, thanks to its green pigment that makes it look like a dollar bill. You must have a bay leaf before initiating your chanting and incantations. Apart from the bay leaf, make sure that you have your hands on all of the required ingredients; you will also need some banknotes, a jar, and a flower pot. It also helps to have a positive and optimistic mindset so that you can attract money into your life. Carrying out the spell is simple since all you need to do is write down the amount of money you want and put this wish in the jar. Pick out seven bank notes, placing them in the jar. Make sure that you are using your right hand when picking the bank notes. Then close your eyes and begin chanting, uttering that you need the money, that the money shines and the money rings. Chant some more, saying that you will get money from all quarters, including quarters you do not wish to get from. Once you finish chanting, for your wealth to grow, place the lid on the jar right after writing your name on the bay leaf and tossing it into the jar. With all the ingredients in the jar, hide the jar somewhere secret. Always remember to put a bank note inside every day. And once you have acquired the targeted amount, bury the paper that holds your wish in a flower pot. This signifies money growing into your life for immediate and continuous success.
5. Money spells – chanting cash into your wallet
This particular money spell is very, very powerful. At first, the only ingredient you'll need to get your hands on is a very expensive wallet. Make sure that the wallet is either gold, black, red, brown, yellow, or orange in color for the money spell to be successful. Once you have your expensive wallet in one of the above-stated colors – which represent precious metals - you can then proceed to the next step of this money spell. Get your hands on some money and put it in your wallet. Make sure that the money in the wallet is neatly arranged. Neatness allows for energy to flow in a way that appeases the forces of the universe which will, in turn, bring you more money. Complete the money spell by asking the forces of the universe to attract more cash into your wallet and life in general. Believe in the chant and watch the money grow before your very eyes.
6. Chanting lunar money spell
In case you didn't know, the full moon is very powerful and a great way to add some oomph to your spells. So, it goes without saying that your number one ingredient for the lunar money spell is none other than the full moon. If you successfully chant this money spell, then the effect can be immediate. But first of all, you need to have your mind in the right place. To pull off this very powerful money spell, you will first need to remove a wick from a new candle and set it on fire on both sides. Then, proceed with your chanting, uttering that your eternal spirit is marked with gold, silver, and goodness. Believe in each and every word you utter and witness your intentions unfold right before your eyes. Once you are done chanting, put the wick out as quickly as you can. And in order for money to follow you, you will need to carry it everywhere you go. Remember, you need to believe in every word you say.
7. Chant a simple money spell
This happens to be among those money spells that anyone can do. It is very easy and, if done correctly, the effects are immediate. Before commencing with your chant, you will need these ingredients: a bowl of water, a coin (preferably a silver coin), and a wallet to keep the coin after successfully carrying out the money ritual. You need to wait for the full moon before beginning your spell and your chant. Get the ingredients together and toss the silver coin into the water. Hold the bowl of water with your left hand while using your right hand to circle it slowly in a clockwise motion while chanting. In your chant, ask the Goddess of the Moon to fill your life with silver and gold. Beseech her to fill up your wallet at all times. Again, you must mean everything you say for the results to be immediate. Put the coin into your wallet, allowing the magic to flow after you are done repeating the chant three times. Spill the water on the ground and wait for your money from the universe.
8. The energy flow money spell
The energy flow from the universe is what makes money spells (or any spells for that matter) very powerful. For this money spell, you will need two green candles, a couple of coins, and a silver bowl as ingredients. Imagine your bowl is filled to the brim with money before moving forward with the money spell. Arrange the candles beside the bowl, then place the coins around it in a clockwise manner. As you do so, start chanting in order to complete one of the most powerful money spells ever. Say how much you need the shiny money to flow into your life and do so in abundance. Ask the shiny money to flow and to multiply in your life every single day.
9. The immediate money spell chant
The only ingredient that is required for this money spell is a green candle. But before you do anything with it, make a point of writing down all of your needs on a piece of paper. This should be about what you feel you ought to be doing with your tons of money. Next, proceed to ask your inner self to believe in what you have written as you wrap the paper, light the green candle up, and place a coin next to it. Do this right and the effect might be immidiate. And to make this money spell even more powerful, you’ll need to chant, declaring that all you want is already yours. Keep on believing and it will work for you like the charm it already is!
10. Use mint for money chanting spells
Mint isn’t just medicinal; for centuries, it has been believed to have powers that ward off evil spirits and negative vibes. And for this particular reason, mint has been incorporated into chanting as far as money spells are concerned. Using mint as you chant your money spells into effect is quite easy, meaning that anyone can pull it off. For this money spell chanting ritual, you will be required to have mint, some fire or a fireplace, and warm wax. Another ingredient you'll need is a reflux bowl. You'll also need a glass jar, a handful of coins, and a yellow wax candle. Once you have carried out the spell and finished with the chanting, expect your spell to work almost immediately. To kick-start your money spell, throw the mint into the fire and let its refreshing smell fill up the room for a couple of minutes. Or set it ablaze in the reflux bowl for convenience. Burn the candle and wipe the wax on the mint ash, which symbolizes the four points of a compass. Pick up a coin and place it in your wallet. Then imagine good things happening to you, like having your wallet filled to the brim with so much money that some is pouring out from the sides. Once you are done with your spell, proceed with chanting and professing that you are about to experience an influx of money. You are going to be successful and rich. Let your imagination go wild and it will definitely work out in your favor.
In conclusion, a lot has been said about powerful money spells. Many people believe that they are nothing but a waste of time, while others believe in their power. Either way, those who believe in money spells and chant them correctly seem to be experiencing a lot of monetary gains. The good news is that you can become a believer as well and change your luck almost immediately. All you need to do is focus on what really matters – attracting more money. If you aren’t a spiritually inclined person, don't sweat it. And if you are a rookie, always go for the chant that doesn’t involve a lot of planning, preparations, and arrangements. The truth is that there are quite a number of spells that will help your luck with money take a turn for the better. At the end of the day, it helps to be a willing learner. You will also have to be a tad careful when carrying out your spells. This is because skipping a single step or doing it all wrong can result in the entire money spell backfiring. So, don’t shy away asking for help if you need it! And as stated in the beginning, there are so many spellcasting gurus offering free spell casting advice online. You can get in contact with one and get a response immidiately.