10 Great Kissing Tips For Guys
Do you want your lady to see your seductive and charming side? You want to be the guy of her dreams? Try these 10 memorable kissing tips.
Jul 24, 2018

Most guys prefer more advice on taking girls to bed than how to kiss! To them, kissing is just an appetizer and they just want to get straight to the real act. But for a woman to say yes for an intercourse, it requires some stimulation. So, it is worth putting in a little effort in bringing up the foreplay games. Kisses make a huge impression on girls and statistics show that good kissers do better in sustaining long-term relationships.
Different kissing styles and tips for guys
A kiss can mean different things to a woman, depending on the intensity and where she gets kissed. But no matter the style, be it for friendship, greetings, or passion, a kiss builds a unique connection between two people. Some guys think that the face is not the only place reserved for kisses. However, a lot of areas are receptive to kisses. Check out the various ways to kiss your gal.
I. Declare your affection with a forehead kiss guys
This is one of the ladies’ favorites. It is a starter kiss or a sign of deep friendship. What she translates from this is that you adore her brain. It is an emotional spot, where she feels soothed and cared for. Believe it or not, she will tremble the first time you place your lips on her forehead. It sounds simple and might not be the thing for the bedroom, but she will appreciate it forever. Do it any time she feels low or after a long day of work.
II. Show your commitment by kissing her cheeks
A romantic relationship is based on love and commitment. A peck on the cheek means a lot. Make sure that you kiss her cheek every time you greet her. This style is for the beginner stage. This is a tone-setter for the next romantic thing. Traditionally, a lady expects you to fulfill your role as a man and a peck on the cheek means that you will always be there for her.
III. Tease her to build anticipation
This is where you kiss her and pull away like you are playing games. If you want to make her want more, build the anticipation with a teasing kiss. Just ensure that she knows you are teasing her as opposed to evading her. By the time your lips touch her, she will be shivering and this is the time to move your lips closer to hers, but stop for a moment. Your breath should be touching your lips and in case she tries to reach for more, pull back for a second longer. This will surely work for you as it shows that you are experienced.
IV. Arouse her with a nibble kiss
Do you want to arouse a girl with a soft kiss? A nibble kiss is one of the cutest and most sensual kisses to give to a woman. They are gentle and can never ruin an intimate relationship. It is a thrilling way to begin a make-out session and set the mood for more intense activities.
Tips for kissing her lightly for guys
Plunging inelegantly into a French kiss is a pathetic way to start kissing. You cannot put your tongue inside right away. It signifies lack of control and a messed-up behavior. It is pretty annoying, so don’t be in a hurry. The best way to begin is by a nibbling action. Take one lip at a time and do not start sucking her mouth yet. Kiss her lower lip softly and move to the upper one with the same intensity. If she tries to suck your lips, do not let her. This is a preparation to a more passionate kiss.
V. Express passion with a French kiss
You have probably seen this in movies, where a man and a lady in a relationship stare at each other for a moment, while they build tension for the next magical moment. It is one kiss you want to give to a girl you have been courting for a while - a girl you are in love with. It is one of the most passionate ways to express love. It sets two people in the mood for romance, whereby a lot of tongue action is involved. To French kiss your girl, first lock your lips with hers and let the flow be natural. You might ruin the action by rushing things up. Go ahead and shove your tongue into her mouth; reach her tongue. The idea is to get carried away by the emotions and you need plenty of mastery to do this.
French kissing tips for guys
VI. Have close proximity with her
A French kiss is a big transition and so you have to start it in the right way. There are many ways to get close to her without intimidating her. You can pick a romantic movie, for instance, and sit with her on the couch or take her to a secluded place where you both enjoy a walk. The other way is to lie down on the bed as you narrate stories. To kiss her, you have to be close enough in a way that your faces touch.
VII. Look into her eyes
If you are a shy guy, you will need some tips on how to show confidence. Stare directly into her eyes, with a dreamy look and stay silent for a while. Then move your eyes from her eyes to her lips and do it slowly, so that you don’t seem weird. If she really wants to kiss you, you will know because she will also glance at your mouth or smile at the same time. Moving your eyes from her lips to her eyes gives a signal to her mind. The signal is - you want a kiss. Then, lean forward and close your eyes. As you reach for her lips, be strategic and slow. Just make sure your eyes are shut completely. You must touch her to build up tension and make sure she is comfortable with it. Experts say that direct eye contact is a way of fostering an intimate relationship.
VIII. Dive in; that's the moment
If she starts breathing heavily and reaches for more, it’s time you grab her hands. At this point, the two of you cannot contain your feelings for each other and it is the perfect time to dial up the heat. Begin softly to keep her emotionally primed. Touch her lips with yours and then open your mouth. To make it cozy, tilt your head slightly. This is the time when you need to get passionate. She needs to see how good you are at French kissing. Get deeper, closer and harder. Switch your games from teasing, nibbling, lip biting, to aggressive tongue actions. Just because you can kiss her entire mouth, it doesn’t mean that you have to do it the entire session. Doing the same thing for long is going to bore her and you bet that’s the last thing you want. Shuffle the kissing techniques and for different periods of time, without diving in too erratically from one style to the other. Occasionally, change your head angle.
IX. Kiss her sensitive areas; be in control
If she starts breathing heavily and reaches for more, it’s time you grab her hands. At this point, the two of you cannot contain your feelings and it is the perfect time to dial up heat. Begin softly to keep her emotionally primed. Touch her lips with yours and then open your mouth. To make it cozy, tilt your head slightly. This is the time when you need to get passionate. She needs to see how good you are at French kissing. Get deeper, closer and harder. Switch your games from teasing, nibbling, lip-biting, to aggressive tongue actions. Just because you can kiss her entire mouth, it doesn’t mean that you have to do it the entire session. Doing the same thing for long is going to bore her and you bet that’s the last thing you want. Shuffle the kissing techniques. A woman gets more attracted to a guy who knows how to take control. No way should you let her kiss you first. If you show her that you are the man in control, she will take things in the most exciting and fulfilling way. Here are some exciting tips on where to kiss a woman. a. Fingers: Her fingertips are very sensitive as they contain a lot of nerve endings. You can suck them to show her your oral skills and while you do it, be gentle. b. Nape of her neck: The neck is quite vulnerable when it comes to sexual arousal. To kiss her neck, lift up her hair and nibble the soft skin. She will get goose bumps, especially when you blow some cold air over the skin. c. Breast nipples: Kissing her nipples will make her feel more aroused and as a result, there will be more production of the love hormone - oxytocin. Nipples are connected to the reproductive organs and their stimulation sends sexual pleasure to her genitals. As you kiss her nipples, caress her breasts softly. d. Ears: Auditory stimulation is very exciting. She will feel tingled any time you kiss the skin behind her ears or nibble her earlobes. You can also whisper some sweet or naughty words, just to arouse her more.
X. Touch her spontaneously
Did you know that the nerve endings of a woman’s private parts start from her lower back? This is a good spot to touch her while kissing, but do not go straight into it. If she loves it when you place your hands on her hips, try moving them down and note her reaction. If she gets closer, it means she loves the idea. This intimate gesture will make your girl hot, without her feeling awkward. There are several tips to touch her spontaneously.
While kissing, a guy should touch a woman right
Your touches must be flexible. You have to know what she likes and what she doesn’t. However, you need rock-solid confidence and unwavering self-assurance. It may be tough if you are new to her, but be sure to touch her in ways that really work. It is more likely that your woman doesn’t know that you want to touch, so be as romantic as you can. Do not grab her all of a sudden: rather, make it gradual and slow. The last thing you want to do is startle her. At this level, the two of you will have transitioned to a sexual kiss … to the point of being turned on and dying to make love. If she wants more, don’t hesitate; to give it to her but do not push her into something she doesn’t want.
Final tips
After you meet an amazing woman and have a great conversation, you obviously feel something in the air. You cannot really tell if she wants you, but you want some action to happen and one of them is kissing. Perhaps, she wants it too. So, you have to look for tips that will impress her. There is something you need to know: do not wait for intimacy to happen; make it happen. Play your cards well as a real gentleman and step up your intimate games. Know that she will be gauging you according to how you perform and you need to create an exciting moment, even as your lips touch hers. Kiss her like never before and she will be coming for more.