Top 21 Signs That Can Tell If A Shy Guy Likes You
Do you want to know whether the shy-guy-next-door likes you? Find out from these 21 sure-shot signs that can tell if he likes you or not.
Jul 24, 2018

Everyone has feelings, even shy guys
If a guy is shy, it doesn't mean that he cannot have feelings for you. Invariably, shy guys have a different way of expressing their feelings of love. They are not too boisterous or showy about it and most of the times, you won't even know about it until a very long time. They will never be verbal about it or tell you directly, but they can surely reveal through their body language. Their nervous ways will attract you towards them and you can tell that they like you. Find out from these 21 sure-shot signs if you attract a shy guy:
1. You find him staring at you often
If a guy is shy, it doesn't mean that he cannot have feelings for you. Invariably, shy guys have a different way of expressing their feelings of love. They are not too boisterous or showy about it and most of the times, you won't even know about it until a very long time. They will never be verbal about it or tell you directly, but they can surely reveal through their body language. Their nervous ways will attract you towards them and you can tell that they like you. Find out from these 21 sure-shot signs if you attract a shy guy:
2. You will find him close to you
A shy guy who likes you will try and be in close proximity of you, under the strangest of pretexts. While they cannot propose love directly to you, they will give you signs without being verbal. You will often find the shy guy, who secretly likes you, always around you whether you are in the playground, classroom, office, canteen or library. Maybe, you should make the first move and try to start a conversation with him.
3. Gifts and cards from your shy lover
If you get some anonymous gifts and cards at your doorstep or in the classroom, then be sure that it is from your secret admirer. He is just too shy to write his name and does these crazy things to convey his love for you. You might get very confused about this secretive guy but if you read the signs well, you will surely find out who your shy admirer is.
4. Friends tease and nudge your shy guy when you enter
Your shy guy must have told all his friends about his crush on you. Often you find a group of friends teasing and nudging a guy when you pass by. You will be the last person to know about his feelings for you, but the entire class or office knows about his feelings. Perhaps, he is scared of rejection or is just too shy to speak to you directly.
5. He will follow you on his bike or car
You can tell that a guy likes if you find him following you on his bike or car often after class or office. They try to convey their feelings through these antics. Make things easier for him and propose to him yourself if you like him too.
6. You will find the shy guy at your favorite hangout joints
Your secret admirer will always be present at your favorite hangout joints in the hope of meeting you or talking to you. Do you notice any such guy who is always around whenever you go to your favorite pizza parlor? How come he is always there?
7. A guy who likes you will talk to your best friends
A shy guy who likes you will find out all about you from your best friends. All your favorite stuff; your routine and your current boyfriends, if any, will be known to him. You are the center of his world and while he cannot talk to you directly, he will make sure he knows all about you from others.
8. Your shy guy will get protective about you
If your guy finds any other guy misbehaving with you, he will get very protective about you and might even end up fighting with him for you. This kind of behavior comes only out of a feeling of protectiveness for you. Perhaps, you should appreciate him and thank him for helping you out.
9. A shy guy who likes you will blush when you talk to him
You can tell that a guy likes you if he blushes when you talk to him. He might just not believe it that his crush is talking to him directly and it will leave him blushing. If you find him redden or his pupils dilate, you could tell that the guy likes you. The guy will run away from you whenever you try to make any conversation because he is just too shy.
10. His body language will tell you that he likes you
You could tell by the guy's weird body language that he likes you. Maybe, he will drop things, fidget with something or act clumsily if you are near him. He might behave just too awkward if you are around. This happens because he might get super-excited if you are near and has no control over his emotions.
11. He likes you if he does small favors for you
You shy guy and secret lover will try to please you doing small favors for you. Fetching drinks, food, books or reserving a seat are all small gestures he might do in order to convey his feelings for you.
12. He will try to talk to you often if he likes you
Your shy guy will try to initiate small talk with you if he likes you. You can tell by the way he tries to make conversation on small matters that he likes you and likes talking to you. Perhaps, you should also ask him about his interests and hobbies if you like him too. The guy who is hiding behind his shy face might be a really interesting guy to know; maybe you need to make the first move to know him better.
13. He will try to attract you with his actions
For shy guys, actions speak louder than words. They will try to excel in small tasks and do brave things only to impress you. They are going through a tough ordeal all the time wanting to talk to you, but lacking the guts for it.
14. He likes you if he is nervous around you
You can tell that a guy likes you if he gets very nervous around you. He might suddenly start behaving clumsily or awkwardly. This kind of nervousness comes because they want to appear cool and do everything right in front of you, but are unable to do it.
15. If he smiles a lot, you know he is attracted
You can tell that he likes you if he smiles a lot at you. He is trying to show his interest and attraction by smiling because he is too shy to begin any conversation. Perhaps, you should ease his ordeal by talking to him yourself. That will comfort him too.
16. He might change his looks often
You can judge his attraction if he changes his hairstyle and looks too often. He is doing so to impress you and you should get the cue from it.
17. If he shares his secrets with you, he likes you
You share secrets with someone only when you really like and trust a person. He is trying to attract you towards himself with these cute gestures. Perhaps, you could share a secret of yours too with him.
18. He shows interest in your actions
Whatever you do, you will always have him appreciate your efforts or your work. He likes whatever you do and shows interest in all your actions. You can tell that he likes you if he supports you in whatever you do.
19. He does not like it when you mention other guys
You can tell if a guy likes you if he gets too irritated whenever you mention other guys. This happens because he gets too possessive about you and is scared that you mentioning other guys might mean that you like them instead of him. He wants you all to himself.
20. A shy guy will connect via social media
He will send you friend requests and will 'like' and 'comment' on all your posts. It is easier to connect via social media and he will even talk to you on social media. He will talk to you a lot online, but is scared to begin a face-to-face conversation.
21. He will remember small details about you
You can tell that a shy guy likes you if he remembers your birthdays and other special occasions all too well. There might be days when you forget about your special occasions, but he will never forget. Apart from birthdays, a shy guy will remember what you wore on a particular day, your clothes the day he first saw you, your little habits and every smallest detail about you, which even you might have not noticed.
A shy guy will give you mixed signals and confuse you. Confrontation is not their forte. You will have to find out from the above-mentioned signs to see if he likes you or not. Such people are very soft at heart and have genuine feelings for people. You can trust such people and always find in him a confidant as well as a dear friend. They will go beyond their limits to do small favors for you. It's you who matters to them foremost and they will make it visible to you with their actions. They are patient and understanding and will always listen to you. But they are too scared of rejection or refusal from your side and hence do not make the first move until its very obvious to them what your intentions are. You can perhaps play a game with him showing him your interest, while he shows you his till you persuade him to come up and propose to you. Or you could play boldly and perhaps ask him out yourself. That way, you two could save valuable time thinking about who should make the first move and instead, spend some good time together. You could ask his friends as they will definitely tell you about his interest in you and once you know for sure, perhaps, you can propose to him yourself. After trying to figure out from the above-mentioned signs, if you find even 12 of them in the affirmative, then, maybe, you could ask him yourself. There is no harm and no hell will break lose if he refuses. At least, it will put an end to your confusion and you can focus on someone else. Next time you find a shy guy who likes you secretly and you too have the same feelings for him, perhaps you can tell him about your interest in him first rather than waiting for him to make the first move.